Songwriters in Seattle

2013 NWME Awards Winners Announced

At the 3rd Annual Songwriters in Seattle BBQ and 1st Northwest Music Experience Awards, 14 performers entertained the crowd along with the presentation of all 40 awards finalists! From each category of 5 finalists, a winner was announced based on votes from 100 invited judges from within the music community. All finalists in attendance received a certificate in recognition of their submitted song, and winners were presented with a trophy and a prize based on their category. The winners and their associated prizes are as follows:

BluesThat’s the Truth by Roo Forrest, $75 gift certificate to American Music
World MusicPerpetual Leader by Blake Noble, $75 gift certificate to American Music
Hip Hop/R&BKeep Going by Sheldon Botler, $75 gift certificate to American Music
Heavy RockSecret Handshake by Christina Cramer/In Cahoots Band, $75 gift certificate to American Music
CountryDiamond Rings by Alden Witt, $75 gift certificate to American Music
Classic/Alt RockGet Some Love by Jeff Hamel/SweetKiss Momma, Tascam DP-2 Digital Portastudio with case and tutorial DVD
Folk/AmericanaReady For The Dark by Larry Murante, Fat Head BE ribbon microphone from Cascade Microphones
Pop/Light RockThe Way it Seemed by Sophia Duccini, 10 hours recording/mixing with Stephen Sherrard at DBAR Productions

(Prize associations/determinations were made related to the number of initial submissions for a particular category, donated prizes, and event budget)

Congratulations to all our finalists and winners! If you were not in attendance, please e-mail to arrange for pickup of certificates and prizes.

About the Author
SiS Administrator

Songwriters in Seattle is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with over 4,000 members supporting the community of Pacific Northwest songwriters through events that foster creative development, collaboration, music education, and performance.