We hope you will join us for the Songwriters in Seattle 2020 Spring Songwriting Retreat!
Register now by filling out the short form below and sending the registration price of $249 via Paypal to donations@songwritersinseattle.com – take a shortcut by clicking the “Donate” button on the sidebar —>
Special guest instructors:
Detailed weekend schedule:
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation prior to April 12th = 50% refund. Cancellation after April 12 = no refund
Explanation: We are continually making plans to accommodate the number of confirmed attendees, and cancellations cost us time and money. After April 12th (2 weeks before the event), we are confirming specifics with Pilgrim Firs and will have paid for your reservation there.

Coming Soon:
- Attendee details
- More!
Please send any questions about this special weekend long event to chris@songwritersinseattle.com