Songwriters in Seattle


Songwriters in Seattle is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization which supports the community of Pacific Northwest independent artists through events that foster creative development, collaboration, music education, and performance.

Songwriters and those who wish to be more involved with songwriting are invited to join us for free at where all events and communication are managed.

  • SiS Featured Artist: Laura Berman

    “Do one thing each day that scares you” – Eleanor Roosevelt For Pacific Northwest songwriter Laura Berman, this quote embodies her approach to her music and her life. While she acknowledges that there are scary things that should be avoided, many of our scary things are self-created. “Your instincts are smart and generally on-point, so…

  • Am I a Liar?

    NOTE FROM EDITOR: This is companion piece to Are You a Liar?, an opinion piece submitted by David Guilbault. If you haven’t read that piece yet, we’d suggest you start there, then come back here. It is our sincere hope that you will read both pieces and then respond via email to Lucid responses may be published. 


    Am I a liar? You bet! I lie with regularity in songwriting. Well… exaggerate, make stuff up, talk about things that I can only dream of, fantasize about imaginary gobbledygook.

    Here’s the deal – there is nothing like songwriting to key into the listeners emotions with stories real, made up, or imagined. I would not want to limit myself to one style, and I sure do love having my artistic license that I like to use to my own advantage.

    Just thinking back to some tunes, I’ve written songs about capturing a Wombat, about the Bigfoot, a coyote, a seller at Pike Place market, and on and on. I’ve also bared my soul with pain and sorrow and written some mostly biographical goofy stuff.

    Here are some lines from 4 different songs:

    • “We’ve got brains as big as meatloaves but they do not think a thing.”
    • We held a rock above our gleaming eyes and then we had a thought that made the monkey wise”
    • “We could turn these stars to monsters or to glimmers in our eyes”
    • “I said oh yeah I can I can be your Kahoona Woo Hoo.”

    Hey – and that’s NOTHING.

    As for love…

    Yeah, love is a fantasy, The most marvelous, all-consuming, terrifying, and most captivating of all the emotions, in my humble opinion, and so is a never ending source of song inspiration, both real and imagined.

    I choose both fiction mixed with truth and pure fiction without truth. Sorry folks, I just want to surprise you, or tell you something, or even tear your heart out. That’s songwriting to me.

    How about your songs? Are they honest are they fantasy? I’d ‘love’ to hear what you think…

  • Meet the Host: Saral Navlakha

    Saral Navlakha is launching a new recurring event on our calendar, so we decided to interview him and share with you why he is taking this on.

    To begin, Saral, tell us a little about your music.

    “My name is Saral and I am primarily a singer these days. I joined Songwriters in Seattle several years ago and was impressed by the caliber of musicians and the sense of community engendered by the group. However, after being in a few traditional rock bands, I took a multi-year hiatus from SiS to explore new genres and find a fresh musical direction that allows me to express myself in more dynamic ways. For the last two years, I have been taking voice lessons and playing with different sounds. A few months ago, I finally found a style that felt right: experimental electronic music! I like this space because it allows me to incorporate operatic, contemporary, and avant garde vocal approaches. Artists that currently inspire me include Zola Jesus, Nostalghia, ANOHNI, Chelsea Wolfe, Sigur Rós, and Björk.”

    And now you are back to Songwriters in Seattle?

    “Yes, that is exactly right. Though I have studied and played many different genres, I want to dive deeper into electronic music. Consequently, I decided to reengage with SiS a few weeks ago with the goals of meeting, learning from, and collaborating with artists with similar interests. After talking to a few active SiS members, I realized I could meet these goals by creating my own event.”

    “Inspired by the existing SiS feedback events, Electronic Song Share will bring together artists working in any electronic genre for the purpose of sharing original songs and receiving feedback. The idea is to go around the room and spend approximately 15 minutes listening to and constructively discussing each song. Each individual may request feedback on specific song elements such as mix/production, song structure, instrumentation, vocals, et cetera. The beauty of this event is that everyone learns from everyone’s songs!

    You mentioned that this was inspired by an existing SiS feedback event. Do you plan to remain involved in these other events as well as hosting your own?

    “Absolutely! I see Electronic Song Share as a complement to existing SiS events. Given the genre I am working in, one of my core challenges is writing songs that are experimental while remaining accessible. Receiving feedback from diverse groups is a great way to overcome this challenge. Not to mention that both giving and receiving feedback is fun, exciting, and educational!”

    Well said, Saral, is there anything else you’d like to say to prospective attendees?

    “I hope to see you at the event!”


    Check out the official event page and RSVP now before all the slots are full.

  • Meet the Board: Todd Christoffel

    Todd Christoffel has been involved with Songwriters in Seattle nearly from the start, and joined the Songwriters in Seattle online membership on in 2008. As a board member, Todd hosted board meetings at his home for several years. He has been an event host, a supportive member providing invaluable help behind the scenes, and has performed solo or with his band, Don’t Ask, at many functions and events.

    Here is a little more about him, in his own words:

    When I was a kid, it was the heyday of the coffee house scene in the Chicago area; stuff like Steve Goodman at the Earl of Old town. I started writing songs in high school with a beatup old guitar that my brother left sitting around, and he invited me to go to his college coffee shop to play some of my original music. Well, just one time and I was hooked. I think I just sang a song called “I Wish I was a Toad”.

    When I was in college in Illinois, I didn’t really know what the heck I wanted to do, so I quit after a couple of years, packed up my Honda Civic, and drove down to Nashville. But I was pretty young and naïve and after meeting with a few people who generally showed interest I was told by one guy, “If you stick around a few years you probably could really go somewhere.” I was so young that a few years sounded like an eternity to me. I didn’t have a job, and I really didn’t have a good place to stay, so I hightailed it back home to get a “real job”. (Birth of the song “There was a Murder in Nashville”).

    I happened to be in love with my high school sweetheart, so I got married, got a real job, and decided that I would forget about music. Getting married was great, but the new job in Seattle wasn’t all that interesting and the “forgetting about music” part didn’t really work out. Seattle was a great place though, so we decided to stay. All the while though, I still kept writing and enjoying it and playing out at open mics, etc.

    I took a couple of courses in microbiology at the local community college, and I really enjoyed that, so I decided I would get a med tech degree at the UW and look for a job in hospitals. When I was interviewing, I talked to a rather famous blood researcher at the local blood bank, and we sort of hit it off. She offered me a job in research, which was just fine because working in a hospitals after my Internships in the med tech program was not all that appealing to me. So I now have a nice career in medical research… a career that I feel helps people and one that can pay the bills.

    At the blood bank, one of the techs in another department said, “Hey there’s another guy in the Crossmatch Lab who plays guitar. Maybe you two guys should get together.” So Cris Faget and I met up and started a partnership in music. We have played together now for over 25 years. We first had a group called String Theory, and after adding some members, we decided to call it Don’t Ask because we were tired of people asking us what kind of music we did. We recorded a couple of CDs, had a bit of limited success in Seattle, and then had members come and go and then come back again. We have really enjoyed playing music together. Playing in a band has really evolved the way I write to include rhythmic and melodic diversity. It just has changed the way I write, period.

    During the inception of Songwriters in Seattle, I was just surfing the web looking for songwriter stuff when I happened upon their meetup group. They were at the Pike Place market just doing their monthly meetings, and I really enjoyed the comraderie and the other writers’ music. There was a wonderfully committed core of folks that helped Songwriters in Seattle get started.

    One thing led to another, and it seemed like a really good fit for me. I felt as if I could help myself become a better writer and help other writers become better, so I’ve stuck with it all this time. It never ceases to amaze me the diversity of talent that walks through the doors during one of those monthly meetings. Meeting and playing and seeing all these amazing people is what I think keeps me coming back year after year. Also, we have some wonderful people who are involved and who are ever inspiring.

    Who knows what the future holds for Songwriters in Seattle? Maybe house concerts or “meet and greet” social events. There have been ambitious ideas that have been floated. For instance, maybe Songwriters in Seattle could run their own coffee house and use the funds to promote concerts and to further the songwriting community.

    Whatever lies ahead, being on the board has been good because it’s nice to feel like part of a larger community of like-minded individuals. It’s also nice to make new friends and hear new ideas, and being on the board allows you to shape the vision of what Songwriters in Seattle can become.

  • Getting Out of the Four Chord Rut

    Many would consider a four-chord-song to be a song with one completely unnecessary chord in it, and it is true that there are many brilliant three-chord-songs.

    Country songwriter Harlan Howard famously stated that all he needed was “three chords and the truth” and my mother-in-law used to joke that she only knew how to play three chords and a thousand songs, and that I seemed to know thousands of chords but only three songs.

    It would be fair to say that there are definitely a lot of ways, both simple and complex, to decorate our songs with harmony, and it is well worth our time to explore some options and detail some of the rules of the road when it comes to “chording up” our tunes.

    One of the first determinations, when looking for the greatest number of chord options for our song, is to establish what key that song is in. Determining key is easier with the help of the following chart which lists the names of the keys in the left column, lists the number of sharps and flats in the right column, and displays the chords indigenous to that key in the rows between. When attempting to establish which key a particular song is in, there are lots of criteria that music theorists factor into the equation, but in most cases we can simply state that “majority rules”. In other words, whatever key most of the chords are in, is a pretty good key to work within.

    If we determine that all (or at least most) of our chords are in a given key, then we can add, remove, shift, or replace any of the chords in our song with other chords from that same key. Although we are not guaranteed to like the result of every choice, we might find some chords that fit to our liking and some of those good choices will provide a foundation to work from as we add chords to the other parts of the song.

    As we continue to edit, we can then start to focus our chord selections by applying one of the many chord substitution techniques that are built right into the key system. A substitution technique that is fairly straightforward and easy to apply involves relative chords. The general concept of harmonic relation acknowledges that chords are considered similar to one another by having the most notes in common and therefore offer the greatest likelihood for success during substitution.

    For instance, a C chord is a relative to Am due to the two notes they share in common (c, e) and therefore they can substitute for one another almost always and with very little, or perhaps even no adjustment to the melody. Likewise, a Dm chord is related to an F chord and an Em is related to a G, all within the key of C. Numerically, we can more broadly state that the I chord is related to the vi chord, the ii to the IV chord, and the iii to the V chord in every key, which gives us a substitution platform that we can apply to any key we choose to write in.

    A terrific way to test drive this concept of relative harmonic substitution is to take a song you have already written in the key of C (or any other key using the chart above) and swap out the relative major and minor chords. You would then listen and assess the effect of each of the alterations. This may not necessarily increase the number of chords in our song but it will definitely get you more used to hearing your song framed in a new chord system that might challenge your initial choices as well as challenge the general feel of the song as well. Think of this as the training camp of chord substitution.

    As far as using relative substitution to increase our chord count, a great technique is to use the relative major and minor in each section that previously featured only one of the two chords. For instance, in a bar where we had previously been playing just a C chord, we would now try a split bar of C to Am, then try Am to C, and determine if either of those options is more likable than the original chord choice.

    I often teach the concept where we consider our songs initial chord progression to be an unchallenged ‘plan A’ until we have tried replacing the chords with at least three other progressions (plan B, plan C, plan D) to determine if there is a better progression available, at least with the options from this primary substitution concept of related majors and minors in splits and/or swaps. There are a few more ways to substitute harmony that are only slightly more complex than relative major/minor substitution that offer even more chord options. Let’s save those for another time.

    In the end, the goal of this exercise is to ‘rule in’ or ‘rule out’ that the best progression for our song is the 4-chord box pattern that we often initially use to bring our songs into existence.

  • Why You Should Learn How To Run A PA System

    Have you ever played an open mic and you couldn’t hear your vocals? Or maybe they were drowned out by your guitar?

    Have you ever tried getting a little more volume out of your guitar but it wouldn’t stop feeding back? Or maybe the guitar sounded good, but the vocal mic was feeding back in the monitors?

    Have you played an open mic where your guitar sounded fuzzy and distorted even though you wanted it to be crisp and clean? Or your vocals were really boomy or harsh?

    Have you been listening to a songwriter presenting their latest masterpiece but were unable to understand the words? Or the vocals were so loud to be heard over the guitar that the whole sound was mucky and harsh?

    As a performer or a host, knowing how to run a basic PA system is invaluable toward getting the best performance and the best response from the audience. Imagine if you were listening to the radio but it was really quiet and distorted. How would you know if you liked the song that was playing if you couldn’t really hear it clearly?

    I’ve played many open mics where the host had very little knowledge about running sound and as a result the music was imbalanced, distorted, glitchy, obnoxious, or worse. I rarely return to an open mic with poor sound, so if you are one of those people running a show, and you are trying to build a faithful following, then knowing how to produce good sound should be very important to you. It has been my experience that many seasoned professionals think that they know how to run sound, but have been doing it poorly for many years.

    If you have no formal training in sound, then it is likely that you are making mistakes that adversely affect the quality of your sound. How drastic these mistakes are can affect the sound slightly or very much. A basic understanding of the fundamentals of running live sound, which you can learn in an afternoon, can make a HUGE difference in the overall quality of your presentation. The great news is that you do not need a degree in sound engineering to run PA for live applications. A few simple concepts can make a profound difference.

    Also, as a performer, understanding the basics of running sound can help you to provide a quality signal to the person who is running sound, and make it much easier for them to create an excellent mix. You’ve spent years learning to play your instrument, learning to use your voice effectively, learning to write excellent lyrics and melodies over compelling chord progressions. Doesn’t it seem worthwhile to learn how to present all these skills in a more attractive way?

    There are a few basic concepts that radically influence the quality of the sound that comes out of the speakers. Here are a few of the most important:


    The most important idea is that you want a strong (but not too strong) signal at each step of the chain, from the mic or instrument, through the mixing board and into the amplifier, and finally out of the speakers. The technical term for the strength of the signal is ‘gain’. Properly managing the gain of your signal prevents distortion, feedback, hum and hiss, and other artifacts that make your sound less than optimal. Managing gain is a fairly simple process if you understand the signal chain and the steps involved but is the most common mistake that seasoned professionals make through simple ignorance. Don’t be that person, learn to manage the gain through your signal chain.


    Another common mistake is poor equalization of the signal. Poor EQ can cause voices to be boomy, harsh, or weak, and cause guitars to feedback, distort, or sound thin. Simple EQ concepts can also heighten the separation between voices and instruments and help them both be heard more clearly at lower volumes. Learn a little about this process and some simple steps to achieve more pleasing sounds.


    Another simple concept that can help everybody sound better and feel better about their performance is knowing how to set monitors. The general idea here is that you should only provide the performer with the sound that they need, which is often mostly vocals. You cannot sing accurately if you cannot hear yourself. Including the guitar or keys may be less important because it is likely that the performer can hear their instrument directly. That’s not to say that you should provide only vocals, but providing more vocals than instruments is one way of getting the performer(s) the needed sound support while avoiding feedback. At the same time, the performer needs to be able to hear the instruments well enough to sing in tune with them, so getting a reasonable balance is important. Fortunately, a little knowledge and practice can make a significant improvement.

    A few other important concepts are:

    • Prevent pops and bangs when turning equipment on and off
    • Avoid clicks and pops when plugging and unplugging instruments and mics
    • Treat microphones properly to avoid damage, feedback, ‘proximity effect’ and other unwanted artifacts
    • Place speakers for maximum effectiveness

    If you THINK you know how to run sound but have had any of these problems and didn’t know how to solve them, then you should probably take a few hours and learn to run a PA system. It’s not very difficult if you understand the basic concepts. Without that knowledge it is difficult to avoid common mistakes. Don’t be that person; your audience will be happier, your performers will be happier, and you will be happier.


  • Meet the Board: Chris Klimecky

    Chris Klimecky, Executive Director of Songwriters in Seattle, describes his own musical development as, “a long, slow evolution – even after 30 years, it is an inspiring and surprising process!”

    Here’s his story in his own words:

    Songwriting started for me when I was around 12 years old as a family collaboration activity where I grew up in northern Michigan: My older brother, Pete, wrote lyrics and I wrote the music. He also played bass and my cousin played drums while I did guitar and vocals in our band. During holidays when we could get together we’d set up a 4-track tape machine and record as much as we could – this went on through high school and the only shift in college was that we went into nicer studios. Once in a while I’d write a song all on my own, but for the great majority it was a collaboration, often with a keyboardist as well contributing on the musical side.

    Even when that “team” finally dissolved in the late 90’s after releasing two albums, I had enough lyrics from my brother stashed away that upon first moving to Seattle, my first solo album, Marooned, consisted of similar collaborations – I simply considered myself to be a music writer, not a lyric writer. I took about five years off after that release to start a family and dig into my career as a videogame producer.

    When I returned, I sought out new teammates for collaboration and discovered a nascent Songwriters in Seattle group. What I found there were people who opened my mind to new directions, new genres, and new ways of collaborating I never would have considered in my previous songwriting time. I also discovered I had learned over the years what makes good lyrics, and had something to say myself, which led not only to my editing those lyrics that were given to me to work with, but writing more and more myself. Over a three-year period I put together my most diverse group of songs in my catalog for my second solo record, Bankrupt Generation.

    This period of exploration actually resulted in intense focus afterward. I had confidence and vision for what I wanted to do musically and was driven to put together a new set of songs and recordings that reflected that vision with high quality. While there have been fewer songwriting collaborations since, they still play an important part of my most recent album and my current work. As I now do it all for charity, my “why” for writing, recording, and performing has become more meaningful, emotional, and personal. I continue to find joy and fulfillment in songwriting and collaborating.

    I was growing up in the music scene just as the industry/business side was falling apart due to the shift from people buying records/CDs to getting music cheap/free online. By the time I had something to offer there was no longer investment in young artists and artist development because there was no longer money to be made selling records. Though I spent many years in frustration over this situation, it resulted in experience that I could use to help others to perhaps have a better opportunity.

    Having always been a part of music and arts organizations (both private and larger public orgs/schools), I began to see that there was a possibility that community could play some of the role of support system that record labels previously handled. As Songwriters in Seattle grew and developed, it became more and more apparent that we were onto something with that line of thinking. Songwriters have the tendency these days to hole up in their homes or apartments with their instruments and computers, and just “DIY.” I know, I did it myself for a number of years. What Songwriters in Seattle offers is unlike anything else I know of in the area for encouraging and supporting creativity, the creation of art, and the support of independent artists. I think it’s really important work and I am proud to play a part in making it function and helping it grow.

    Some unexpected benefits of taking on this role (as board president) are discovering what a huge, wide range of independent talent we have in the area. It feels almost infinite! With so many great surprises and great people I’ve met through the years, it has really been fun and inspiring. It has definitely motivated me to think about how we can be a force for elevating these talented artists and allowing them to do more of what they are capable of doing. It’s so hard, so time consuming, and so expensive to be an independent artist – they need all the support they can get in order to keep developing.

    To help Songwriters in Seattle become even more effective, the two most important words for members are: SHOW UP! If everyone even picked one event per month to attend, we would have an elevated presence in the community. It would be more likely that each person could connect with someone who could help them personally. Share your knowledge, share your talent… this is not a competition. There is no one golden trophy to fight for – everyone’s on their own journey and we all do better when we help each other out.

    Logistically, if someone wanted to be more involved, we can always use more volunteers to host events, manage our online presence (which helps foster participation), contribute to the newsletter, coordinate instructors, festival communication, etc. There is far more to do than myself and the current board members can handle.

    Songwriters in Seattle is still a young organization (nine years total, six as a 501(c)3 non-profit), so there is still a lot to do in order to reach the potential of the impact we can have. One aspect of our long term vision is for us to have our own central location (in addition to events around the city, of course). There are multiple purposes for this – teaching space, collaboration space, recording space, “artist hangout” space, performance space… a true multi-purpose community location that represents and supports the needs of the organization and the artists we work to elevate.

    Whether you’re a hobbyist or professional (or seeking to be professional) artist looking to develop your full potential as a songwriter, we at Songwriters in Seattle believe we are creating the stepping stones to help inspire, motivate, and elevate you to a more fulfilling musical life. If you think that’s as important as I do, we could use your help in continuing to move toward that vision. We simply need volunteers who share this vision and would be willing to put the time in. Thank you!

    Chris Klimecky
    Musician & Producer

  • Don’t Forget That You Are An Artist!

    We don’t often talk about this in Songwriters in Seattle but let me remind you… songwriting is an art form, and you are an artist. This is an essential truth about songwriting.

    So I would recommend that you don’t be too hung up on writing your songs “correctly”. In much the same way as a visual artist can play with shape and form and structure so can you!  Remember that your art form is to form a connection or to convey a message to your audience. The beauty of music is that you can convey a deep emotional meaning in your songs.

    I have personally found songwriting my most satisfying form of expression. When people ask me how I write a song I often refer to a song like a sculpture. The song in its infancy has an inherent form and shape. The artist hears it and appreciates it for its beauty. That form is then worked on, smoothed and perfected into a final form which is often more complex and more beautiful than its original form. However, you can overwork a song so beware! As an artist it’s your responsibility to bring your song forward in its most gorgeous form.

    When you’re done you can present it to the world in its entirety much like hanging a masterpiece in a gallery. But your masterpiece! In our SIS showcase gallery…

    I have been very fortunate to be able to witness all the varied talents that SIS brings forth. It always amazes me how many talented people we have in our midst with many more artists yet to come forth. Don’t try to copy others. Your voice is unique and appreciated.

    Don’t forget… You are an artist!


  • Song Critiques: Why You Need Them, Why You Should Do Them

    Song Critiques: Why You Need Them, Why You Should Do Them

    Song Critiques: Why You Need Them, Why You Should Do Them

    There are two crucial steps that many amateur songwriters overlook in their quest to improve their craft and take their songs to the next level. First, they fail to subject their songs to a critique by other songwriters, and second, they fail to critique their peers’ songs. Many songwriters are also singers and/or musicians, and often spend months or even years studying music and practicing their instrument of choice. But when it comes to the art and practice of songwriting, many potential songwriters don’t realize that the same amount of study will improve their ability to write great songs. That ability can be honed, in part, by having your songs critiqued and critiquing others’ songs.


    Why You Should Have Your Songs Critiqued by Other Songwriters

    It will save you time, money, and energy. Before you shell out big bucks to get a song professionally recorded, or before you even present it to a wider audience, it’s important to run it by other people. If your song is not getting the response you would like, there is likely some work that still needs to be done. If you are made aware of your song’s weak spots, you can find solutions to make it stronger. One person’s opinion is easy to dismiss, but if three or more people all point out an aspect of your song that they believe makes it weak, you should pay attention. No song is perfect, but even your best songs can be tweaked and finessed before you invest in having them professionally recorded, mixed, mastered, and distributed. Plus, you’ll discover that different people often have radically different opinions about your song – knowing what kind of people appreciate your work will help you focus your promotional efforts better.

    Your song is being compared to professional works. When you are presented as a songwriter to a wider audience, the expectations are a lot higher. Anytime you play a gig (even an open mic) or submit your song to someone in the music industry for consideration, your song is being compared to professional songs in the audience’s mind. Professional songs released by a record label have already been scrutinized and reworked – sometimes by dozens of people – before they are marketed to the general public. You usually only have one opportunity to catch someone’s attention with your song. If people don’t like what they hear the first time around, they won’t bother to tell you why, or suffer listening through revised editions. You’ll simply be ignored and left to sort out on your own why your work is not commanding more positive attention.

    You are biased about your own work. You naturally “critique” your own song as you go through the process of taking it from a nebulous idea to what you consider to be its completed form. You tweak your melody, edit your lyrics, and basically make sure you’re not embarrassed by your own work. But you have a blind spot when it comes to your song: it may have taken you hours, days, weeks, months, or even years to write it. You may have agonized over the perfect lyrical phrasing, the best chord progression to fit your melody, and whether or not to include a harmonica solo or a gospel choir between the chorus and the bridge. Any shortcomings your song has will be subconsciously diminished in your mind by how hard you have worked on it. You also know exactly how you felt and what you meant with each note you played and word you sang. But you have to play it for others to know if you really have communicated your musical and emotional ideas effectively.

    Your friends and family are biased about your work. Don’t get me wrong, friends and family are a crucial support system and often your most devoted fans, but they are not usually in a position to offer unbiased critiques of your song. They are predisposed to like your song, or at least give it a fair listen, because they like you. They probably don’t view you as a professional songwriter (yet!), so they are more likely to be impressed with whatever you produce. What’s more, if your friends and family are not audiophiles, songwriters, or musicians themselves, they will not be able to express an informed opinion. Let’s face it, most people don’t know their brass from their oboe, so the response will likely be limited to either “I like it” or “I don’t like it.” And while those opinions may give you an emotional high or low, neither response really gives you the kind of feedback you need to improve your song.

    The producer, sound engineer, and studio musicians you hire are biased about your work. Why? Because you are paying them. Many producers will often suggest ways to make a song better, but at the end of the day, the person who pays is the person who has the final say. They’re not going to suggest major changes to your song and then wait two months for you to do a rewrite when they could have money to pay their bills now. Besides, it’s not their job to make you a better songwriter. Their job is to make the songs you bring them the best they can be in terms of arrangement and sound mixing. They’re not going to turn away work just because they think your song is mediocre. And they are not likely to say anything negative about your song at the risk of you taking your business elsewhere.

    It makes you grow a thicker skin. It can be intimidating and emotionally draining at times to have others objectively scrutinize your work. After all, your song is a tiny representation of you and your creative energy, and therefore is dear to you. But your fellow songwriters are offering their thoughts on your song to help make it stronger. If you can take feedback from those who are genuinely trying to help, you’ll develop a thicker skin. And a thick skin is essential in the music business, where many people don’t have the time or desire to help, and don’t care if you succeed or not.


    Why You Should Critique Others’ Songs

    It creates good karma. You can’t expect others to critique your songs if you aren’t willing to help them in return. While you can avoid critiquing others’ songs by spending $30 or more getting your song critiqued via on-line review sites and self-proclaimed specialists, that stage usually comes after you have produced a good quality recording. If you want people to critique your songs before you invest heavily in recording what may turn out to be a “beta” version, you need to return the favor. Nothing in life is free, but reciprocal song critiques are a lot cheaper!

    You become more aware of your own weaknesses as a songwriter. When you critique someone else’s song, you’re not emotionally attached to it, so it’s easier to notice all the little flaws and inconsistencies. But the more you notice the flaws in other peoples’ songs, the more you’ll soon recognize it in your own work as well. And you’ll start feeling like a hypocrite when you point it out to someone else when you know you’re guilty of the same sort of transgressions.

    It helps you overcome your genre biases. You may have a soft spot for country tunes, an affiliation for aggressive punk rock, or prefer industrial death metal bluegrass, but studying songs in other genres will help you discern what makes a song work no matter what genre it fits under. Furthermore, you’ll begin to incorporate these universal principles of good song writing into your own work as you are more easily able to recognize them regardless of genre.

    It hones your ear to discern what really makes a song work (or not). It’s easy for a casual listener to be deceived by slick production, flawless musicianship, and powerful vocals, but a great song will still stand on its own even when it’s stripped of all those other features. Sure, a song’s delivery contributes to its overall effectiveness, but the best vocalists, musicians, and producers in the world can’t redeem a weak song on performance alone when the problem dwells in the very fabric of the song. As you critique more songs, your judgment will no longer be clouded by these peripheral elements. You’ll no longer confuse flawless delivery with excellent songwriting.

    It expands your knowledge of different kinds of songwriting. When you are exposed to songs by people who write in different genres and have different perspectives, styles, and approaches to songwriting, you’ll gain a wider perspective which you will then bring back to your own craft. Whether you’re impressed with another songwriter’s beautiful lyrics, unusual chord progressions, or syncopated rhythmic motifs, studying others’ work can further inspire you to take your own craft to the next level.

    It trains you to really focus on the problems so you can offer solutions. Remember when I mentioned that most people won’t be able to articulate a response to a song other than “I like it,” or “I don’t like it?” Well, when you really critique someone else’s song, you can’t say that (or you can’t say only that). In fact, your own personal opinion about the content or genre of the song is irrelevant. You must articulate what you feel works toward strengthening the song, or weakening it. Naturally, if you can find concrete examples of what you think works or doesn’t in a song, you can often find the solution to help improve the song. And as you start approaching all songs with that mindset, you’ll be able to view your own work in the same light.


    In conclusion, both having your songs critiqued by others and critiquing others’ songs makes you a better songwriter. Listening and studying your favorite artists’ best songs can be educational, but those songs are usually subjected to many critiques before reaching your ears. You were not privy to the process of finding the initial problems and working out solutions, and critiquing songs that are still works-in-progress will help you develop that skill. Good songwriting appears to be effortless. It’s only when you study your own and others’ attempts that you realize it’s a process of editing and refining with the help of several people’s ears and input.

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Nate Manuel

    Playing to sold out stadiums, having #1 hits on the Billboard Charts, climbing the stairs at the Grammys to receive accolades… these are often daydreams that enter the thoughts of up-and-coming artists. But for Pacific Northwest singer-songwriter Nate Manuel, his dreams come true not with notoriety but in a kind of anonymity where the music makes the listener feel something deeply even if the writer is unknown. His vision of success is simply “to play smaller more intimate venues every now and then and have my music played in movies” because, as Nate explained, “ hearing music during movies always leaves a lasting impression… all the emotion can be captured and bottled in a short scene.”

    Nate’s early exposure to music created a varied soundscape that suits his aspirations to capture the wide range of human emotion through a backdrop of music. “My earliest experiences in music involved a lot of The Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel from my Dad, and Iron Butterfly and Black Sabbath from my Mom. Led Zeppelin was also a favorite of hers along with Aerosmith. My dad was a softie, while my mom was more into the heavier rock at the time.” He went on to say, “Mom tells me she got this from when she grew up in the Philippines. She and my brothers lived down the street from a bar where lot of sailors would be singing Karaoke.”

    Unlike writers who knew from an early age that writing or music was a passion, Nate reflected, “To be honest, I never once dreamed about writing music when I was little. The only singing I’d done was at church and during the Karaoke gatherings my parents would have from time to time.”

    Though Nate started writing music in high school while playing bass for a band, he offered, “I never really shared any of my music at the time because it was too personal, and I didn’t want to get shunned for my style of music when the popular music at the time was Punk and Indie rock. I kept all these pent-up songs in secret for over six years, never sharing anything publicly, until the girl I was with encouraged me to do an open mic show at the local Edmond’s Tunes. There I was given 20 minutes to showcase my songs and got a really good response from the listeners.”

    Now an active performer and honing his own songwriting craft, Nate says he, “writes songs as a vent for emotions and to cope with the daily struggles of life and love. My inspiration comes from my unsaid emotions. I tend to be passive-aggressive in a lot of situations and never express emotion in a healthy way other than through music. It’s a very obvious cliché, but music has helped me get through a lot in life.”

    One of his favorite examples, “Ode to My New Low” is one Nate says he, “can always relate to… it has to do with the songwriting process in general because I’m usually in a state of darkness when I’m writing, and instead of shunning it and treating it as taboo, I’ve learned that sometimes the writing is welcome to help cope with my emotions.”

    Nate went on to explain, though, that music has also, “taken a lot from me because I usually write during a low time of my life… revisiting a memory or still handling a current one. So it takes a lot out of me because it’s like putting all my problems on a kitchen table and forcing myself to eat them and enjoy it.”

    As Nate works through those complex emotions musically, his writing process is both instrumental and experiential. “I usually start my writing process from either just messing around on the guitar, or trying to figure out other songs for the most part. Sometimes I’ll hear or say something that I like out of the blue, or out of hearing a conversation, and try to sing it into any sort of melody.”

    Though Nate continues to grow as a performer and songwriter, like most artists, self-doubt looms in the background. “My greatest challenge as a writer is accepting my music without over criticizing it. I feel like I’m constantly looking for acceptance whether it’s from me or from the audience. As a performer, I never know what to say or how to say things given the pressure of performing and entertaining the public. Trying to make music my life will always be a challenge because there’s so many other great musicians I feel deserve a spotlight, and I never want to take it away from them.”

    Nate encourages other writers wishing to grow to follow a simple piece of advice that he applies to his own writing. “I would suggest to never be satisfied easily with your songs. Try to hone your best lyrics and melodies and don’t be afraid to return to them if they’re not exactly what you want them to be. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rewritten songs because of this, but I am happy with the end result.”

    Another resource he found helpful was Songwriters in Seattle. He explained, “I’m not trying to brown-nose, but this group has helped me hone my performance skills at the open mics and showcases. I’ve gotten to collaborate with other musicians and listen in on other musicians who have helped me with my own songs. It’s also been a comfortable group of people who are very supportive during your sets, building your confidence and giving you positive feedback when it comes to your own songs.”

    Looking to his future, Nate sees, “more recording and also hoping to help inspire other musicians to keep doing what they love even if they aren’t selling out shows or playing in front of millions of people. I haven’t done any of that but am very satisfied just playing in front of supportive people and also being supportive.”

    That desire to be in a supporting role will serve songwriter Nate Manuel well as he continues to seek ways to become the subtle musical soundscape for the complex emotions of characters and conflict in the cinematic genre. And as to how that will unfold, as Nate expresses through his own favorite Mill Davis quote, “If you understood everything I say, you’d be me.”

  • Event Spotlight: Group Vocal Master Class with Debby Boland Watt

    As the Seattle Times wrote about her in an article in 2014, “Debby Watt can harmonize with a dryer”. We are lucky to be able to offer our members a workshop with vocalist extraordinaire, Debby Boland Watt. Singing and teaching others to find their voice is her entire life mission.

    “I love every sound. It can be dogs, it can be birds, it can be just your hands — and we start with that, we build from that,” said Watt, who leads monthly jam sessions at Dusty Strings, and a type of improvisational singing in which Watt provides vocal structures and participants follow before breaking into harmonies and improvised riffs. It’s a model of making music that defies traditional judgments like “good” or “bad”. Instead, every voice is considered a natural extension of the self. Even Watt considers herself less of a singer or vocalist and more of a “resonant being.”

    Debby began experimenting with folk, spiritual, blues, jazz and free jazz before discovering circle singing. This style of vocal training was Founded by Bobby McFerrin with the creation of his improvisational Voicestra in 1986. The form is just beginning to become popular in the Northwest. Watt has made it her mission to bring the musical form to the public, and has personally studied under McFerrin.

    “In the U.S. we have people that we assign as singers and we put on our headphones and listen to the professionals,” she said. “We don’t have a culture that supports people getting together under a tree and making our dinners and taking care of our babies and singing our stories. It connects people to people on a really dirt, ground level.”

    At a recent jam session at Dusty Strings Music Store and School in Fremont, about 20 people contributed to what can only be described as harmonic cacophony. Watt gave different groups in the room parts to sing and improvised on top before ceding the spotlight to someone else. At some points the music became more rhythmic; other times it swelled and flowed. The resonance of different voices coming together buoyed moods, soothed anxieties and turned a group of strangers into a spontaneous community.

    The upcoming workshop will be a guided group singing class, created with singer-songwriters in mind. Part exploration and part master class, it emphasizes ease and happiness as you learn what’s needed to produce your best possible sound. Confidently connect with your voice through structural and tonal exercises and ear training, and by learning about the physical components of singing. In the second half of class, play through songs you’re working on and receive a gentle critique from Debby on vocal performance with constructive ideas of what to work on next. Whether you sing for enjoyment or have a particular goal in mind, learn to create harmonies, and enhance your vocal tone when performing your original music.

    The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 21, 2017, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the Phinney Neighborhood Center – Room 35. 6532 Phinney Avenue North, Seattle, WA

    Mark your calendars and do come out for this wonderful vocal learning opportunity.

    For more information and to RSVP, see the event on Meetup