Songwriters in Seattle

Author: Jeff Hatch

  • Review of Jabi Shriki’s CD and Release Party “Puzzle Pieces”

    Review of Jabi Shriki’s CD and Release Party “Puzzle Pieces”


    CD Release Party at The Gypsy Cafe in Fremont featuring Jabi Shriki, with special guests Eric Haber and Roo Forrest

    Eric Habér, who also helped on the CD Puzzle Pieces opened the show with a mellow acoustic set warming us up for the rest of the evening. Eric’s sound seems reminiscent of late 60’s “ballad-like” Brit pop. Soft, sweet, sardonic, this guy totally reminds me of the mellower yet still powerful Rolling Stones. Check out his Digital Album at:


    Roo Forrest played a rather creative set with a cello and bongo accompaniment ranging from his serious and masterfully written “Istanbul” to a well performed, albeit unusual, cover of “Fulsom Prison blues” which was accompanied by inserts during instrumental breaks of poems by Anne Frank (Roo’s sublimely unusual). And finally ending his set with an amusing political assessment of our current presidential candidate situation, complete with costumes, props, and subtle but witty gimmicks, fitting into his song an introduction to our highlight and star of the evening Jabi Shriki. On a side note “Istanbul” was requested from the audience, it was the first time I’d heard it and it blew me away. I don’t know if this song is available for listen but you can check out Roo’s debut CD at:

    Roo Forrest and Friends


    Kicking off his west coast tour Jabi seemed not only relaxed but at home on stage playing selections from his current CD ‘Puzzle Pieces’ and songs from past releases as well. The show itself felt more “at home” than concert-like, partly owing to the fact of the living room-like setting that the Gypsy seems to be famous for, but also the ease with which the performers played. Puzzle Pieces takes on this relaxed, familiar, yet original and inspirational sound; Meditation rock with a Mid-Eastern influence. Look for upcoming dates on Jabi’s tour at:

    Jabi Shriki


    The Puzzle Pieces CD

    Jabi’s previous releases had a more esoteric feel to them, this one is a bit more pop – not losing that esoteric eastern sound but actually adding to it. Mellow 80’s comes to mind but definitely not so much softer, as “smoother.” David Bowie meets Sheila Chandra is the feel I get from Puzzle Pieces. Some songs working better than others, as in most albums, but the overall feel is both meditative and mesmerizing. The track “Undertones” is almost anthem-like in sound and lyric. “Intro” – track 9 – is a simple yet enchanting guitar piece. But as “Inverse Seconds” begins I bring the top down and crank up the heat, on this winter’s evening. While drifting down the highway I’m traveling, I release the song into the night, feeling really “cool” that I’m from Seattle…’cause so is Jabi Shriki.



  • Night Out Radio – Part 2 (Interview)

    Night Out Radio – Part 2 (Interview)

    Interview with Mark & Linda Gordon of My Seattle Night Out and Seattle Wave Radio

    With a website containing an online radio station focusing on local, Greater Seattle (and really the State of Washington) bands and singer/songwriters, Linda and Mark Gordon have jumped on a current trend that seems to be replacing the way we listen to music. These Internet radio stations not only reach our area through Seattle Night Out but throughout the US in most major cities (and many minor ones) through the “Night Out” organizations, with a total reach upwards of 40,000 people a day. In the previous article I listed why and how to sign up with MySeattleNightOut – for this week I was able to ask Mark and Linda a few questions about their organization and online radio:


    Jeff: So all this is free? I can just sign up and get my songs played? There’s gotta be a catch!
    Mark: Yes, it’s free – but since it is FREE, we ask all the artists and bands to promote and talk about our website and radio to all their fans, friends and family with routine endorsements publicly, and through their social media network.


    Jeff: What’s the best way to do that?
    Linda: To follow us on Twitter and fan us on Facebook, to engage us in conversation on those accounts, to make sure they post their gigs on our calendar of events on our website, and post on our newly launched Seattle Music Facebook fan page at We will share with our “personal” page which has 4,380 friends. When gigs are posted on our calendar, we tweet about them @SeattleNightOut and @4SeattleMusic, plus they will auto-post to our “personal” Facebook page.


    Jeff: It’s free cost-wise but you’re hoping we invest a little time?
    Linda: I realize that takes a small amount of daily effort, but if they want more fans and to sell more CD’s, they have to “work it.” Our social media reach is very deep and we are highly rated and respected in the Seattle social media circles. Our total reach can be upwards of 40,000 people a day. This is worth more than any premium someone could pay for.


    Jeff: So how does one get airplay on your stations?
    Mark: To have your tracks spinning on our radio is not a pay to play, nor are there politics involved. We make judgments on how often a track gets air time based on quality of music and demand. Everyone, though, that submits quality recordings has their tracks played. We want everyone to be heard.


    Jeff: Is there anything I can do to say…get MORE noticed by you guys?
    Mark: When a band or artist promotes us, we will promote them heavily. As well, keep sending us new music, which keeps our programming fresh for the listeners.


    Jeff: So not only are you heard in Seattle but you’re nationwide, too?
    Mark: On our website player there is a selection for “National.” What this is is a play-list of songs from all the 400 plus NightOut sites across the country. When an artist puts a link to a single mp3 track in their profile, that track will play on all the other NightOut Radio players.


    Jeff: I understand your national presence. Do you have any plans for a worldwide audience?
    Mark: With Seattle WAVE Radio, our goal is to have a global presence. We will do that through our mobile apps deployment, marketing and station programming, and of course, it won’t happen without Seattle’s great music.


    Jeff: Yesterday Seattle, today the nation and tomorrow the world…is there anything else you would like to say?
    Linda: We did not start up Seattle WAVE Radio for any more important reason other than we saw a space which needed to be filled; we did it to support the local music community, and the local businesses. We are not just another advertisement post on Facebook or Twitter; nor simply just a community billboard. We socially engage people in conversation, and are personally active in promoting businesses, bands and artists with value added features.


    If you haven’t yet signed up with MySeattleNightOut, access the first article in this series “Why and How To” and sign up. If you have quality recordings, and would like to have the prospect to reach a global audience of listeners every day, there’s no reason not to.
  • NightOut Radio – Part 1

    NightOut Radio – Part 1

    Over three years ago I began meeting with a successful podcast producer in hopes to start an Internet radio station. The station was to feature Seattle bands with an emphasis on Songwriters in Seattle. The Internet had become a major player in the broadcasting of music and this trend was only going to increase. The project fell through, needless to say, and although born from this desire were the podcasts that Chris Klimecky has done for us, we were still missing out greatly on the opportunity of utilizing the Internet as a broadcasting platform for Songwriters in Seattle.


    That’s where Linda and Mark Gordon of the nationwide NightOut Radio and website platforms come in. Focusing solely on local artists, Linda and Mark have put together a great bands section and a 24/7 radio station with 6 channels currently, featuring only local artists. Their eventual goal is 16 channels. With thousands of listeners and users this site is a MUST for all Songwriters in Seattle members with “Radio Ready” music.


    Not only reaching the Seattle crowd, there are “NightOut” websites and radio stations located in hundreds of major cities throughout the US (and the list just keeps growing) which are basing their programming on what Mark and Linda have started.

  lists hundreds of hot-spots throughout the greater Seattle area from dining and drinking to entertainment and lodging but what really pushes our hot button at SiS is the BANDS section. The question SiS members should be asking is “How do I sign up?” and, “How much does this cost?” To answer the second question first it’s “FREE!” In answer to “How do I sign up?” here’s a step by step approach (hint: you can read it and sign up at the same time):
    2. From the top right menu select “Register”
    3. Where it says “Business Name” type in your “Band Name”, “Stage Name”, or your own name. (Whatever name you’re using to promote you or your band).
    4. Username, email, and phone should be self explanatory.
    5. Password is randomly generated or you can type in your own.
    6. If you’re signing up due to this article,be sure to select “Other” for “How did you hear about us” and type in “Songwriters in Seattle.”
    7. Then click “submit”
    8. This brings you to a login screen – select “Login.”
    9. Under Category select “Bands” and fill out all appropriate info.
    10. E-mail mp3’s of your music (with proper meta tags) to Mark directly:


    ((Coming next week: An interview with Linda and Mark Gordon of MySeattleNightOut.))