Songwriters in Seattle

Author: SiS Administrator

  • Meet the Host: David Guilbault

    David Guilbault has been booking and hosting a concert series called “Voices Raised: Some Things Gotta Be Said.” The shows feature 4 to 6 singer-songwriters, each performing three original topical songs. We wanted to introduce David to you through his own words.

    “As a Baby Boomer, I grew up in the Fifties and came of age in the Sixties. I was entranced by the crooners right from the get-go – Perry Como, Johnny Mathis, Dean Martin. Then I was captivated by the harmonies of The Everly Brothers and The Beach Boys.

    My parents bought me a Fender Stratocaster (where did that go?) and I wrote my first song as a teenager. But, I was too shy to pursue the music that was gestating in my emerging self.

    Then the Sixties happened. I was transfixed by The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Motown. I was caught up in the Folk Revival, Rhythm & Blues, and the British Invasion. It’s then and there that the songwriter in me awakened, along with a social conscience.

    I had planned on being a math teacher, but the world was exploding around me. So, instead, the river of life swept me into a career as a network television news producer. Starting as a Copy Boy for Howard K. Smith at ABC News, I worked my way up the ranks and became a producer for “World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.” Along the way I was also a pioneering founding Senior Producer for cable news at Cable News Network and Internet news at But, I always considered ABC News as my true home. Now I am retired.

    So, after leaving journalism I became a full-time songwriter. I turned from reporting objective facts to sharing subjective truths. To that end I have been hosting “songwriters in the round” shows all over town for years. Then this last election happened. Now, I am concentrating my efforts on finding stages for Seattle singer-songwriters to express their concerns.

    Were you taught not to raise your voice? Well, there are times when “some things gotta be said” loud and clear. I believe now is one of those times.

    It is clear that our nation is growing increasingly polarized. One can see more divisions in politics, religion, race, and culture. One can also see community.

    As I said, I came of age in the Sixties. That was a time of protest. It was a time for social activism – counterculture happenings, civil rights marches, women’s liberation rallies, union organizing meetings, anti-war protests. People marched in support of oppressed communities, in solidarity with African-Americans, migrant workers, Native Americans, gay men and women. People spoke up. Some also sang out. We heard raised voices from artists across musical genres – Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, James Brown, Paul Kantner, Janis Ian, Buffy Sainte-Marie, John Fogerty, Marvin Gaye and Tom Paxton, to name but a few.

    Before the Sixties, there were songs of The Great Depression and The Great War. Woody Guthrie sang of “deportees.” Billie Holiday sang of “strange fruit.” Yip Harburg asked, “Buddy, can you spare a dime?” After the Sixties, Hip Hop and Rap music spoke of the social ills of that time.

    Today, we live in a dangerous world of turmoil and disruption. Now, just as it has always been, songwriters need to speak to the issues of the day – institutionalized authoritarianism, racial injustice, economic inequality, environmental destruction, religious zealotry, ethnic warfare, migrant oppression, violent radicalism, corporate corruption, human rights.

    Truth itself is under suspicion and attack nowadays. While journalists struggle to report the objective facts, I believe it is up to songwriters to express their subjective truths.

    To that end, I am booking and hosting a series of monthly concerts featuring topical songs, called “Voices Raised: Some Things Gotta Be Said.” My hope is to make this a traveling road show to different Seattle communities. The concert series has been in Greenwood (Couth Buzzard) and West Seattle (C&P Coffee), comes to Ballard on April 14th (Grumpy D’s) and back to Greenwood on May 4th (Couth Buzzard). I am looking for more venues in different neighborhoods. I am also looking for singer-songwriters who have something to say.

    I am pleased that so many performers from Songwriters in Seattle have shared their concerns on our stages, including Jeremy Serwer, Val D’Alessio, Claire Michelle, Tai Shan, Chris Klimecky, Peter Spencer, Audrey Goodman, Saint John, Andy Roo Forrest, Tiger Zane, and Paul Beaudry. Coming up this Spring, more names will be added to that roster, including Abby London, Carmen Zullo, Rebekah Ann Curtis, Char Seawell, Dave Gardafee, Chris Faget, and Natalie Quist. I thank all of them for raising their voices in concern and community.

    If you feel compelled to write a so-called topical song, just do it. It doesn’t need to be polished or profound, it just needs to speak your truth. Raise your voice. Some things gotta be said.”

  • Meet the Host: Sheri Roberts-Greimes

    Sheri Roberts-Greimes has recently taken on our newest showcase, Capps Club. As host, she will help SiS songwriters put their best foot forward when playing their original compositions at this Kenmore club whose motto is “LIVE MUSIC. DONE WELL.” As Sheri is often busy helping other songwriters feel welcome and prepared to share their work, we wanted to introduce you to her through her own words.

    “I started playing piano at age three and was playing professionally at 15 in piano bars throughout the Pacific Northwest. Fate took me to Nashville, which was a true learning experience in songwriting. I played a few notable clubs in Nashville … The Bluebird Cafe was the most renown, and my favorite type of show was the “writers in the round” format. This was a time of true sharing and growth and learning styles of other writers… a great musical experience.

    After eight years, I moved back to the Northwest to raise my son and go to college. Through the years I have been on the fringes of the music scene playing with various bands. After a severe health event in 2012, I lost my voice for almost three years. Fighting my way back to the stage, I have been blessed to continue my performing and songwriting. I recently released my first blues CD “Bleeding Heart” and have been nominated for three Best of the Blues Awards for 2017 by the Washington Blues Society. I continue to perform everywhere I can, as a single act or with my band JoMomma! I am also working on my next CD and always showing up to play at a place close to home!

    Having played at Capps Club in Kenmore for Thursday Happy Hour and being involved with the Washington Blues Society’s events at Capps Club, Mark Capps and I started a conversation about songwriting in Nashville and songwriting opportunities here in Washington State. Mark wanted to help support local songwriters and wanted to know if I would help host a songwriter’s night at Capps Club. So I hooked Mark up with Chris Klimecky, president of Songwriters in Seattle, and here we are!

    As a host, I have the benefits of meeting new people and hearing such great songs. I am amazed by the writing process, and to see other people’s journeys is priceless! If someone wanted to become a host, I think one important skill is to be a “Welcome Wagon” kind of person. Some artists are very shy, and you get to represent and support everyone. Also, a host would need to have some computer skills to promote events. As a host, it would also be helpful to be a songwriter so you can perform too!

    Mostly though, hosting gives a songwriter the opportunity to grow as artist, as a songwriter, and as a person! Ya can’t beat that!”


    Find out more about Sheri Greimes by visiting her website:


    Visit our new showcase at:

    We are open for the pure joy of live performances. We offer a full bar and fun eats.
    7620 NE Bothell Way
    Kenmore, WA 98028


  • Meet the Host: Todd Christoffel

    Todd Christoffel, a long-time member of the Songwriters in Seattle Board of Directors has recently taken on our newest showcase, the Columbia City Theatre. As host, he will help SiS songwriters put their best foot forward when playing their original compositions at this historic landmark, previously graced by the likes of Quincy Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Chris Cornell, and many other musical greats. As Todd is often busy helping other songwriters feel welcome and prepared to share their work, we wanted to introduce you to him through his own words.

    “I am from the Chicago area and had a brother who played guitar, so I kind of learned to play the guitar that he had laying around the house and got into the coffee house scene singing songs. I just found that writing songs was as much fun as singing songs.

    I went to college for a couple years but couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do, so I quit college and went off to Nashville to try and be a professional songwriter. However, I don’t think Nashville was the best place for me, especially since at the time it was almost always country music.

    I was very young and immature and didn’t have much money. I played some songs for a few guys and they said, “hey- if you could stay around for a while, in a couple of years you might be able to go somewhere.” Well, that is not what I wanted to hear. A couple of years seemed like an eternity at that age, so after a while of banging around I just kind of hightailed it and decided I was going to forget about songwriting and get a “real job”.

    So, I got a real job, got married, and I got transferred to Washington State though I didn’t like the job much. I had decided I was going to put music away and not deal with it anymore. However, I kept coming back to it. I guess I ended up not being able to put music away.

    I went back to college at the University of Washington and got a degree in medical technology and went to work doing research on blood, and all the while I was still writing music.

    My wife and I had a son, and at around that same time I met Cris Faget who also worked at the blood bank. Cris and I hit it off and formed a group called String Theory which later morphed into the group called Don’t Ask. After adding Doug Aslin as a drummer we decided to record a couple of CDs and also played out in the Seattle area.

    One day when I was searching the web I came upon Songwriters in Seattle, which was very newly formed. We met at the Pike Place Market, and a few of the founding members stuck with it and turned it into the group it is today.

    My decision to become a host for the Columbia City Theater Round Robin showcase came about because it seemed nice to give back to the songwriting community. Also, being a founding member, I feel like I have an obligation to help out the group.

    One of the great things about being a host is that it really can foster a sense of community between songwriters, and you can also meet a lot of interesting, talented, and crazy people. I find I really enjoy playing out and listening to other songwriters. Being a good listener is one of the best skills to have as a host, and hosts also need to be comfortable on stage and somewhat organized.

    Songwriters in Seattle always needs volunteers to move our projects and showcases forward, and it seems to me the more volunteers we have the better off will be at connecting between the other songwriters and the songwriting community.”

    To find out about becoming a host or volunteer opportunities to help support your songwriting community, click here.



  • Meet the Board: Griffin James

    With the desire to build a more friendly and welcoming community through our volunteer efforts, Songwriters in Seattle would like you to get to know our volunteer leaders. This month we’d like to introduce active Board Member, host of the monthly networking meeting, and newsletter editor Griffin, in his own words:

    I began plinking around on piano as soon as I could reach the keys. I received an electric air-powered organ for my 4th birthday and have been playing daily ever since. Though I started composing in my early teens on both piano and guitar, my first formal training came in college where I took almost every music class available. During this time I both formed a rock band and became more interested in recording and production. After college I opened an early digital project studio and ever since, have been recording myself and others with an effort towards refining my skills and creating professional quality productions.

    I discovered long ago that I could not make a steady living recording others and that trying to do so took the joy out of it and turned it into work. So, now I typically offer my skills free of charge. All I ask is that you treat my time like it is very expensive. If you do that I will give it to you for free.

    Some people say that my sound is stuck in the 80s, but my skills are definitely not. I’ve graduated from reel-to-reel and analog 4-track, to ADAT digital 8 track, and now to hard-drive based digital recording using a DAW, Sonar Platinum on Windows PC.

    More of a composer than a lyricist, I have little difficulty deriving chord progressions and melody. However, words come with much more difficulty and most of my favorite songs came by inspiration and luck, rather than perspiration and hard work. I enjoy collaborating with lyricists because they fill the hole in my skillset, and hopefully I can fill a gap in theirs.

    Born and raised in South King County, I’ve lived here all of my life. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. I love the rain, the trees, the ubiquitous green and gray of the Northwest. The perpetual bachelor, I am a single parent to an adult son, Alex, who plays piano, drums, and a little guitar.

    I spent many years bouncing around, testing out careers in engineering, cartography, performance, management, instruction, and many less glamorous jobs. Having finally settled down, my day job for the last decade has been working for large tech companies, where I have been technical artist, composer, programmer, author, editor, webmaster, and a multitude of other technical and creative roles that fall under the title ‘Writer’. Because I work from contract to contract, I frequently have long vacations between assignments, during which time I typically concentrate on helping others develop their music.

    You can find samples of songs I have written and recorded myself, as well as a smattering of songs I’ve produced for others at the following sites:


    Soon after joining Songwriters in Seattle, I attended one of the open board meetings that occur every January. I enjoyed the informal attitude of cooperative leadership and community so much that I continued to attend as many board meetings as I could ever since. I just started helping in whatever capacity I could, and I feel like I have been of some value to the organization. I’ve sat on the Highline College Computer Information Systems advisory board for more than a decade and am currently the chair. However, Songwriters in Seattle is a whole different beast. Sitting on the board at Highline College is professionally rewarding, but helping to guide Songwriters in Seattle is rewarding on a more personal level. I get great joy from our successes, and I look forward to being a part of this organization for the rest of my life.

    It’s difficult to predict what comes next for Songwriters in Seattle. We continue to grow in numbers, but the actual volume of engaged and participatory individuals is not as great as our membership tally might suggest. However, I have hope that our continuing efforts to provide quality activities that help foster the music community in and around Seattle will lead to continued expansion of both membership and services.

    I look forward to a day when we have a venue of our own, a ‘clubhouse’, with tons of live music, food and drinks, practice/meeting rooms, and regular instructional and cooperative activities. I see it in my mind’s eye as a place that will allow people of all cultures and backgrounds to cooperatively share knowledge and collaboratively compose in a safe and friendly environment. It is my fervent desire to guide our organization towards this and other high-reaching goals. I’m confident that as an organization, together, we can make this happen.

  • NWME Announcement: “Transitions”

    NWME Announcement: “Transitions”


    The Northwest Music Experience (NWME) was developed as a celebration of talent and community in the Pacific Northwest. Its first incarnation was a successful awards show honoring 40 fantastic artists who represented the diverse music community that surrounds us. This spirit will live on with the Songwriters in Seattle Awards, which is in the planning stages now to return in 2015.

    Going forward, the Northwest Music Experience name and what it represents will be shifting from Songwriters in Seattle to a new non-profit organization based in Portland. Here is the description from leader Tom Melillo:

    “Our non-profit will be geared towards experiential projects that connect young (high-school age) musicians with local professional musicians in our area to collaborate on projects to produce, perform, and record music. Our ultimate goals are to generate interest in music and music education, and to generate funds to give back to local school music programs.”

    We hope you’ll agree that this is a worthy cause and a valuable addition to the NW music community. Please join us in supporting the new organization’s efforts whole-heartedly. Best wishes to Tom and to the new incarnation of Northwest Music Experience.

  • Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG Event

    Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG Event

    We’re excited that Songwriters in Seattle will be part of The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG event on May 6th. Donations made to Songwriters in Seattle through The Seattle Foundation’s website ON THIS DAY ONLY will be stretched/matched thanks to The Seattle Foundation and GiveBIG sponsors! Make a donation, share with your friends (#GiveBIG), and be a part of our community’s biggest day of giving of the year. Make your gift online at:

    Learn more by following @TheSeattleFdn or by going to

    If you donate through GiveBIG on May 6th, you could be randomly selected for a Golden Ticket that wins you a $100 Starbucks gift card and gives us an extra $1,000 from The Seattle Foundation & other sponsors!

    Because @TheSeattleFdn’s #GiveBIG will stretch any dollars donated to us that day, we want this to be our one and only pure fundraising event of the year. Help us make that happen so we can keep bringing more impactful events to the Songwriters in Seattle calendar. Please Give BIG – thank you!

  • 2013 NWME Awards Winners Announced

    2013 NWME Awards Winners Announced

    At the 3rd Annual Songwriters in Seattle BBQ and 1st Northwest Music Experience Awards, 14 performers entertained the crowd along with the presentation of all 40 awards finalists! From each category of 5 finalists, a winner was announced based on votes from 100 invited judges from within the music community. All finalists in attendance received a certificate in recognition of their submitted song, and winners were presented with a trophy and a prize based on their category. The winners and their associated prizes are as follows:

    BluesThat’s the Truth by Roo Forrest, $75 gift certificate to American Music
    World MusicPerpetual Leader by Blake Noble, $75 gift certificate to American Music
    Hip Hop/R&BKeep Going by Sheldon Botler, $75 gift certificate to American Music
    Heavy RockSecret Handshake by Christina Cramer/In Cahoots Band, $75 gift certificate to American Music
    CountryDiamond Rings by Alden Witt, $75 gift certificate to American Music
    Classic/Alt RockGet Some Love by Jeff Hamel/SweetKiss Momma, Tascam DP-2 Digital Portastudio with case and tutorial DVD
    Folk/AmericanaReady For The Dark by Larry Murante, Fat Head BE ribbon microphone from Cascade Microphones
    Pop/Light RockThe Way it Seemed by Sophia Duccini, 10 hours recording/mixing with Stephen Sherrard at DBAR Productions

    (Prize associations/determinations were made related to the number of initial submissions for a particular category, donated prizes, and event budget)

    Congratulations to all our finalists and winners! If you were not in attendance, please e-mail to arrange for pickup of certificates and prizes.

  • Northwest Music Experience Finalists Announced

    Northwest Music Experience Finalists Announced

    As part of the annual Songwriters in Seattle Summer BBQ, we are giving awards under the Northwest Music Experience event name. More information at – here are the results:

    Congratulations to our finalists and a huge thank you to everyone who submitted a song and participated! The quality and variety of the 240 entries we received was so good it was extremely difficult for our panel of NWME and Songwriters in Seattle leaders to get to 5 finalists per category. There easily could have been others here, but ultimately we had to make some choices, so don’t be disheartened if you entered but didn’t make the list this time. Please note that the criteria was focused on songwriting and creativity, as well as performance talent and originality, not production quality. As we also are not a popularity contest, the finalists now go to over 100 invited judges to help determine winners for each category. See the official rules for more details on the whole process.

    Over $1,000 in locally donated prizes for potential category winners include:
    – 10 hours recording/mixing with Stephen Sherrard at DBAR Productions
    – A Fat Head BE ribbon microphone from Cascade Microphones
    – A Tascam DP-2 Digital Portastudio with case and tutorial DVD
    – Gift certificates to local music stores

    The full list of finalists *in no particular order:

    1. Category: Classic/Alt Rock
    Resilience – written by Julia Vidal, performed by The Salt Riot
    Crying Shame – written by Regan L. Barger, performed by Strangely Alright
    I Wish My Baby Was Born – performed by East Coast Dave
    Get Some Love – written by Jeff Hamel and Aaron Arnold, performed by SweetKiss Momma
    Talk About It Later – written by Elsa Faith and Marty Mitchell, performed by Soul Distraction

    2. Category: Blues
    Dirty – written by Scott Concinnity, performed by Letters From Traffic
    The Sun Will Rise – written by Jus’Tina, performed by Jus’Tina, Wayne Ah Chan, Laurence Gouveia, Eric Robert, and Gary St. Martin
    That’s The Truth – written by Roo Forrest, performed by Roo, Cody Rahn, Patrick McDanel, and Hans Tueber
    Always Be The Blues – written by Mark Whitman, performed by The Mark Whitman Band
    Trouble Leave Me Alone – written and performed by Pete Tomack

    3. Category: World Music
    EuroTribal – written and performed by Daniel Connolly
    Somewhere Under the Sun – written and performed by Leslie vanWinkle
    True Blue – written and performed by Ann Stockdale
    Perpetual Leader – written by Blake Noble, performed by Blake Noble, Tim Snider, and Isaac Castillo
    Waiting For Your Love – written and performed by Claire Johnson

    4. Category: Folk/Americana
    Used Bike – written by Jean Mann, performed by Jean Mann, Wayne Horvitz, Tom Dziekonski, Virginia Dziekonski, and Matt Hopper
    Ready For The Dark – written by Larry Murante, performed by Larry Murante and Kevin Jones
    Comfort in Your Strangeness – written and performed by Cynthia Alexander
    California Dreams – written and performed by Bill Alsept
    Julie – written by Jasper Tollefson, Joseph Gustav, and John Scott, performed by Jasper T. and John Crown

    5. Category: Hip Hop/R&B
    Woman of My Dreams – written by J.R. Rhodes, performed by J.R. Rhodes, Eyvind Kand, Brad Houser, Mike Dillon, Kym Tuvim, Willow, and Sarah Keenan
    Journey My Mind – written and performed by Jai.P
    Evolution of Poetic Suede – written by Poetic Suede, performed by Poetic Suede feat. Trel Fitted
    Finish What I Start – written by Hands of Vengeance, performed by Consise, Verse, and Kreed
    Keep Going – written and performed by Sheldon Botler

    6. Category: Heavy Rock
    Secret Handshake – written by Christina Cramer, performed by Christina Cramer, Brad Judy, Rich Huston, and Dave Crossett
    Beware of Love – written by Terry Pelton, performed by Excuse You
    Shadows and Dust – written and performed by Mechanism
    Take Me Home – written by Ginine Mizerski and Randy Campbell, performed by Ginine Mizerski, Randy Campbell, and Mike Well
    Welcome To No One – written and performed by In The Between

    7. Category: Pop/Light Rock
    Pretty Bird – written by Sammy Witness, performed by Sammy Witness, Jason Dunn, Brandon Erdos, and John Ducharme
    The Calling – written by Andrea Lockwood and Charles Wilson, performed by Stained By A Killer
    Up – written and performed by Gary Milici
    The Way It Seemed – written and performed by Sophia Duccini
    Trait & Trace – written and performed by Jerry Val

    8. Category: Country
    Mean Mother Trucker – written and performed by Larry Schacher
    Diamond Rings – written by Alden Witt and Benjamin Johnston, performed by Alden Witt and Steffi Jeraldo
    Chasing the Fire Alarms – written and performed by Bruce Hunt
    I’ve Fallen In Love and I Can’t Get Up – written by Griffin James, performed by Griffin James and Corey Mage
    Sweet Lucille – written by Susan Elliott, performed by Susan Elliott, Richard Askew, Lauren Vanderhoof, and Ash Devine

  • SiS Compilation Released!

    SiS Compilation Released!

    It has taken Songwriters in Seattle a number of years to put together a collection of music that represents the group in any significant way. We are now very proud to present this new compilation CD we’ve entitled “2012: Contest Winners and Highlights” – This album is compiled from Songwriters in Seattle member contest winners and other highlights from top 2012 members. The songs were all graciously donated by the artists to Songwriters in Seattle for inclusion. All proceeds from the purchase of the album go to SiS to fund ongoing events and projects. Please check it out on CDBaby!

    Thank you for listening and supporting Songwriters in Seattle!

    Titles included in this compilation:
    1. “L.A. (Is Totally Awesome)” by Charlie Heinemann
    2. “I Am the Water” by Zoe Wick
    3. “Sleeveless Season” by Jean Mann
    4. “Take Me Away” by Scott Burkhalter
    5. “That’s When Life Began” by Bruce Hunt
    6. “Desert Highway” by Derek Medina
    7. “Heroes” by Randy Edwards
    8. “Ride the Wind” by Chris Klimecky
    9. “Tale of a Missouri Girl” by Erin Jordan
    10. “A Buddha State of Mind (Live)” by Paula Boggs
    11. “The Wedding Song” by Andy “Roo” Forrest
    12. “It’s Time” by Cat Henderson
    13. “Morning Aire” by Leo Brodie
    14. “Fallen Angels Don’t Fly” by Jessica Lynne
    15. “(My Meeting With) Mr. Vegas” by Jim Marcotte
    16. “Feeling’s Gone” by Lou Gopal
    17. “The World Don’t Belong to a Dreamer (Live)” by Todd Christoffel
    18. “A Black Market for Mooncakes” by Songwriters in Seattle

  • Michael Wansley (aka Wanz)

    Michael Wansley (aka Wanz)

    Michael Wansley, aka The Wanz, Tee Wanz, or simply just “Wanz” has had quite a year. After a seemingly routine and quick recording session with up and coming local hip hop stars Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Wanz has been catapulted into the spotlight with #1 hit Thrift Shop – including a video that has spawned nearly 150 million views, a Saturday Night Live appearance, and a sold out world tour. Despite this stratospheric rise, Wanz remains a humble and down to earth guy. And it goes to show that sometimes it takes 30 years of hard work to become an “overnight” success.

    Wanz was one of the early leaders of Songwriters in Seattle. Along with Jeff Hatch in the basement of The Alibi Room at Pike Place Market (across from the infamous “gum wall”), he would delight the group with stories of many years of Seattle music scene history. He was still playing bass regularly with a local band, and constantly working on his own beats and hooks. He would often be seen around town with his headphones on, focused deep in his laptop working his new songs. His own R&B flavored hip hop and smooth voice rounded out a depth and experience in his songwriting that only come from years of dedicated effort.


    Keep an eye out for a new EP from Wanz currently in the works and see him on tour with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. At this point you never know where he might turn up next! There are many places to find and connect with Wanz on the web – here are just a few links to get you started:

    – Wanz on Reverbnation
    – Follow Wanz on Twitter
    – Wanz on Facebook


    In his SiS podcast, from late 2011 – before he was poppin’ tags and lookin’ for come-ups – Wanz shares many Seattle music scene stories as well his sense of humor about his own musical evolution. You can find his podcast post by clicking here!