Songwriters in Seattle

Category: Blog

Default blog post category – These are articles that mostly consist of text commentary or stories.

  • Event Spotlight: Group Vocal Master Class with Debby Boland Watt

    As the Seattle Times wrote about her in an article in 2014, “Debby Watt can harmonize with a dryer”. We are lucky to be able to offer our members a workshop with vocalist extraordinaire, Debby Boland Watt. Singing and teaching others to find their voice is her entire life mission.

    “I love every sound. It can be dogs, it can be birds, it can be just your hands — and we start with that, we build from that,” said Watt, who leads monthly jam sessions at Dusty Strings, and a type of improvisational singing in which Watt provides vocal structures and participants follow before breaking into harmonies and improvised riffs. It’s a model of making music that defies traditional judgments like “good” or “bad”. Instead, every voice is considered a natural extension of the self. Even Watt considers herself less of a singer or vocalist and more of a “resonant being.”

    Debby began experimenting with folk, spiritual, blues, jazz and free jazz before discovering circle singing. This style of vocal training was Founded by Bobby McFerrin with the creation of his improvisational Voicestra in 1986. The form is just beginning to become popular in the Northwest. Watt has made it her mission to bring the musical form to the public, and has personally studied under McFerrin.

    “In the U.S. we have people that we assign as singers and we put on our headphones and listen to the professionals,” she said. “We don’t have a culture that supports people getting together under a tree and making our dinners and taking care of our babies and singing our stories. It connects people to people on a really dirt, ground level.”

    At a recent jam session at Dusty Strings Music Store and School in Fremont, about 20 people contributed to what can only be described as harmonic cacophony. Watt gave different groups in the room parts to sing and improvised on top before ceding the spotlight to someone else. At some points the music became more rhythmic; other times it swelled and flowed. The resonance of different voices coming together buoyed moods, soothed anxieties and turned a group of strangers into a spontaneous community.

    The upcoming workshop will be a guided group singing class, created with singer-songwriters in mind. Part exploration and part master class, it emphasizes ease and happiness as you learn what’s needed to produce your best possible sound. Confidently connect with your voice through structural and tonal exercises and ear training, and by learning about the physical components of singing. In the second half of class, play through songs you’re working on and receive a gentle critique from Debby on vocal performance with constructive ideas of what to work on next. Whether you sing for enjoyment or have a particular goal in mind, learn to create harmonies, and enhance your vocal tone when performing your original music.

    The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 21, 2017, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the Phinney Neighborhood Center – Room 35. 6532 Phinney Avenue North, Seattle, WA

    Mark your calendars and do come out for this wonderful vocal learning opportunity.

    For more information and to RSVP, see the event on Meetup


  • On Songwriting…

    Following are some thoughts and rambles on my approach to songwriting. Outside of my two girls, it’s my life’s biggest passion. I don’t pretend that these thoughts are unique, or even unified, but I hope that some part of them may be useful to you.

    I’m a “wait for the inspiration” type of songwriter, not an “every morning at 5 AM sit down and write for 2 hours” type of songwriter. I’ve tried that. No, I’ve thought about trying that. I don’t have the discipline. There’s nothing wrong with, and everything right about, composing during “banker’s hours”, as Stravinsky referred to his 4 hour daily regimen. But that doesn’t mean I don’t take the original inspiration and sweat hours of cracked vocals and callouses on it. And time-wise I’m as likely to be working it from 11 PM to 5 AM as from 5 AM to 7 AM.

    When trapping elusive fur animals (I wouldn’t know personally) trappers set their traps and come back later to check on them. As we know, that ain’t happening in songwriting! Get an idea, save it now or lose it forever. I’ve lost many awesome hook ideas because I had to make a left turn in traffic or push my cart up to the checkout at QFC.

    When a great idea drifts by and I can snag it, I keep repeating it over and over (and over again if necessary) until I get it either recorded or written down. Otherwise it’s gone forever. I keep my cell phone with the recording app handy.

    Later on, when playing back melody or word ideas where I didn’t have an instrument available, sometimes it’s hard to tell why they seemed so good to begin with. If they don’t sound immediately memorable upon playback I erase them. Couldn’t ‘a been much good in the first place. I save the good ones in Evernote.

    My best ideas most often occur just in my head sans instrument; with rhythm, melody, harmony, and sometimes key changes, all at once. Four years at Berklee helps. I’m not talking about a whole song, just the original inspiration. It could be one beat, one bar, or sixteen bars. The good ones, even years later if they’re still waiting to be used, I never forget.

    When I decide to start work on a new song it may or may not be the latest idea I’ve recorded. First I’ll pick the genre. For instance: if I’m going to do a co-write or want to write something to send to a certain publisher, I’ll go back over my favorite files, saved by genre of course, and maybe take an hour or two to kick the tires.

    After picking an idea I get the equipment out. One or two guitars, a keyboard, desktop computer, and cell phone. That’s my usual setup. Depending on the genre, a guitar, my voice, and the recording app on my cell phone may do the initial grunt work, up to and including a super rough version for a co-writer (but not a publisher!). I can record a better version on my Tyros 5 keyboard. It’s got great vocal and guitar effects and can do simple overdubs. But if I want a full demo, I’ll do it in Pro Tools on my desktop. I’ve got a pair of Focal CMS 65 near-field monitors and AKG K701 reference headphones. Super good. And sound deadening material on the walls. Mostly I’ll work on the music, all the way through.

    Then, if the music feels really special, sometimes I’ll wonder if I’ve copied someone’ s melody. I’m pretty sure they can’t nail you for a chord progression? I’ll spend hours, or even days (not all day long!) searching to see if I’ve ripped somebody off. Usually not. But sometimes!

    Once I came up with an awesome melody and harmony, a perfect ballad. Turned out it was from a Tom Jones song, note for note. Took me weeks to find out. Bummer. I threw that idea away.

    I would never intentionally copy anyone. But say I did, unintentionally. Who’s seriously going to come after me, at my level? It’s not like I have huge record sales and am picking their pockets. And another thing…

    I’ll copyright the songs I send out. Just the old standby, sending registered mail to myself and then not opening it. If the song’s going to be successful, the publisher’s going to copyright it for themselves anyway. Until that point I’ll tell them it’s fully copyrighted.

    But will someone really steal my song and turn it into a hit? Of course they will! NOT!!! You can probably count the famous cases on the fingers of both hands, over decades.

    I read somewhere if you find that someone is making money off of a song of yours that you didn’t copyright, once you prove and copyright it you’ll get the royalties from then on. But you’ll lose the royalties from before. I can live with that. Personally, and only if it wouldn’t be recorded otherwise, I’d give up all my royalties on a hit song I wrote. It would give me the cred to work in the big leagues on my next hit! I would put it down to paying my dues.

    ABOUT ME –
    For me, music is the easy part. It goes fast. It’s what I love.

    Words have always been a struggle. I can write decent lyrics when push comes to shove, but I don’t enjoy that fight anymore. I’d rather work with a lyricist or a songwriter who writes great lyrics.

    I made my living playing music for eight years. I’ve had one song published and won 2 songwriting awards. I’m still trying to write my best song, still trying to have my songs published. I’m still trying to get them performed by recording artists. There’s a long way to go, a big leap. But I have this passion, the same way you have this passion, for music.

  • How to Write a Protest Song

    Perhaps two of the only things left that we can all agree on is that we live in a world divided, and it is now a time of protest. Whether people are protesting truth to power, or power to truth, protesting a certain ideology, or defending it, it appears that protest and social justice songs will be in demand soon, perhaps before we can even get them written.

    This article is not going to be about the validity of anybody’s particular viewpoint or about our politics, but about how to craft an ideological protest song that will offer the greatest representation of your views, should you choose a guitar over a placard when your cause takes to the streets. If your cause has already taken to the streets, then you had better get writing because as the Bob Dylan song goes, “Your old road is rapidly aging, please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand”.

    Here are 10 points you’ll want to know before you start singing angry stuff all over the place.

        1. Research your Topic.
          You may have a very strong passion for a certain social or political view but there is a difference between being passionate about a cause, and being well informed. School yourself up on both sides of the argument and write a lyric you can defend.
        2. Write to the Center.
          When writing your lyric you will convert more uncommitted listeners if you craft some nuance into your viewpoint. This does not mean you have to acknowledge a personal validation of the opposing view, but writing as if the issue is above debate will inevitably work against you. You do not want people to get the impression that your song was written in an ideological vacuum because that will make it easy to argue against and satirize.
        3. Write to your Passion.
          Considering the point in #2 taken, do not compromise your passion for the cause, and write with the bravery and conviction that your view deserves.
        4. Use a Traditional Song Form.
          By using a traditional song form, you will allow your protest song to tap into the historical representation of the protest songs that have preceded it and give your song some grounding in that tradition. This also helps your protest, or social justice song, retain some simplicity and help the listener stay focused on the lyric ideas dedicated to your cause.
        5. Write into a Metaphor.
          Songs that are based on an abstract or written as a parable are more powerful and illustrative than songs that are directly teachy or preachy. Bob Dylan knew what the answer was, my friends, and could easily have stated it in plain language, but he chose to let us know that it was “blowing in the wind”. The lyric was a metaphorical invitation to get out there and find the answer for yourself.
        6. Refrain from NOT using a Refrain.
          Some of us have never even written a refrain since the chorus took over the world about 50 years ago, but the refrain is a great convention for the kind of song you want to write here. For a great example of a refrain we look again to, “The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind”.
        7. We Want 5 Notes, We Want 5 Notes…
          Protest and social justice songs need to be easy to chant, and as “sing along” friendly as possible. It is advisable to write a simple catchy melody that primarily uses the 5 note pentatonic scale. This will make your song easy for your crowd to learn and easy for them to remember for the next rally.
        8. What the Anthem?
          Anthems are historically a celebratory kind of musical work but, of course, when you protest one side of a cause, you are also celebrating the side of that fence that you reside on. Study anthems. There are national anthems, songs like Queen’s “We are the Champions” and “We Will Rock You”, and other songs that tap into a sense of belonging to your certain faction of society. You will find that some of these songs have a chorus but notice the use of lots and lots of repetition and how the chorus melody and lyric ties in with the verses.
        9. Dude, Where’s Your Song?
          Once you have written your song, make certain that organizers who work for the cause know you have written it. It does you no good if nobody hears your timely song, and for those who share that view your song may be considered an essential element that was previously missing from their movement.
        10. To Sing… or not to Sing!
          Once the song is written and ready to go, determine if you are the right voice for the song and for the movement. There is a lot to be said for the honesty of the songwriters rendition, but it can also be argued that having the right performance can also be a huge factor in having your ideas gain traction and produce the greatest impact. Try to not make this decision with your ego, or your own ambition, and let the song win the day.

    Above all other kinds of songs, protest songs and social justice songs have been able to influence culture. Some have even become the soundtrack to seismic shifts in how people feel about one another by providing the words and music to that particular moment in human history.

  • Meet the Board: Audrey Goodman

    In an effort to build a more friendly and welcoming community through our volunteer activities, Songwriters in Seattle would like you to get to know our volunteer leaders. This month we’d like to introduce active Board Member, and host of the monthly Songwriter Support Group, Audrey Goodman, in her own words:

    As a small child, music creation wasn’t anything I aspired to. But I sure loved to sing – songs in school, songs on radio, and most particularly, songs I heard over and over from the Broadway shows my father had on the turntable. I fancied myself an Ethel Merman type, a famous Broadway star from 50’s – 60’s musicals such as “Annie Get your Gun” and “Gypsy” – no doubt identifying with the powerful, volatile nature of the characters she portrayed. Momma Rose, Annie Oakley, Auntie Mame – they all sang about life’s events at the top of their lungs. As a super shy kid who had trouble even conversing with anyone, blasting out that kind of song on a stage was for me! So I went around singing these songs to whoever would listen and got myself recruited into a children’s choir as, of course, the ‘belter singer’ kid at the age of seven.

    The choir was part of a small, newly created Reform synagogue in Newton, Massachusetts of which my parents were founding members. Another founding member was an East Coast concert pianist who was also on faculty at the New England Conservatory in downtown Boston. She saw me perform in the choir and, incredibly, asked my mother if she could teach me piano. She saw how much I loved the complicated melodies and rhythms of the Yom Kippur repertoire and the emotional nature of my childish interpretations, and she felt certain that music instruction would provide an important channel for me. Was she ever right!

    So the next seven years were filled with Conservatory level piano lessons and hours of weekly practice and recitals. My experiences with all of this were wonderful enough to know I adored the music, but grueling enough to know I would never want to do this as a grown up! And then, right at this particular juncture of adoration and frustration, came the most magical music I’d yet to hear, aside from Beethoven. Joni Mitchell… Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young… Jackson Browne; their melodies crept up and entirely took over my fantasies about music (and everything else for that matter). I was given a guitar for my 14th birthday and didn’t touch the piano again until well into my 20’s. It was now ALL about learning the songs of these artists on guitar – these sages of our ages who ‘got me’ from tip of brow down to the bottom of my soles (and soul).

    I taught myself the chords, memorized the lyrics, went to all the shows and concerts, befriended and played with all the people my age I came into contact with who were as obsessed with it all as I was. It was mostly all I did at Bard College in my late teens. And, it was the continuing pursuit of all of this which brought me to the Left Coast at 20. I had been composing things for years, and had recently started writing songs. I knew I would never have the golden pipes of Joni, Judi, or Linda, but I wanted to see if others would pick up my songs, as I had a couple friends who had relocated to ‘So Cal’ who weren’t great performers, but were placing songs with publishers, and subsequently getting covers with well-known performers.

    In Hollywood (circa 1980’s), music publishing companies used to host songwriter events where you could get your cassette demo-tape on a rolling wheel (like the Wheel of Music Fortune), or heard in various other ways, and I wanted in on that. So, long story short, I met another songwriter and connected big time. We wrote and got some covers on several creations over a 10 year marriage (as well as co-creating two wonderful kids). I also created my own small ASCAP publishing company, Mother Mode Music. Unfortunately, as far as music creation went, the raising of the kids became a death knell for my own music. As well, out of financial necessity, I focused on making money teaching music. When my marriage ended, I made a promise to myself that I’d relocate, ostensibly to reacquaint myself with myself as musician, after 20+ years of feeling a bit lost in the culture of Los Angeles. In 2013 my kids were launched on their own pursuits, and I re-launched, landing in the marvelous city of Seattle.

    Once settled, I went onto good ol’ Meetup, in search of the local songwriters and music making peeps. I found bluegrass, and I also found Songwriters in Seattle. After joining and attending a few get togethers with other writers, song circles, learning events, songwriter showcases, I was SO darned inspired. I wrote more music my first year in Seattle than in the previous 20 years in LA! I felt that SiS was giving so much to my personal growth as writer; I had to do something to contribute back. So I started the monthly Songwriter Support Group event at my home. This hasn’t just been successful within the group, but also has given me tremendous fodder for growth in my own songwriting. The next logical step was to join the board, to help to further enthusiasm and activity within the organization, and to support my talented and delightful network of songwriting friends.

    One of the things I love most about Songwriters in Seattle, which was never present in LA music circles, is the welcoming nature of it, as envisioned by its founder and board. Whether you’re a novice, or a polished performer, there is growth to give and growth to get. There are seasoned players who are quite generous of their time and experience to newer writers, there are those who are just starting to get ‘out there’ -generating audience and reputation, and there are those who aren’t sure what their goals are but know they’ve got something to say, something to sing, and are grateful for the encouragement and knowledge that SiS events and members provide as they hone their craft.

    I will always feel like I have miles to go before I’ll claim to be at the peak of whatever talent I may have. Possibly you all can identify with this statement, wherever you’re at with your abilities. And possibly, it’s just this internal pressure which compels us to keep writing, improving, editing, and reworking our melodies and lyrics. The very best place I’ve found in this city to complement, train, and enhance this drive we all feel, is through the people and activities within Songwriters in Seattle. Thank you Chris Klimecky for starting this wonderful group. If we have no other remedy for the ills of the moment, we at least have each other, our shared community, and our music.

  • Songwriting: Your First 50

    I remember very little about the first song I wrote…I was in sixth grade, and I know it was a cheesy breakup song in A minor about my first “girlfriend” in fifth grade. I don’t think any recordings of “The Love We Shared” exist (mercifully), and it wasn’t until a year later, when my older brother started writing some lyrics with a little more meaning and purpose, that I started down the serious road of songwriting and recording.

    Over the years, I progressed from 4-track demos to college studios, to professional studios, to producing in my home studio, writing and recording going hand in hand – refining a sound and showing real evidence that improvement was happening. It wasn’t until I had written and recorded between 50-60 songs that I really felt I could output at a consistent quality level. None of those “First 50” songs were ever released and they hide in my archives only for my personal nostalgia.

    This gets to the heart of my point: songwriting takes time and repeated, focused effort. No single song is precious, especially in your First 50. I know the feeling, “Whoa, I wrote a song and it’s really cool, and I need to copyright it and show everyone!” It’s hard not to be precious about your baby – your special creation! But if you can put that feeling aside and write your next 5 and then see how you feel about that previous one. Then write 10 more and see if you still feel the same way. I still “throw out” about one in ten that I thought was completely great when I wrote it and demo recorded it. When I “bulk write,” like for February Album Writing Month, where my approach is to sketch lots of new ideas, only ~2 of 10 survive. Sometimes there’s a re-write opportunity or smaller edits that can take a song to the next level, but sometimes you just have to let them go! After you’ve written your songs (or while you’re in the process of writing), I can’t recommend recording them highly enough. If you make that part of your songwriting/editing process, it helps tremendously not only in refining your vision of the song, but you can actually step back and analyze it a bit. You can critique yourself a lot better. You can experiment with different grooves and approaches, then leave it for a little bit, move on to other songs, and come back with fresh ears. Over time, you are also strengthened and motivated by the real progress and growth you will clearly hear. Be patient – it takes years.

    While Songwriters in Seattle offers specific classes to help move your songwriting forward as well as critique sessions and opportunities to share new songs with audiences (another great way to hear your song in a new light and get instant feedback), what we hope to help you achieve is far greater than any single event. We offer a framework for you to be motivated and supported to write more songs! This is the best way to improve your songwriting! Songwriters in Seattle is a friendly audience with like-minded people – it is a tremendous opportunity to experiment, share new ideas, then go back to the drawing board and try again. I wish I had an organization like this to accelerate my first 50!

    Now, the more experienced songwriters who may be reading this could probably even expand the idea to the first 100 or more, and I couldn’t disagree – there is always room to improve. Personally, while I am proud of my earlier released albums with songs that are now permanently in the public ear, I really only continue to play a few songs from them. Not only do newer songs represent where I am now as an artist, but from my current perspective, they are just better songs. At some point, there is bound to be argument about “better” being highly subjective, but ultimately you are your best judge and as long as you can create some distance (through time and recording), you will find you are a pretty good judge. You will almost always be biased toward your new songs, no doubt about it, but I think that also represents growth as an artist and songwriter. If nothing else, I use that as a motivating factor – I know I will love my next song, it’s going to be that much better, so I want to get on with writing it! I hope you can get to that point, too, if you’re not already there.

    I am far from prolific, but I make it a goal to show something new at every SiS monthly networking meeting. Professionals who are songwriting full time are writing every day – many who are in the licensing business are producing and posting something finished for their catalogs every day! Think about how that would add up and create a body of work. That is how you get to be a better songwriter. If you’re a beginner (still within your first 50), don’t worry about your copyrights (to be frank: nobody cares) and making each song perfect – it’s not going to be and that’s okay. No need to be self-deprecating about it, either, you can be proud of it – it is cool and no doubt some people will like it! Learn what you can from it and move on. Write another song. And another – get in the habit of consistently writing and recording. It’s a great habit and I bet you will find more fulfillment in creating a body of work than in trying to create singular masterpieces. I look forward to hearing your next 50!

  • Meet the Host: David Guilbault

    David Guilbault has been booking and hosting a concert series called “Voices Raised: Some Things Gotta Be Said.” The shows feature 4 to 6 singer-songwriters, each performing three original topical songs. We wanted to introduce David to you through his own words.

    “As a Baby Boomer, I grew up in the Fifties and came of age in the Sixties. I was entranced by the crooners right from the get-go – Perry Como, Johnny Mathis, Dean Martin. Then I was captivated by the harmonies of The Everly Brothers and The Beach Boys.

    My parents bought me a Fender Stratocaster (where did that go?) and I wrote my first song as a teenager. But, I was too shy to pursue the music that was gestating in my emerging self.

    Then the Sixties happened. I was transfixed by The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Motown. I was caught up in the Folk Revival, Rhythm & Blues, and the British Invasion. It’s then and there that the songwriter in me awakened, along with a social conscience.

    I had planned on being a math teacher, but the world was exploding around me. So, instead, the river of life swept me into a career as a network television news producer. Starting as a Copy Boy for Howard K. Smith at ABC News, I worked my way up the ranks and became a producer for “World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.” Along the way I was also a pioneering founding Senior Producer for cable news at Cable News Network and Internet news at But, I always considered ABC News as my true home. Now I am retired.

    So, after leaving journalism I became a full-time songwriter. I turned from reporting objective facts to sharing subjective truths. To that end I have been hosting “songwriters in the round” shows all over town for years. Then this last election happened. Now, I am concentrating my efforts on finding stages for Seattle singer-songwriters to express their concerns.

    Were you taught not to raise your voice? Well, there are times when “some things gotta be said” loud and clear. I believe now is one of those times.

    It is clear that our nation is growing increasingly polarized. One can see more divisions in politics, religion, race, and culture. One can also see community.

    As I said, I came of age in the Sixties. That was a time of protest. It was a time for social activism – counterculture happenings, civil rights marches, women’s liberation rallies, union organizing meetings, anti-war protests. People marched in support of oppressed communities, in solidarity with African-Americans, migrant workers, Native Americans, gay men and women. People spoke up. Some also sang out. We heard raised voices from artists across musical genres – Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, James Brown, Paul Kantner, Janis Ian, Buffy Sainte-Marie, John Fogerty, Marvin Gaye and Tom Paxton, to name but a few.

    Before the Sixties, there were songs of The Great Depression and The Great War. Woody Guthrie sang of “deportees.” Billie Holiday sang of “strange fruit.” Yip Harburg asked, “Buddy, can you spare a dime?” After the Sixties, Hip Hop and Rap music spoke of the social ills of that time.

    Today, we live in a dangerous world of turmoil and disruption. Now, just as it has always been, songwriters need to speak to the issues of the day – institutionalized authoritarianism, racial injustice, economic inequality, environmental destruction, religious zealotry, ethnic warfare, migrant oppression, violent radicalism, corporate corruption, human rights.

    Truth itself is under suspicion and attack nowadays. While journalists struggle to report the objective facts, I believe it is up to songwriters to express their subjective truths.

    To that end, I am booking and hosting a series of monthly concerts featuring topical songs, called “Voices Raised: Some Things Gotta Be Said.” My hope is to make this a traveling road show to different Seattle communities. The concert series has been in Greenwood (Couth Buzzard) and West Seattle (C&P Coffee), comes to Ballard on April 14th (Grumpy D’s) and back to Greenwood on May 4th (Couth Buzzard). I am looking for more venues in different neighborhoods. I am also looking for singer-songwriters who have something to say.

    I am pleased that so many performers from Songwriters in Seattle have shared their concerns on our stages, including Jeremy Serwer, Val D’Alessio, Claire Michelle, Tai Shan, Chris Klimecky, Peter Spencer, Audrey Goodman, Saint John, Andy Roo Forrest, Tiger Zane, and Paul Beaudry. Coming up this Spring, more names will be added to that roster, including Abby London, Carmen Zullo, Rebekah Ann Curtis, Char Seawell, Dave Gardafee, Chris Faget, and Natalie Quist. I thank all of them for raising their voices in concern and community.

    If you feel compelled to write a so-called topical song, just do it. It doesn’t need to be polished or profound, it just needs to speak your truth. Raise your voice. Some things gotta be said.”

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Paula Boggs

    “Seattle-Brewed Soulgrass”

    A long way from the rainy Pacific Northwest, a budding guitar player from Virginia sat in front of a TV set watching “Here Comes the Brides” which is set in old Seattle. In watching the interplay of two characters, Candy and Jeremy, young Paula Boggs, “found her first songwriting muse at a time when I had little sense Seattle was even a real place,” and ended up writing a song from the boyfriend’s perspective with “maybe 2 or 3 chords.”  Today, living in the city she once only imagined and touring with her band and a new album, singer-songwriter Paula Boggs credits the start of her musical journey to her parents.

    “My parents insisted their kids learn to play music, starting with piano.” she explained. “Those lessons began for me at 6, and I learned to loathe the piano though I now know it was much more teacher than instrument. I then begged my folks to let me drop it for clarinet — I can’t even tell you why clarinet. They bought one and that lasted 6 months.”

    Inspiration for the next musical path came with the arrival of the Folk Mass. “I was in Catholic school when the Folk Mass was coming of age and was so inspired, I wanted to take up guitar. When I then asked if I could take guitar lessons instead, they’d already bought a piano and clarinet, and so would only let me rent a guitar,” she recalled.

    With the help of her first muse from a TV show, Boggs began writing songs at the age of ten, and, “in time helped pay for a guitar my mom and I found in a pawn shop.”  She added, “The first time I remember performing was at my mom’s church, around age 12, though folks from elementary school say they remember me slugging around my guitar.”

    She continued to slug that guitar and write songs until her 20’s before moving on to other endeavors. A look at her curriculum vitae reveals a rich and varied job history from decorated paratrooper, to working with some of America’s top corporations as a lawyer, and appointments to high level government positions. Through it all, songwriting remained only a memory.

    However, a personal tragedy involving the death of her sister-in-law in a car crash led her back to songwriting 12 years ago, “… initially as a way to grieve. Once I was back at it, step-by-step, there was no turning back,” she said. Instrumental in her return to music were two things:  a year-long songwriting course through University of Washington, “caused me to be part of a songwriters’ community, and showing up regularly to open mics became a great way to hone my craft and get supportive but constructive feedback,” she reflected.

    Initially drawn to songwriting as part of her grieving process, Boggs is now inspired by, “Seattle sunrises and sunsets, my spouse and kid, the resilience of the human spirit… my list has no limits.”  She draws inspiration from those, “moments of ‘ah-hah’ …riding in a van with my mates from Chicago to Saint Louis listening to and singing all the words to songs of the 1960s, having folks dance to our closing song in Spokane, encores, having someone listen to one of our songs and write about how it touched her, having it hit me while on a walk.”

    Because all of life seems to provide inspiration, Boggs’s writing process is as varied as what inspires her. “I’m not that disciplined a songwriter in the sense of carving out a set amount of time daily or weekly to write,” she said, “Rather, themes come to me while walking, reading the newspaper, or ‘quiet time.’ I’ve written music both ways — starting with melody and with lyrics — though more of the songs I write begin with words.”

    One area in which she is disciplined, however, is in her commitment to being real in her writing. “As a writer, my biggest challenges are authenticity and accessibility. It’s easier for me to wear a mask. It’s one thing if I’m doing that deliberately, wearing the skin of a character. It’s quite another if I’m not being honest with myself,” she said.

     As a performer, Boggs, who fronts the Paula Boggs Band, has two additional challenges: “I’m a member of a band and so strive to do my part to make us ‘one.’ It’s also our job to ‘deliver’ to the audience no matter its size. It’s a great night when you see folks groove, laugh, and/or cry from the stage. We get energy from that too.”

    She and her band will get many opportunities to tackle both of these challenges as they continue to tour. “We didn’t start really touring until after 2015 album ‘Carnival of Miracles,’ though we’d played some cities beyond the Pacific Northwest, like Philadelphia, before that release. Those first trips were often connected with my speaking at a college or elsewhere in the same city,” she explained.

    Now with an album of “Seattle-Brewed Soulgrass” receiving critical acclaim, her band tours as part of their marketing plan. “By so doing,” she elaborated, “we’ve been better exposed to an international audience, grown the fan base, sometimes earned more money, and become a much tighter performing machine.”  There are drawbacks, though, to a life on the road marketing an album. “Touring costs money though: vans, lodging, rented instruments, and time away from home,” she added. “Sometimes, the local band doesn’t deliver its promised fan base and sometimes you’re competing against insurmountable odds, like when our Bend, Oregon show was booked the same night as Willie Nelson and Alison Krauss. I think we had five folks at our show.”

    In between tour dates, The Paula Boggs Band is putting the final touches on the album art for a third studio album, “Elixir, The Soulgrass Sessions,” and will offer it in vinyl when it is released later this year. And in between her own creative projects, she will continue to listen to and support her favorite millennial/GenX songwriters Conor Oberst, Kendrick Lamar, and Courtney Barnett. “Each artist is an amazingly brilliant lyricist with something to say — sometimes provocative, sometimes ironic, always worth my investment of time, ears, head, and heart. They are the Leonard Cohens, Paul Simons, Joni Mitchells and Curtis Mayfields of that generation,” she explained.

    That young girl in Virginia who once sat in front of the TV set for inspiration ended up serving her country as a soldier, as a corporate leader, and as an avid community supporter. With self-confidence as a resource, Paula Boggs tackled a life’s work in the “real world” that was all encompassing. Through it all her inspiration to live by was a Lewis Carroll quote from Alice in Wonderland: “I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” But in the midst of that work, she was called back, through life’s painful circumstances, to songwriting.

    In retrospect, Paula Boggs has gone back to yesterday … to “the passion and craft I knew as a child and young adult” … to the young woman singing in the church choir … to the soul of the young girl who first translated the world into song at age 10. Perhaps now, as writer George Moore declared, Paula Boggs is actually a woman who has travelled “the world over in search of what (s)he needs and returns home to find it.”

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Jean Mann

    “glass spilling over, pouring out the past, room fills up, a story’s cast”  –  Jean Mann

    The stories that spill from the past of singer-songwriter Jean Mann are as rich and varied as the images that fill the lyrics of her six albums. Growing up “in a drafty, idyllic home along the shores of Lake Whatcom in Bellingham, Washington,” she recalled early music experiences that became the foundation of her writing landscape. “I can remember my mom listening to opera on the radio every Saturday as she did kitchen tasks,” she reflected. When her mother was particularly “swept up in an aria”, Jean would steal apple slices that had been freshly cut. Those aria-infused kitchen experiences “had a profound effect that I didn’t realize till much later.”

    A brief stint in a church choir and violin lessons were followed by “noodling around on the family purple piano, singing and playing whatever songbooks were around,” Jean elaborated, “It was the 1970’s….let’s leave it at that!” High-school choir and a bit of music theory at a university followed before she struck out on her own.

    “When I moved out of the house, the piano was too big to move,” she said, “so guitar seemed like a good idea. I dabbled with this for just a couple months and left it behind until decades later, when I was loaned a guitar and remembered a couple of chords. Music finally grabbed my heart ‘strings’ in earnest and has yet to let go.” At 35, Mann had found an instrument she would never have to leave behind due to its size.

    But the movement from playing guitar to sharing her music was not an easy transition. “At the age of 36, I started getting up on stage at open mics to help get over my crippling stage fright and shyness.” She then started writing original songs a couple of years later, “sparked by my grief over the death of my mother.” A self-taught songwriter, her process evolved over the years, and now she “continually strives for texture, not to repeat the same song over and over.” Though she has overcome much of her shyness, stage jitters, which can happen with small or large crowds, “can still grab me when I least expect it. I’ve just learned to breathe through it.”

    To find a fresh perspective in each song, Mann explained that she is, “inspired by life senses all around me …smells, sounds, and sights on the road, walking the dog, books, and just being out in the community which bring out tucked away memories and experiences for songs. The other day I saw a billboard that had the words pedal pushers on it. (Capri’s or clam diggers for the younger reader!) It was an instant memory flood of childhood summers and skinned-knees, and found its way into a new song.”


    As her original songs were worked into performances, Jean received confirmation that she was doing what she was created to do. “The consistent feedback I got from my first audiences about how they could relate to my songs and stories was a pretty strong message,” she stated. One moment happened when she was playing the song ‘Your Voice,’ written four years after her mother’s death. “It was the first time I could directly address this loss. After the concert, an elderly woman came up and tearfully relayed that she’d recently lost her mother and really connected with my words. What struck me was that I lost my mother at a young age, yet this pain of daughters losing mothers was something we shared across the ages.”


    Once Jean had original songs, she began recording and performing at “every possible venue I could find locally, and then down the road a bit, after years of fan-base building and six albums later, touring has taken me further out to include two European tours so far.” The European tours have brought the benefits of “sharing music, meeting people in their communities, expanding the music to new ears, and great travel adventures.” As for drawbacks, Jean is still learning how to live and organize a balanced life with this passion of an artistic career.

    For young writers starting out, Jean suggested writers would do well to “OPEN your heart and mind. Try to look at the world with child-like curiosity. Observe….everything. Think about what is important to you…whether the topics are love, angst, activism, humor, etc. If you find yourself thinking and/or editing too much, or getting stuck trying to write the ‘perfect’ song, kick the ego out the window and just write… write… write.”

    Jean also suggested capturing song ideas using technology. “Set up a simple recording device (I use the voice memo on my phone) and get in a quiet place and just let it fly. Capture the good, the bad, and the WTH!? You never know what golden lyric might come out of a free-flow of word-play. I’ve had some of my best stuff slip out in these moments.”

    Once the ideas are flowing, she advised, “Go back and edit and refine. Also, it can be useful to do songwriting exercises (or co-writing) with others. Once you start writing, keep working on improving your craft and technique; keep getting out there in the community, whether it’s the local coffeehouse on the corner, or a backyard in Belgium. It is never too late to start. Take it from this late-bloomer!”

    Jean also touted the benefits of community for writers because it provides a place to ask lots of questions and work together. She credited one particular community, Songwriters in Seattle, because, “though it emerged years after I began, it was, and is, a great community builder and has some of the nicest local song-folks I’ve met.”

    Community is one aspect of her life, however, that will be sorely missed when Jean takes to the road on her April West Coast solo tour in support of her new CD, Road Girl Vol. 1. On these road trips, “I perform mostly solo,” she said. “Road life can be lonely, with all the driving, and the booking/promo etc. But there is also no one to have to split the coffers with!”

    Though Jean is a successful full-time singer-songwriter, there are still challenges. As a writer, she struggles with dry spells, “Trying not to edit myself when life is challenging and keeping my truth and integrity intact.” As a performer, she recognizes that for independent musicians, “there is the ever-changing landscape and masses of other players vying for the same rooms. Thinking outside the (venue) box helps!”

    When she returns from the road, she will continue work on Road Girl Vol. 2, containing her studio-enhanced live recordings. Thinking out of the venue ‘box,’ she will also “work on finding new outlets and applications for my music like yoga events and workshops.” Some new venues may also open up as she continues her thirteen year off-and-on collaboration with multi-instrumentalist and recording engineer Bill Corral as well as her participation in a local vocal-ukulele trio The Blue Janes. “I do all the booking,” Jean elaborated, “but this expands the types of events and venues I can share the music with, i.e. band-centric venues and festivals.”

    As a songwriter, performer, road warrior, booking agent, band mate, and recording artist, Jean reflected that “balancing many hats can be a challenge, but as multi-task-maven, I’m learning where to focus efforts, and how to work with and delegate duties with a mutually-focused team.”

    For songwriter Jean Mann, fellow writer John Hiatt has a lyric that for her says it all: “Whatever your hands find to do, you must do with all your heart.” Whether it’s a ukulele, a guitar, a writer’s pen, or a handheld recorder, Jean Mann is an artist whose hands and heart personify that lyric.


    Jean Mann on Bandcamp 

    The Blue Janes on Bandcamp 

    “Your Voice” – Jean Mann on YouTube

  • Soul of a Song

    I’ll begin this by saying there are a million ways to approach songwriting. But this is not going to be about the technical musical notation aspects of creating a song. I want to discuss the emotion – the experiences inspiring a song’s creation. It seems there is music to cover all the bases when it comes to human emotion, and most of us have specific songs we connect with, some with deep intense feelings reminding us of events in our lives. As songwriters we are much more than entertainers. We truly are ushers of emotion.

    There is strong scientific evidence supporting the use of music therapy for mood enhancement and depression/stress relief. For instance, music has been used in hospitals for many diseases such as Alzheimer and cancer patients. A song can be medicine that helps heal your heart and soul. It can pump you up during a workout routine or get you through the morning commute. (Can you imagine a massage therapist playing some thrash metal?)

    I’d like to tell you about one such very special song: ‘Come Back to Me’ (by Chasing Oz), born of a collaboration – intense and heartfelt. This song would prove to not just be a labor of love, but therapy that saved me from the edge of destruction.


    It ultimately began years ago, starting with a dream I had.

    When I was 15, my dad disappeared from the hospital where he was being treated for depressive illness and addiction. His van was found abandoned at a campground in the San Bernardino Mountains where we lived. Everyone in the area searched for him.

    One night during this horrific time, I found myself deep in the forest. It was cold, misty, scary. The enormous trees were blowing in the wind. I was lost, searching for the soul that gave me life. I couldn’t find him, I couldn’t sense him anymore. Where had my daddy gone? Why did he abandon me… leave me all alone in this wilderness?

    Suddenly, miraculously, I’m in the safety of my childhood home in our dining room looking out across the path to the long driveway. I see him! He is in an enigmatic pitch-black car. He drives up with only God knows who. He gets out and walks down the long and eerie path toward me.

    I’m thrilled! I have a flicker of hope. He looks up… I see his eyes (so often gloomy, so lost on another planet). I’ll never forget those eyes … now clear as ever, determined, yet so very sad. He smiles, lifts his strong arm that used to hold me so tight and musters up a slight wave. Is he trying to say goodbye? I want to run to him. I want him to say everything is OK, but he disappears into that never-forgotten ghostly-black car.

    I awoke several hours later to find out the body of my father had been discovered at the lonely bottom of a cliff.


    Losing my father was so devastating. The dream of him haunted me throughout the years since. I tried writing lyrics, a poem, anything to express the pain, to get it out of my own head. I was unable to create anything to fruition on my own. Perhaps I was just too close. My daddy was special and beautiful. I loved him so much. I had a special, cosmic connection to him that never existed with any other member of my family. We were the odd balls, the bizarre, unique ones. I inherited his brown eyes, special intensity, private nature, his intellect, protectiveness of self. He was a perfectionist. He loved the Lord, and his family. He was the one who taught me to love everyone equally, the homeless, the lost and less fortunate. I will always miss him.

    I wanted to be able to get all this out of my heart and head, into something great that would honor him, and also heal, restore me.

    Something truly magnificent, almost supernatural happened one day when I experienced the ethereal sounds from a guitar part Randy (Randy Campbell – composer & co-founder of the group Chasing Oz) had started to create. I heard it and felt recognition of the eerie stunning sounds, saw rays of color and felt things I forgot were there. Randy was working on creating a musical representation of a phrase he had overheard during a car ride from his position in the back seat… The phrase “Floating over Manhattan”, from a conversation told by a friend regarding a story of her father surviving the infamous 9-11-2001 destruction of the Twin Towers.

    Immediately I found the words coming out of me, and here was the musical vehicle for the dream and the tribute to my father that had been so elusive to me for so many years!

    I’m beginning to find peace now that I have been able to tell my story to the world. Every time I perform this song live, I feel like my father can hear me. I often share a special reach out to him at the end, “After a while, Crocodile”.

    When I first started singing this I could barely get through the song without weeping, but to be honest, although at first daunting, I am amazed at the deeper connection I experience with the audience. I’m hoping this song from the soul connects in a special way to others who have lost someone special to them.

    I am blessed and proud to present to you our song, ‘Come Back to Me’.

    You can hear ‘Come Back to Me’ on the Chasing Oz album First and Union

    Visit our band site:

  • Meet the Host: Sheri Roberts-Greimes

    Sheri Roberts-Greimes has recently taken on our newest showcase, Capps Club. As host, she will help SiS songwriters put their best foot forward when playing their original compositions at this Kenmore club whose motto is “LIVE MUSIC. DONE WELL.” As Sheri is often busy helping other songwriters feel welcome and prepared to share their work, we wanted to introduce you to her through her own words.

    “I started playing piano at age three and was playing professionally at 15 in piano bars throughout the Pacific Northwest. Fate took me to Nashville, which was a true learning experience in songwriting. I played a few notable clubs in Nashville … The Bluebird Cafe was the most renown, and my favorite type of show was the “writers in the round” format. This was a time of true sharing and growth and learning styles of other writers… a great musical experience.

    After eight years, I moved back to the Northwest to raise my son and go to college. Through the years I have been on the fringes of the music scene playing with various bands. After a severe health event in 2012, I lost my voice for almost three years. Fighting my way back to the stage, I have been blessed to continue my performing and songwriting. I recently released my first blues CD “Bleeding Heart” and have been nominated for three Best of the Blues Awards for 2017 by the Washington Blues Society. I continue to perform everywhere I can, as a single act or with my band JoMomma! I am also working on my next CD and always showing up to play at a place close to home!

    Having played at Capps Club in Kenmore for Thursday Happy Hour and being involved with the Washington Blues Society’s events at Capps Club, Mark Capps and I started a conversation about songwriting in Nashville and songwriting opportunities here in Washington State. Mark wanted to help support local songwriters and wanted to know if I would help host a songwriter’s night at Capps Club. So I hooked Mark up with Chris Klimecky, president of Songwriters in Seattle, and here we are!

    As a host, I have the benefits of meeting new people and hearing such great songs. I am amazed by the writing process, and to see other people’s journeys is priceless! If someone wanted to become a host, I think one important skill is to be a “Welcome Wagon” kind of person. Some artists are very shy, and you get to represent and support everyone. Also, a host would need to have some computer skills to promote events. As a host, it would also be helpful to be a songwriter so you can perform too!

    Mostly though, hosting gives a songwriter the opportunity to grow as artist, as a songwriter, and as a person! Ya can’t beat that!”


    Find out more about Sheri Greimes by visiting her website:


    Visit our new showcase at:

    We are open for the pure joy of live performances. We offer a full bar and fun eats.
    7620 NE Bothell Way
    Kenmore, WA 98028