Songwriters in Seattle

Category: Blog

Default blog post category – These are articles that mostly consist of text commentary or stories.

  • No. 8056: The Search for the Perfect Piano – Part 1

    No. 8056: The Search for the Perfect Piano – Part 1

    So this has nothing to do with social networking or recording ideas or songwriting tips.  It is just a story some fifteen years or so in the making of the search – a journey of sorts – for the perfect piano. Maybe someone coming across this can relate. Of finding that one instrument on which to bear it all. I of course think pianists are a passionate lot and that the piano is one of mankind’s greatest inventions, but obviously there are many instruments and perhaps many musicians for which this kind of passion applies.

    This then is the first of a three-part story of an age-old Bechstein piano.

    part one. [imperfection]

    There really is no better sound in this world than a just-tuned piano other than perhaps none at all as in complete silence found only high up in the mountains on glaciers far removed from everything watching clouds scrape over ice without making a sound. Without the cancellations of duplexed and triplexed strings beating out of sync the piano gains a devouring volume. Nearly too much for this little living room in which I find myself this afternoon. It has a certain power to it that it does not have at any other time and a perfection in its imperfections. Made especially clear through the routine and drudgery of tuning where only one string at a time is tuned and where it is easy to get quite used to the rather insipid sound that creates. But then – once having finished all the keys -then the task begins of tuning the unisons – over two hundred of them in all – and the sound begins to take shape. Builds on itself the physics of it all beautiful.

    After far too much time spent on keyboards in Logic samples stored as binary codes in this whirring Mac beside me the inexplicable acoustic power of a hundred-and-thirty-nine-year-old German grand piano strings copper wound by now-antiquated machines and hammers voiced by delicate hands nearly a century-and-a-half ago the soundwaves upon soundwaves multiplying on top of each other until nearly exploding is an absolutely phenomenal sensation to behold.


    Fifteen years ago now I think. I could not explain at the time why without a place to put it living on maple-lined quiet streets in tiny upstairs apartments up creaky flights of stairs making pennies an hour all of twenty years old completely out of nowhere I talked myself into the idea that I must have a grand piano. Absurd it was. And so after scrawling calculations on scraps of paper and more scraps of paper adding up and subtracting from and figuring out how to stretch every last dime maybe going without food so that I could sit at a grand piano and bang away annoying all within earshot I began The Search.

    This entailed Friday nights raining and dark autumn Northwest rains and all in full swing driving from Tacoma to Seattle and all points in between including the Bösendorfer dealer in Portland visiting every piano dealer I could find. Some were gracious and took me seriously. Others told me to quiet down me hammering big fat chords that there were lessons going on in the back and what is this twenty-year-old doing looking at the grand pianos anyhow surely we could interest him in a more reasonable upright there that one in the far corner?

    And then one afternoon I found myself wandering into the Helmer’s Music in Tacoma. I had just about nailed my search down to a five-foot-seven Weber I came across at the Helmer’s in Federal Way. ‘Check out the six-footer down in Tacoma before you decide’ the guy up there told me and sent me on my way south.

    And so I wandered the store from one far corner to the other of course because I had to maybe there was something else afterall at last finding the six-foot Weber stashed amongst a handful of other Asian grands and having a go on it. Hard to compare but I wasn’t sold on the few additional inches which of course meant a few additional thousands of dollars.

    Wrapping up on it I finished circling the store and there in the back corner a mahogany 5’9″ piano impeccably beautiful and so I snuck up to it for a closer look. Hmm … ‘C. Bechstein’ it said on the fallboard. Never heard of it. ‘Pianoforte-Fabrick von C. Bechstein Berlin’ graced the soundboard. German. I was drawn to it. And so I took a seat at the bench and held my breath. Played exactly three chords. And that was it. I was done for. I must have a Bechstein grand before I die I told myself in an instant before exhaling still sitting at the bench running my fingers across the keys.

    The search was over.

    Too bad for me scraping pennies together to pony up for just the Korean-made Weber that this particular German Bechstein had a pricetag of ninety-three thousand. Dollars.

    But it didn’t matter. I would own one someday.


    ‘Weber WG57 5’7” ebony 6 mos sacrifice $8k obo’ the newspaper clipping I found tucked in a box heaping full of music stuff from years past read. Sacrifice. The word broke my heart.

    I guess I only had it for six months that five-foot-seven polished ebony Weber grand for which I had spent all those months looking. The advert was dated November seventh nineteen-ninety-nine and the paperwork stuffed in a once nice but now ragged Weber sales folder from April of the same year. No doubt the worst financial decision I had ever made buying on a complete impulse sitting on kitchen counters in my sisters’ old rickety second-floor apartment above Thomas Street on Capitol Hill over hot chocolates and potato casseroles and Nantucket Nectars I ended up keeping a mere six months before having to sell it losing several thousand dollars in the process several thousand dollars this twenty-two-year-old really did not have to lose.

    But no regrets.

    I look back and remember certain moments on it as if they were yesterday. An evening alone a theme raging in my head going over to it crammed into a corner of a living room barely bigger than the piano old worn hardwood floors sitting down and banging it out everything exploding in that moment the theme to what will become the fortissimo opening to a second concerto for piano and orchestra. The enormous B-flat minor chord as loud as I could hammer it on that five-seven. A switch to the D chord enormous. The fat copper bass strings were thunderous their sound rebounding off the plaster to fill the small space with an immense wall of sound unbearable. The sound was big but yet not big enough. I always wanted it to be bigger as big as what I heard in my head and the Weber could not suffice.

    That’s not why I sold it though six months after all the work I put into searching for it months and months almost as long as I ended up owning it. But I had to in order to get to No. 8056. I just didn’t know it at the time. It was all a progression of sorts.

    And the cost was worth it. The memories continued to pile on top of each other.

    Putting together a film of short recordings for my older sister on eight-millimeter digital videotape of me playing various snippets pulled from reams of comb-bound sketch books and improvising the rest as I fumbled with them leafing though the pages scrawled with ink. The chord change from D-flat to E-flat minor huge an ending to a concerto yet to be written for now years and years all still in my head. An idea in F-sharp minor furious uncontained. Another in E-flat. I asked for the audio cassette recording a few months ago I had mailed to her years and years back but have yet to dust off an old cassette deck stashed somewhere in order to listen to it again and reminisce. Maybe pull some ideas. Work them out, develop them some more. A theme, just an idea still, to the second movement of another concerto for piano and orchestra sketched out on the keys of that Weber. In those six short months I even moved it from that first tiny apartment it called home to another tiny apartment from where it would leave me to move onto other hands – other notes waiting to be played.

    But no piano I have ever owned or played has escaped me. I seem to have memories of them all.

    A grand piano in the middle of the wide-open orchestra rehearsal room at the neighborhood college back in flat and muddy Missouri close enough that I would walk to crisp autumn nights crunching leaves over the campus lawn finding the piano through the window sitting there alone cracking the door open wandering over to it sitting down and playing interrupted at some point by a security guard not amused with my ramblings. Must have seen the light or heard the racket and came looking. I never returned. A Steinway D my sister Kathy the one to whom I gave the low-fi recording made on the Weber years before that had talked the janitor into letting her know where it was stashed on the stage of her college’s auditorium. So one night we snuck in and pulled it out from its little climate-controlled vault out onto the stage her disappearing quietly to go sit somewhere up high in the mezzanine while I banged away on it at one point a student maybe in charge of watching out for hooligans like us maybe just passing through the halls walked up beside me on the middle of the stage and without missing a note of whatever I was fumbling to play I remember looking up and muttering ‘hey’ and he maybe assuming I had permission or maybe not wanting to bother me just playing the piano nodded and left us be. A Kawai grand in the sanctuary of a Mormon church in a proper Midwest town the secretary kind enough to let me in and play for maybe half an hour. A crap old Wurlitzer spinet I was renting from Sherman Clay in a crap old apartment in Tukwila just north of the airport one night alone watching the movie ‘Shine’ for the first time halfway through getting up stumbling over to it in the dark clicking on the dim piano light and throwing down the beginning motif to a first concerto for piano and orchestra influenced heavily in that very instant that single moment in the dark by the raging piano of Sergei Rachmaninov. A broken-down upright stuffed in a practice room at UPS in North Tacoma a farewell performance of sorts to a now lost love. The WG57. In time but before No. 8056 another ebony polished Weber this time an upright W121.

    My mother’s tiny woodgrain Kimball spinet and Beethoven and my first piano sonata in D-flat.

    At the top of the scrap of notebook paper folded and torn I found in that same box as the newspaper clipping it read ‘penny toss!’ Scribbled in columns beneath were numbers dollar amounts of rents and bills and such. I guess after all the math all the addition and subtraction and crossing out and refiguring I was leaving it all – the decision to buy not any piano but a grand piano ten thousand some dollars – to chance. To chance by flipping a coin. Whichever side – I can’t recall – that I decided would seal the deal and make the Weber mine even for those short six months had apparently landed right side up. Definitely not by chance.


    The moving slip from A&J reads December eighth nineteen-ninety-nine. It too is folded and worn. I saved all these scraps of paper. I’m nostalgic. It escapes me though at this point who it was that bought it from me. But I remember the two guys coming in. Taking off the one leg on the front left corner and lowering my piano – for only such a short time already someone else’s – down gently then from that awkward position heaving it up onto its long side to remove the other two legs. Lifting it with a collective grunt from there up onto the cart then out the front door. Down the stairs. Into the back of their truck. And gone.

    But that was just the beginning.

    Because of these scraps of paper mostly the one with the columns of rents and bills and such and the note to toss a penny I went searching without knowing or without reason or even an understanding then to find a five-foot-nine beautiful but more than just beautiful piano that stirred something in me the instant I played it a perfect combination of the airwaves around me from the copper and steel strings the spruce soundboard it all handmade in Berlin by a piano manufacturer named C. Bechstein of which before that moment I had never heard.

    It would be many more years until I would find mine.

  • SiS Podcast: Jennifer Cadence

    November, 2011

    Jennifer Cadence
    “Sapphire Blues” pop artist Jennifer Cadence is interviewed by SiS Organizer Chris Klimecky. They discuss the origins of her unique pop sound, her new EP “Mr. Universe,” and she gives 5 music business tips all musicians should follow.

    Click the play icon above to stream, or click here to download

    Click here to read more about this podcast from Chris’s blog archive.

    Subscribe to the SiS Podcast on iTunes

  • Songwriting Lesson: Matching Melodies and Lyrics

    I would like to start off our little coaching session with a tip that is crucial for good song development. It’s sad but true that many songwriters ignore this skill I am about to tell you resulting in underdeveloped songs. It’s also a skill that’s not easy…I suppose that’s why many overlook it. Here it goes!


    It use to be popular for two individuals – a lyricist and a music composer – to work separately for the same goal. Some famous examples are Oscar Hammerstein and Richard Rogers, or George and Ira Gershwin. Each had a skill that complemented the other. One was good with words and the other melody and music. These two skills required an assortment of tools  the writers would use to put together a polished song. The point I am making is today it is common for one person to do both jobs requiring an understanding of both processes – blending lyrics with melody.


    Tools of Songwriting: What this means is those things you know or techniques you learn that makes a song sound good. That is put as simply as I can. There are lots of tools to learn, but the good news is the more you learn the easier the job gets.


    Let me introduce to you the process of choosing the right music to match the words of a song. This skill is sometimes called “prosody” – a big word that simply means using the right music to enhance and give depth to specific words in a song. Its the strength and function of music to embellish words – to create the emotion and put some life into them – learn to choose the right tones and length of tones to enhance the words. This is when you put on your composer hat and be cognizant of choosing the right music or melody – catching the mood of the words of the song you are writing. In the simplest form let me describe the use of music to enhance the lyrics of a song. A good example is a song you are familiar with, I’m sure. That way I know you can hear the melody that I’m describing. “Somewhere over the Rainbow” – so do you have the melody in your mind?


    Somewhere over the Rainbow way up high


    I want you to notice the arc of the melody as you sing…Some…Where (Up high) over the rainbow…(this follows a musical arc…like a rainbow – you can picture it)…way… (is the other side of the arc down lower)  “up high” (….up has a little lift to it as well). What would it be like if you ended “up high” with it going down low? It would give a different meaning to what the lyric writer wanted. Now say the phrase in a monotone voice. In other words just speak it without up and down emphasis. That would be quite a dull song wouldn’t it? So what tool did the composer use? Pitch….the up and down dimension of music used to perfection following the arc of the rainbow placing emphasis or spotlighting very important parts of the lyrical phrase. Also, the length of tone given to each word or syllable in a word is carefully chosen. For example: the composer did not linger on the word “the.” Correctly, the emphasis is on “Somewhere….(it’s prolonged)…and….”rainbow” (it’s split with each part of the word extended giving it punctuation). Then of course “up high” lifts at the end of the phrase. Now for a very important part of the lesson: Highlight the important words in your lyrical phrase with these powerful tools. The success of this song is understandably credited to the detail given to blending melody with lyric in such a masterly fashion.


    Now to top this lesson off is to mention the hardest part of songwriting that I know. Let’s say you developed a melody with the first verse; emphasis is on the right words and the lifts all make sense. You have a dynamic first verse. Now the second verse you’re typically stuck with the same melody but you have to say something different. Here is where a skilled writer creates a well written song. The writer must choose the right words to follow the melody with all its dynamics in place, emphasizing or spotlighting the proper content of the new and different lyrics of the second verse. Warning! Do not end up spotlighting words or parts of phrases that have lesser value or you will end up with a weak second verse. Give careful thought to make sure emphasis is not on words like “the” or “is”….You don’t want to give listeners any reason to lose interest in your song at any point. This requires more skill but if you do it – carry it through and don’t be lazy – your songs will have an incredibly polished appeal to them.


    This could be a difficult lesson that may take years to master. Many say it’s not that important but the masters of the craft take all these tools painstakingly into account when writing their songs. This lesson is intended to introduce this tool – not to master it overnight. Be aware of it and use it when writing your next tune.


  • Aug/Sept 2011 Songwriting Contest Results!

    Thanks to everyone who sent in entries to the Songwriters in Seattle contest and thanks to Brian Nelson of Paintshaker Music for providing the grand prize: 8 hours of studio time at Elliot Bay Recording Company.

    Congratulations to the winner of our August/September 2011 Songwriting Contest…


    For his song “LA Is Totally Awesome”click this link to have a listen For yourself.

    Charlie Heinemann












    Judges’ Comment (by SiS Organizer Chris Klimecky): “This song has a great combination of a singable melody, a chorus I can’t get out of my head, brilliant phrasing, and a tight structure. Lyrically, the storytelling rides the fine line of cleverness, humor, and a touch of sarcastic attitude which always makes me smile while also making a subtle point about what is really important in life. Nothing outrageous or innovative, per se, just all the right parts executed extremely well.”

    There were many fantastic entries in the 33 we received – here are links to more songs our judges feel deserve recognition:

    “I Am The Water” by Zoe Wick
    “Take Me Away” by Scott Burkhalter
    “Desert Highway” by Derek Medina
    “Sleeveless Season” by Jean Mann
    “Life is Alright” by Steve Church

    Other Top Picks:
    “Mr. Universe” by Jennifer Cadence
    “Just Fine” by KC Brakes
    “That’s When Life Began” by Bruce Hunt
    “Tale of a Missouri Girl” by Erin Jordan
    “It’s Time” by Cat Henderson
    “Morning Aire” by Leo Brodie
    “Heroes” by Randy Edwards
    “(My Meeting With) Mr. Vegas” by Jim Marcotte
    “Feeling’s Gone” by Lou Gopal
    “Chelsie Don’t Cry” by Segrid Coleman
    “The Wedding Song” by Andy “Roo” Forrest


    Archive of contest info and rules:

    Grand prize is 8 hours of studio time at Elliot Bay Recording Co. courtesy of Brian Nelson at Paintshaker Music ($550 value)!

    Elliot Bay Recording Company


    This contest ends Sept. 30 – See rules and submission procedures below…

    Aug./Sept. 2011 SiS Songwriting Contest Rules


    1. You must be a Pacific NW Songwriters in Seattle member in order to be eligible.
    2. SiS Board of Directors and Employees/Associates of Elliot Bay Recording Company and Paintshaker Music are not eligible.
    3. Entries must be submitted by Friday, September 30.
    4. Submitted songs must be publicly and freely available on the internet via weblink. This is for your benefit! We will showcase and publicize you and your song to everyone if you win! MP3s submitted directly to SiS will not be eligible. Songs with any listening gate/restriction (for example, must sign up for a mailing list) will not be eligible.
    5. Multiple songs from a single writer are not eligible. Only the first song submitted will be considered.


    1. Send a link to your song to If there are multiple songs accessible from that link, be sure to state specifically which song you are submitting.
    2. Only one song per songwriter will be accepted. It is okay if one artist performs the songs of multiple songwriters. We are recognizing and awarding the songwriters, not the performing artists.
    3. In your e-mail submission, please be clear about stating who the songwriters are (i.e. credits).


    1. The winner will be determined by the SiS Board of Directors. All decisions are final.
    2. The winner will be announced Monday, October 17th at the SiS Monthly Networking Meeting at Cafe Allegro in the U District and posted here on the day after.
    3. Coordination and scheduling of the grand prize awarded max. 8 hours of recording time at Elliot Bay Recording Co. will need to be arranged between the winning artist and Brian Nelson of Paintshaker Music.

  • Music Biz – What To Do Next? Part 1: The CD

    (Editor’s Note: Jennifer runs a monthly Music Biz Workshop event for SiS and has agreed to share some of her notes and recommendations in a 3-part series)

    You have passion and music and want to do something with them. Here’s the best order in which to proceed:

      1. Record your songs. Suck it up and either put down the money for professional recordings or barter for them. If you’re a songwriter, find or hire talented musicians (don’t settle with your friends) to perform on the recording.

    Some helpful tips:

        a. If you’re flat broke try the following for fundraising:


        b. Hire a producer or bring in a trusted, truthful musician to give you outside feedback. YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF YOUR OWN HEAD during this process which is why your money would be well spent on a producer.
        c. Go in with a plan. It will save you lot’s of $ in the long run.
        d. Remember QUALITY OVER QUANTITY! If you can’t afford to pay for a full-length album, a four or five song EP is all you need to get your career going and will save you money.
        e. Eugene Foley Has this to say about information for songs regarding commercially desirable structure (the most appealing structure for a sellable song) “One thing to keep in mind, at least for your songs designated as “Singles” (the songs geared towards winning over radio stations, record company executives and music publishers) – try to keep Intros under 10 seconds and try to reach the Chorus between the 40 and 43 second mark. This is very important in the following genres: pop, rock, singer/songwriter, R&B/pop, alternative rock, jazz/pop and punk/pop. If it’s 44 seconds or longer into a song and the Chorus did not kick in yet, you should edit the arrangement accordingly. In rap music, the chorus can come in at the 59 second mark or even a bit later, since the verses are traditionally longer, compared to other genres of popular music. Radio, Record Company and Music Publishing executives pay close attention to song arrangement, as they decide if an artist is developed enough for them to show interest.”
        f. A recommendation for order of songs on your disc:

          i. Your strongest song should ALWAYS be first.
          ii. If you will be submitting the cd to record companies, (similar to a demo CD setup) radio stations, etc. the first four to five songs should be in the following order:

            1. Upbeat (and/or strongest) song
            2. Midtempo OR ballad (whichever one is stronger)
            3. Midtempo OR ballad
            4. Upbeat (if this is your closing song) if there will be others on the disc a Midtempo song.
            5. Strong, Upbeat closing song.

          iii. This particular song order has been deemed the most appealing and is considered an industry standard.

      2. Have songs professionally mastered. Don’t just run them through garageband, have them taken (or emailed in) to a professional mastering studio and watch the magic.
      3. Hire a graphic designer and photographer to do the cd art. Don’t let your music be hindered by bad artwork. Check out local colleges for graphic design students or try posting an article on craigslist to find someone if you’re on a tight budget. If you have a strong fan base, ask your fans to get involved. Have them design it for you in a contest or have them vote on it. Fans love being involved. 🙂
      4. Duplicate your music. Start small, 100 cds is a good starting point. Discmaker’s 1000 cds deal is tempting BUT it takes a LONG time to sell/ get rid of 1000 cds. I would recommend having two sets of cds- 1 printing for press kits and 1 printing for merchandise.

        a. The press kit printing should include your contact information (email, name, phone number and physical [use a PO Box] mailing address) on the physical cd, on the back of the cd and near the liner notes on the inside of the cd. Get it in a standard jewel case WITHOUT plastic wrap.
        b. Merchandise copy can be in whatever format you’d like- just make sure you have a UPC code on it. If you don’t have one, can get you a UPC for $20
        c. Studio North Duplication can do small order in a short turn time numerous different cases relatively cheap PLUS they’re based out of Lynnwood, which will save Seattle-ites on shipping costs.

      5. Register your copyright

        a. Also check with your performing rights organization to see what needs to be done to have your song accounted for so you can collect any royalties you generate.

          i. If you don’t have a PRO, get one- ASCAP, BMI or SESAC

      6. To CD release party or to not CD release party? You’ve just finished your project and are super excited to share it. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

        a. You’re either a starting artist with a small fan base or revamping your current direction into a new style do you have enough fans to be the headliner that the venue would want you to be? This typically means bringing in enough people to make the venue happy.
        b. A proper, successful CD release (the type that record labels do) involves AT THE VERY LEAST 10 weeks of prep time Check out the Music business toolbox at to see the checklist and more. I highly recommend purchasing this product! Worth every single cent!
        c. It typically takes 2-3 months to book a release show.
        d. Will you have everything digitally in line with your physical release?
        e. Here’s a great article on Music Think Tank with more CD release tidbits
        f. Sometimes the smarter thing to do is simply start selling cds at shows and send out an email announcing that your cd is now available.

      7. Digital distribution. If you are having a CD release party try to make sure that your digital distribution date happens around the same time. The top used digital distribution services are:

        d. This one is FREE!

    Now that you have your music in your hand you have a tangible product to sell. One VERY important thing to remember is that you are not selling simply music, you are selling yourself. Next up in Part 2 is most likely the hardest, most time consuming, the most confusing and the most frustrating- Marketing.

  • What Genre Am I?

    We had a great monthly meeting this week at Cafe Allegro. As always, the meeting inspired me in many ways and gave me things to think about. One area that I heard from many fellow musicians there was the difficulty everyone felt when they tried to classify their music into a “genre”. There are many reasons for this.

    First of all, the genres are loosely defined and each person may have a different perception of whether a particular musical element fits into a particular genre or not.

    Secondly, when we write a piece of music, sometimes we do not set out to have the piece belong to a certain genre. The songwriting mindset may have nothing to do with genres. The composer thinks in chords, melodies and rhythms and the lyricist thinks in characters and story arcs and verses and hooks; but they may ignore whether a particular chord progression is Western/Americana or Gothic Metal. Hence, the genre assignment comes as an afterthought and things just don’t seem to always fit.

    Genres may also make an artist feel trapped, afraid to lose some amount of artistic freedom (and a chance for uniqueness).

    I feel your pain. My personal struggle with assigning a genre to my music took more than a decade (even though a large part of it was an inactive period for me) and finally ended some months ago when I read the book “Music Success in Nine Weeks” by Ariel Hyatt. Now, before you ask, let me tell you right away. No, I didn’t apply all the advice in the book; and no, I didn’t get music success in 9 weeks (although that depends on how you define “success”). However this book had a section about the topic of genres that helped me formalize my stance on this issue.

    Since I don’t have the book at hand right now, I won’t be able to quote directly, but what I got out of the book was this:

    Genres are loose classification tools. Genres help people who have not heard you before determine whether they would like to hear you or not. Genres help online databases and distribution channels show your name as a suggestion to those listeners who are most likely to enjoy your music. Genres help music business professionals (and yourself) have some idea about how to position you, do your marketing, and do your PR.

    Given the abundance of music available right now, it is more critical than ever to somehow reach the people that are likely to enjoy your music and become your fans (“finding your niche” in fancy terms). Any tool that helps those potential fans discover you, be it a genre, or a similarity to a famous artist, or a YouTube “tag”, seems well worth using.

    That was what led me to finally go through the exercise of analyzing my influences and various elements in my music, tracking down which genres they originate from and finally draw some lines around what I call “my genre”. And since nothing stops you from claiming to be a crossover between multiple genres I did exactly that. Now I confidently and comfortably claim to be “a merge of rock, classical and electronica”. And once you go through this exercise it doesn’t feel “trapping” anymore. After all, every single one of these genres have so much variety in composition, arrangements, and sound, I feel like I could do pretty much anything under the sun and still be able to claim “Hey, I am just stretching the boundaries of my genre!” 🙂

    Of course this is a personal choice and what I wrote is my story of arriving at a genre decision. Maybe it doesn’t work for everyone. Plus anything we hear and read about Web 2.0, social media and online music discovery is subject to change in very short time periods. Assumptions and observations could be inaccurate. No one can really prove, without a doubt, that assigning a genre will help more fans find you. Maybe as an artist you don’t even care how many fans you reach. Maybe you are just out to communicate.

    So what do you think about your music and genres? Do you feel comfortable with saying your genre is X or Y? What are your experiences?

  • Review:

    In this day and age, distribution of your music has become accessible to every musician, whether they are signed or not. You can get your music up on the net and make it available for free or for sale. Various sites can produce several hundreds of your CD’s relatively cheaply for you to sell them at your gigs. The challenge has become choosing which of these plethora of online services to use. To help with that decision, here is my review of one such site: Bandcamp.


  • “Mooncakes” on NPR’s Marketplace

    Songwriters in Seattle had a really cool and unexpected bit of national media attention Monday with our song, “A Black Market For Mooncakes” being part of a segment on NPR’s Marketplace. I’ve been asked a lot about how it happened, all the way back to the origin story of the song, so I thought I’d give you the lowdown on how it went down. First, here are the links to the NPR piece itself, as they have the text of what was read on air along with the whole song posted here:

    NPR Marketplace segment on Mooncakes song

    You can hear the entire audio of the Marketplace segment on their posted podcast here (our “Final Word” bit starts around 25:15):

    9/12/11 Marketplace segment audio

    So what’s the connection to Marketplace in the first place? Back in Sept. of 2010 my friend Skye Hansen posted a link to a Marketplace article by NPR Marketplace China correspondent Rob Schmitz called “A Black Market For Mooncakes” on her Facebook wall. I had only seen the headline come across my screen and it struck me as unique and poetic – so off the cuff I immediately commented on the post, “Sounds like a song title…” (completely in jest, of course). What Skye commented back was magical:

    “There’s a black market for mooncakes
    That appears in the dead of night
    It’s right next to that store with the fallingstar jam
    And other unearthly delights!”
















    As I was at once surprised and blown away, I definitely wanted to make this into a real song. So I did try in vain for a few weeks to see if I could do anything with it, to no avail. Thus the Songwriters in Seattle “mashup” event where I brought what I thought could be a decent seed for a group collaboration. After some discussion about Rob’s article and the potential themes of China’s repression, underground rebellion, people coming together despite restriction to celebrate their passions, and the poetic symbol of the cosmic eatery, it was agreed that we’d give it a shot. (Note: Rob’s article wasn’t really about any of those things – it was more what we were inspired to think about based on the seed idea). With the throwing out of my portion of the attempted lyrics and some tweeking of Skye’s original chorus, we went to work.

    As you can imagine, 10 songwriters in a room trying to write the same song was…challenging. Lyrics and associated chords were written (and crossed out) with big black markers on large sheets of paper and stuck to the walls. There was much chaotic guitar playing and random singing. Some were frustrated, some thought it was going nowhere – or at least nowhere worthwhile. But after 3 hours or so, we had something – it wasn’t much, but we had something and it was actually pretty good. With me standing up at the sheets on the wall and trying to direct everyone to verses and choruses that would make a reasonable finished structure with what we had (only one verse of lyrics in addition to what we started with plus the chords to the two sections), we hit record on Jessica Lynne’s iPhone and ran through it best we could:

    (Warning – this is super rough, with beer bottles clanking as they fall over, yelling directions, and other such fumbling to get through)

    Now fast forward a few months…based on that recording I obviously had some work to do to make the song into a listenable finished piece, but it finally came together. Recording was fun as this is not anywhere near a typical style for me. Breaking out the nylon string guitar for a flamenco solo and faking castanets with spoons from the kid’s toy percussion set were especially unusual. And then singing along with Jessica Lynne and David Rix to make us sound like a much larger group was a real kick. Overall, I am very happy with how the song and recording turned out. I feel it represents the collaborative talents and aspirations of Songwriters in Seattle very well.

    Many thanks again to David whose great idea and, more importantly, his action it was to send the recording to the original author of the Marketplace article which inspired the song, Rob Schmitz, and got the next part of the story started. Rob’s response:

    “All I can say is: Wow. I knew I had hit upon something when I reported the
    mooncakes story, but I never in my wildest dreams thought it was worthy of
    moving a group of musicians to song. Well done. I¹m honored my bizarre
    little story inspired your group to write and perform this piece.”

    Rob forwarded it to his producers in LA and next thing you know, David and I are working out the details with Marketplace Producer Fiona Ng to get the song on the air and linked on their website. Some vague details about what we should expect and when…then a few days later…boom! “I thought it was kinda catchy…” – Marketplace host, Kai Ryssdal. How cool is that? Thanks to Rob and Fiona for making it all happen.

    There you have it! This is yet another great example of the amazing things that can happen when we work together!

  • Set Your Voice Free

    Sound catchy? That’s the title of a book by “America’s #1 Vocal Coach” Roger Love that I bought some dozen years ago. At the time, I was living in cramped quarters, and when I would try to practice the funny sounds that he has his students pronounce, I would hear snickers from the people walking by in the hallway. That killed my desire to practice for awhile, but since joining Songwriters in Seattle and living where I might have better luck hiding in my apartment to practice, I decided to break out the book and instructional CD once again and go at it.

    OK, so you’re thinking, “Oh, this guy’s promoting a book that he hasn’t even gotten any proof of results from yet.” Very true. But since looking at all the profiles of songwriters who would really like to have someone else sing their stuff for them, I decided to let them at least have the opportunity now to make up their own minds regarding Roger Love, regardless of whether or not I’ve become an excellent singer because of him. This guy promises that with his instructional CD, you will, with regular practice, be able to sing three octaves in full voice, with a technique that he calls “Middle Voice.” I’ve only heard one guy sing three octaves in full voice, and that was Bob Seger doing the studio version of “Katmandu.” His technique was based on cocaine and whiskey. But Bob can barely get it today. Roger’s technique has eighty-year-olds singing like they were twenty!

    So check him out. His web site is He’s got some other books besides the one I bought some twelve years ago, so you’ve got a lot to choose from, and they all have instructional CDs with the books. And who knows; with regular practice, you too may be able to belt out three octaves of “Katmandu!”