Songwriters in Seattle

Category: Tips

These are blog posts (mostly text) that are trying to teach or give advice on a particular topic.

  • Getting Out of the Four Chord Rut

    Many would consider a four-chord-song to be a song with one completely unnecessary chord in it, and it is true that there are many brilliant three-chord-songs.

    Country songwriter Harlan Howard famously stated that all he needed was “three chords and the truth” and my mother-in-law used to joke that she only knew how to play three chords and a thousand songs, and that I seemed to know thousands of chords but only three songs.

    It would be fair to say that there are definitely a lot of ways, both simple and complex, to decorate our songs with harmony, and it is well worth our time to explore some options and detail some of the rules of the road when it comes to “chording up” our tunes.

    One of the first determinations, when looking for the greatest number of chord options for our song, is to establish what key that song is in. Determining key is easier with the help of the following chart which lists the names of the keys in the left column, lists the number of sharps and flats in the right column, and displays the chords indigenous to that key in the rows between. When attempting to establish which key a particular song is in, there are lots of criteria that music theorists factor into the equation, but in most cases we can simply state that “majority rules”. In other words, whatever key most of the chords are in, is a pretty good key to work within.

    If we determine that all (or at least most) of our chords are in a given key, then we can add, remove, shift, or replace any of the chords in our song with other chords from that same key. Although we are not guaranteed to like the result of every choice, we might find some chords that fit to our liking and some of those good choices will provide a foundation to work from as we add chords to the other parts of the song.

    As we continue to edit, we can then start to focus our chord selections by applying one of the many chord substitution techniques that are built right into the key system. A substitution technique that is fairly straightforward and easy to apply involves relative chords. The general concept of harmonic relation acknowledges that chords are considered similar to one another by having the most notes in common and therefore offer the greatest likelihood for success during substitution.

    For instance, a C chord is a relative to Am due to the two notes they share in common (c, e) and therefore they can substitute for one another almost always and with very little, or perhaps even no adjustment to the melody. Likewise, a Dm chord is related to an F chord and an Em is related to a G, all within the key of C. Numerically, we can more broadly state that the I chord is related to the vi chord, the ii to the IV chord, and the iii to the V chord in every key, which gives us a substitution platform that we can apply to any key we choose to write in.

    A terrific way to test drive this concept of relative harmonic substitution is to take a song you have already written in the key of C (or any other key using the chart above) and swap out the relative major and minor chords. You would then listen and assess the effect of each of the alterations. This may not necessarily increase the number of chords in our song but it will definitely get you more used to hearing your song framed in a new chord system that might challenge your initial choices as well as challenge the general feel of the song as well. Think of this as the training camp of chord substitution.

    As far as using relative substitution to increase our chord count, a great technique is to use the relative major and minor in each section that previously featured only one of the two chords. For instance, in a bar where we had previously been playing just a C chord, we would now try a split bar of C to Am, then try Am to C, and determine if either of those options is more likable than the original chord choice.

    I often teach the concept where we consider our songs initial chord progression to be an unchallenged ‘plan A’ until we have tried replacing the chords with at least three other progressions (plan B, plan C, plan D) to determine if there is a better progression available, at least with the options from this primary substitution concept of related majors and minors in splits and/or swaps. There are a few more ways to substitute harmony that are only slightly more complex than relative major/minor substitution that offer even more chord options. Let’s save those for another time.

    In the end, the goal of this exercise is to ‘rule in’ or ‘rule out’ that the best progression for our song is the 4-chord box pattern that we often initially use to bring our songs into existence.

  • Song Critiques: Why You Need Them, Why You Should Do Them

    Song Critiques: Why You Need Them, Why You Should Do Them

    Song Critiques: Why You Need Them, Why You Should Do Them

    There are two crucial steps that many amateur songwriters overlook in their quest to improve their craft and take their songs to the next level. First, they fail to subject their songs to a critique by other songwriters, and second, they fail to critique their peers’ songs. Many songwriters are also singers and/or musicians, and often spend months or even years studying music and practicing their instrument of choice. But when it comes to the art and practice of songwriting, many potential songwriters don’t realize that the same amount of study will improve their ability to write great songs. That ability can be honed, in part, by having your songs critiqued and critiquing others’ songs.


    Why You Should Have Your Songs Critiqued by Other Songwriters

    It will save you time, money, and energy. Before you shell out big bucks to get a song professionally recorded, or before you even present it to a wider audience, it’s important to run it by other people. If your song is not getting the response you would like, there is likely some work that still needs to be done. If you are made aware of your song’s weak spots, you can find solutions to make it stronger. One person’s opinion is easy to dismiss, but if three or more people all point out an aspect of your song that they believe makes it weak, you should pay attention. No song is perfect, but even your best songs can be tweaked and finessed before you invest in having them professionally recorded, mixed, mastered, and distributed. Plus, you’ll discover that different people often have radically different opinions about your song – knowing what kind of people appreciate your work will help you focus your promotional efforts better.

    Your song is being compared to professional works. When you are presented as a songwriter to a wider audience, the expectations are a lot higher. Anytime you play a gig (even an open mic) or submit your song to someone in the music industry for consideration, your song is being compared to professional songs in the audience’s mind. Professional songs released by a record label have already been scrutinized and reworked – sometimes by dozens of people – before they are marketed to the general public. You usually only have one opportunity to catch someone’s attention with your song. If people don’t like what they hear the first time around, they won’t bother to tell you why, or suffer listening through revised editions. You’ll simply be ignored and left to sort out on your own why your work is not commanding more positive attention.

    You are biased about your own work. You naturally “critique” your own song as you go through the process of taking it from a nebulous idea to what you consider to be its completed form. You tweak your melody, edit your lyrics, and basically make sure you’re not embarrassed by your own work. But you have a blind spot when it comes to your song: it may have taken you hours, days, weeks, months, or even years to write it. You may have agonized over the perfect lyrical phrasing, the best chord progression to fit your melody, and whether or not to include a harmonica solo or a gospel choir between the chorus and the bridge. Any shortcomings your song has will be subconsciously diminished in your mind by how hard you have worked on it. You also know exactly how you felt and what you meant with each note you played and word you sang. But you have to play it for others to know if you really have communicated your musical and emotional ideas effectively.

    Your friends and family are biased about your work. Don’t get me wrong, friends and family are a crucial support system and often your most devoted fans, but they are not usually in a position to offer unbiased critiques of your song. They are predisposed to like your song, or at least give it a fair listen, because they like you. They probably don’t view you as a professional songwriter (yet!), so they are more likely to be impressed with whatever you produce. What’s more, if your friends and family are not audiophiles, songwriters, or musicians themselves, they will not be able to express an informed opinion. Let’s face it, most people don’t know their brass from their oboe, so the response will likely be limited to either “I like it” or “I don’t like it.” And while those opinions may give you an emotional high or low, neither response really gives you the kind of feedback you need to improve your song.

    The producer, sound engineer, and studio musicians you hire are biased about your work. Why? Because you are paying them. Many producers will often suggest ways to make a song better, but at the end of the day, the person who pays is the person who has the final say. They’re not going to suggest major changes to your song and then wait two months for you to do a rewrite when they could have money to pay their bills now. Besides, it’s not their job to make you a better songwriter. Their job is to make the songs you bring them the best they can be in terms of arrangement and sound mixing. They’re not going to turn away work just because they think your song is mediocre. And they are not likely to say anything negative about your song at the risk of you taking your business elsewhere.

    It makes you grow a thicker skin. It can be intimidating and emotionally draining at times to have others objectively scrutinize your work. After all, your song is a tiny representation of you and your creative energy, and therefore is dear to you. But your fellow songwriters are offering their thoughts on your song to help make it stronger. If you can take feedback from those who are genuinely trying to help, you’ll develop a thicker skin. And a thick skin is essential in the music business, where many people don’t have the time or desire to help, and don’t care if you succeed or not.


    Why You Should Critique Others’ Songs

    It creates good karma. You can’t expect others to critique your songs if you aren’t willing to help them in return. While you can avoid critiquing others’ songs by spending $30 or more getting your song critiqued via on-line review sites and self-proclaimed specialists, that stage usually comes after you have produced a good quality recording. If you want people to critique your songs before you invest heavily in recording what may turn out to be a “beta” version, you need to return the favor. Nothing in life is free, but reciprocal song critiques are a lot cheaper!

    You become more aware of your own weaknesses as a songwriter. When you critique someone else’s song, you’re not emotionally attached to it, so it’s easier to notice all the little flaws and inconsistencies. But the more you notice the flaws in other peoples’ songs, the more you’ll soon recognize it in your own work as well. And you’ll start feeling like a hypocrite when you point it out to someone else when you know you’re guilty of the same sort of transgressions.

    It helps you overcome your genre biases. You may have a soft spot for country tunes, an affiliation for aggressive punk rock, or prefer industrial death metal bluegrass, but studying songs in other genres will help you discern what makes a song work no matter what genre it fits under. Furthermore, you’ll begin to incorporate these universal principles of good song writing into your own work as you are more easily able to recognize them regardless of genre.

    It hones your ear to discern what really makes a song work (or not). It’s easy for a casual listener to be deceived by slick production, flawless musicianship, and powerful vocals, but a great song will still stand on its own even when it’s stripped of all those other features. Sure, a song’s delivery contributes to its overall effectiveness, but the best vocalists, musicians, and producers in the world can’t redeem a weak song on performance alone when the problem dwells in the very fabric of the song. As you critique more songs, your judgment will no longer be clouded by these peripheral elements. You’ll no longer confuse flawless delivery with excellent songwriting.

    It expands your knowledge of different kinds of songwriting. When you are exposed to songs by people who write in different genres and have different perspectives, styles, and approaches to songwriting, you’ll gain a wider perspective which you will then bring back to your own craft. Whether you’re impressed with another songwriter’s beautiful lyrics, unusual chord progressions, or syncopated rhythmic motifs, studying others’ work can further inspire you to take your own craft to the next level.

    It trains you to really focus on the problems so you can offer solutions. Remember when I mentioned that most people won’t be able to articulate a response to a song other than “I like it,” or “I don’t like it?” Well, when you really critique someone else’s song, you can’t say that (or you can’t say only that). In fact, your own personal opinion about the content or genre of the song is irrelevant. You must articulate what you feel works toward strengthening the song, or weakening it. Naturally, if you can find concrete examples of what you think works or doesn’t in a song, you can often find the solution to help improve the song. And as you start approaching all songs with that mindset, you’ll be able to view your own work in the same light.


    In conclusion, both having your songs critiqued by others and critiquing others’ songs makes you a better songwriter. Listening and studying your favorite artists’ best songs can be educational, but those songs are usually subjected to many critiques before reaching your ears. You were not privy to the process of finding the initial problems and working out solutions, and critiquing songs that are still works-in-progress will help you develop that skill. Good songwriting appears to be effortless. It’s only when you study your own and others’ attempts that you realize it’s a process of editing and refining with the help of several people’s ears and input.

  • How to Write a Protest Song

    Perhaps two of the only things left that we can all agree on is that we live in a world divided, and it is now a time of protest. Whether people are protesting truth to power, or power to truth, protesting a certain ideology, or defending it, it appears that protest and social justice songs will be in demand soon, perhaps before we can even get them written.

    This article is not going to be about the validity of anybody’s particular viewpoint or about our politics, but about how to craft an ideological protest song that will offer the greatest representation of your views, should you choose a guitar over a placard when your cause takes to the streets. If your cause has already taken to the streets, then you had better get writing because as the Bob Dylan song goes, “Your old road is rapidly aging, please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand”.

    Here are 10 points you’ll want to know before you start singing angry stuff all over the place.

        1. Research your Topic.
          You may have a very strong passion for a certain social or political view but there is a difference between being passionate about a cause, and being well informed. School yourself up on both sides of the argument and write a lyric you can defend.
        2. Write to the Center.
          When writing your lyric you will convert more uncommitted listeners if you craft some nuance into your viewpoint. This does not mean you have to acknowledge a personal validation of the opposing view, but writing as if the issue is above debate will inevitably work against you. You do not want people to get the impression that your song was written in an ideological vacuum because that will make it easy to argue against and satirize.
        3. Write to your Passion.
          Considering the point in #2 taken, do not compromise your passion for the cause, and write with the bravery and conviction that your view deserves.
        4. Use a Traditional Song Form.
          By using a traditional song form, you will allow your protest song to tap into the historical representation of the protest songs that have preceded it and give your song some grounding in that tradition. This also helps your protest, or social justice song, retain some simplicity and help the listener stay focused on the lyric ideas dedicated to your cause.
        5. Write into a Metaphor.
          Songs that are based on an abstract or written as a parable are more powerful and illustrative than songs that are directly teachy or preachy. Bob Dylan knew what the answer was, my friends, and could easily have stated it in plain language, but he chose to let us know that it was “blowing in the wind”. The lyric was a metaphorical invitation to get out there and find the answer for yourself.
        6. Refrain from NOT using a Refrain.
          Some of us have never even written a refrain since the chorus took over the world about 50 years ago, but the refrain is a great convention for the kind of song you want to write here. For a great example of a refrain we look again to, “The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind”.
        7. We Want 5 Notes, We Want 5 Notes…
          Protest and social justice songs need to be easy to chant, and as “sing along” friendly as possible. It is advisable to write a simple catchy melody that primarily uses the 5 note pentatonic scale. This will make your song easy for your crowd to learn and easy for them to remember for the next rally.
        8. What the Anthem?
          Anthems are historically a celebratory kind of musical work but, of course, when you protest one side of a cause, you are also celebrating the side of that fence that you reside on. Study anthems. There are national anthems, songs like Queen’s “We are the Champions” and “We Will Rock You”, and other songs that tap into a sense of belonging to your certain faction of society. You will find that some of these songs have a chorus but notice the use of lots and lots of repetition and how the chorus melody and lyric ties in with the verses.
        9. Dude, Where’s Your Song?
          Once you have written your song, make certain that organizers who work for the cause know you have written it. It does you no good if nobody hears your timely song, and for those who share that view your song may be considered an essential element that was previously missing from their movement.
        10. To Sing… or not to Sing!
          Once the song is written and ready to go, determine if you are the right voice for the song and for the movement. There is a lot to be said for the honesty of the songwriters rendition, but it can also be argued that having the right performance can also be a huge factor in having your ideas gain traction and produce the greatest impact. Try to not make this decision with your ego, or your own ambition, and let the song win the day.

    Above all other kinds of songs, protest songs and social justice songs have been able to influence culture. Some have even become the soundtrack to seismic shifts in how people feel about one another by providing the words and music to that particular moment in human history.

  • Songwriting: Your First 50

    I remember very little about the first song I wrote…I was in sixth grade, and I know it was a cheesy breakup song in A minor about my first “girlfriend” in fifth grade. I don’t think any recordings of “The Love We Shared” exist (mercifully), and it wasn’t until a year later, when my older brother started writing some lyrics with a little more meaning and purpose, that I started down the serious road of songwriting and recording.

    Over the years, I progressed from 4-track demos to college studios, to professional studios, to producing in my home studio, writing and recording going hand in hand – refining a sound and showing real evidence that improvement was happening. It wasn’t until I had written and recorded between 50-60 songs that I really felt I could output at a consistent quality level. None of those “First 50” songs were ever released and they hide in my archives only for my personal nostalgia.

    This gets to the heart of my point: songwriting takes time and repeated, focused effort. No single song is precious, especially in your First 50. I know the feeling, “Whoa, I wrote a song and it’s really cool, and I need to copyright it and show everyone!” It’s hard not to be precious about your baby – your special creation! But if you can put that feeling aside and write your next 5 and then see how you feel about that previous one. Then write 10 more and see if you still feel the same way. I still “throw out” about one in ten that I thought was completely great when I wrote it and demo recorded it. When I “bulk write,” like for February Album Writing Month, where my approach is to sketch lots of new ideas, only ~2 of 10 survive. Sometimes there’s a re-write opportunity or smaller edits that can take a song to the next level, but sometimes you just have to let them go! After you’ve written your songs (or while you’re in the process of writing), I can’t recommend recording them highly enough. If you make that part of your songwriting/editing process, it helps tremendously not only in refining your vision of the song, but you can actually step back and analyze it a bit. You can critique yourself a lot better. You can experiment with different grooves and approaches, then leave it for a little bit, move on to other songs, and come back with fresh ears. Over time, you are also strengthened and motivated by the real progress and growth you will clearly hear. Be patient – it takes years.

    While Songwriters in Seattle offers specific classes to help move your songwriting forward as well as critique sessions and opportunities to share new songs with audiences (another great way to hear your song in a new light and get instant feedback), what we hope to help you achieve is far greater than any single event. We offer a framework for you to be motivated and supported to write more songs! This is the best way to improve your songwriting! Songwriters in Seattle is a friendly audience with like-minded people – it is a tremendous opportunity to experiment, share new ideas, then go back to the drawing board and try again. I wish I had an organization like this to accelerate my first 50!

    Now, the more experienced songwriters who may be reading this could probably even expand the idea to the first 100 or more, and I couldn’t disagree – there is always room to improve. Personally, while I am proud of my earlier released albums with songs that are now permanently in the public ear, I really only continue to play a few songs from them. Not only do newer songs represent where I am now as an artist, but from my current perspective, they are just better songs. At some point, there is bound to be argument about “better” being highly subjective, but ultimately you are your best judge and as long as you can create some distance (through time and recording), you will find you are a pretty good judge. You will almost always be biased toward your new songs, no doubt about it, but I think that also represents growth as an artist and songwriter. If nothing else, I use that as a motivating factor – I know I will love my next song, it’s going to be that much better, so I want to get on with writing it! I hope you can get to that point, too, if you’re not already there.

    I am far from prolific, but I make it a goal to show something new at every SiS monthly networking meeting. Professionals who are songwriting full time are writing every day – many who are in the licensing business are producing and posting something finished for their catalogs every day! Think about how that would add up and create a body of work. That is how you get to be a better songwriter. If you’re a beginner (still within your first 50), don’t worry about your copyrights (to be frank: nobody cares) and making each song perfect – it’s not going to be and that’s okay. No need to be self-deprecating about it, either, you can be proud of it – it is cool and no doubt some people will like it! Learn what you can from it and move on. Write another song. And another – get in the habit of consistently writing and recording. It’s a great habit and I bet you will find more fulfillment in creating a body of work than in trying to create singular masterpieces. I look forward to hearing your next 50!

  • Top 10 Songwriting Insights From Durango

    Twice a year for the last six years or so, I have attended the four-day Durango Songwriters Expo. The people that attend this intensive confab are publishers, film supervisors, performers, and most of all songwriters of all ages. I’m going to break with my usual MO here and not drop any names, but I can tell you that the pedigree in attendance is pretty noble and the level of songwriting craft is pretty high.
    Starting at 9 AM each morning (and going to well past midnight for most of us) we perform and attend panels, discussions, and workshops about the songwriting industry. But the main focus of this event are the song critiques.
    Twice a day, we break off into groups of 20 or so for two hours and subject our songs to the industry luminaries and ask for their guidance in exchange for smiles and gratitude. Every session starts out with the disclaimer that these are just opinions and are to be taken as such. You’re not necessarily encouraged to change the song that you were sharing, but take the ideas and feedback and apply them to your next song. I did the math here and figure that over the course of my participation, I have probably listened to more than 500 song critiques. And although we tend to get specific and come up with unique ideas and feedback for each song, there is a thread of recurring criticism. So I thought I would share and highlight what I sense are the top 10.
    1. Understand your role. Not so much a critique as an important distinction, the role of a songwriter as opposed to that of a singer-songwriter is good one to understand. As a singer-songwriter you will be able to get away with lyrics that you can explain in your performance intro or that goes along with your image and story. You have a bit more leeway since these are personal. Writing as a songwriter only, you are more beholden to the craft and use of direct language and form. You are now writing something personal for someone else. You not only have to win the heart of the audience, you have to win the heart of the performing artist.
    2. Don’t chase the industry. Write from your deep place and your experiences. If you are still working your way into the industry there is a good chance that the market will have changed by the time you get there with what you think is the current trend.
    3. Don’t write in an outdated style. This one comes up a bunch for us older types who are told we just wrote a hit song … if it was 1985! Again don’t set to chase the current styles but it is a great idea to be aware of the latest trends … and the old ones too.
    4. Show not tell. This is the big one. We know you are sad, or in love, or ready to dance. But don’t just tell us. Paint a picture, give an example, create a mental image of your emotion. Think of it as a 3-minute movie and you have the camera.
    5. Keep the lyrics conversational. Use as much common language as possible. It’s not poetry. Would we say that line, or use that lyric in everyday conversation?
    6. Avoid the curse of the second verse. You have a killer first verse, but you said it all and now the second verse is just a rehash of the first. Learn to peel back the fruit and expose the story a little at a time, kind of like those Russian nesting dolls. I have also seen songs dramatically improved by switching the first and second verse.
    7. Know when to throw out the best line. You know how you are working on a song, let’s say about sunshine, and you come up with a killer line. But it really doesn’t fit into your song about sunshine. But you keep trying to force it in. Experienced writers will be able to see what’s happening and pull that line and start another song with it.
    8. Create lift. The idea here is that the songs needs to keep getting more interesting and pull the listener in as it goes along. The observation goes something like … the verse and chorus sound the same. Create lift and interest by raising the pitch of the chorus melody. Or lift by double timing or increasing the subdivisions of the rhythm. Or lift by increasing the energy of the lyrics or the cadence of the lyrics.
    9. Keep your subject focused. The more narrow and specific you can be with your idea, the more powerful it will be. It will then be easier for the listener to know exactly what is on your mind. Frequently we have seen two songs being written as one. Create a statement or a short paragraph as to what the song is about. A little storyboarding can really help.
    10. Can you think of another way to say that? Watch out for the over used and cliché lyric. There have been so many songs written that it seems by now that there can’t possibly be anything that has not been said or used in a song. But we have to keep trying to come up with fresh ideas … or old ideas and make them seem fresh.
    I know these are short explanations for each. And I know that many creatives can be leery of the rules of craft. But as one of my favorites teachers years ago said, “You have to know the rules so that you know which ones you are breaking.”
    We will be going over these ideas and much more at my Songwriters in Seattle workshop on February 25th in Greenwood.  


  • The Honest Lyric

    There is no right or wrong way to write a song lyric. And there are no right or wrong lyrics. But, there is truth and falsehood. Is your song honest? Or are you just making rhymes?

    I was honored to be asked to write this column exploring the craft of lyric writing. I have no particular expertise or unique understanding of that magic process, but I have a deep belief that songs should be ‘about something’ and, that something is best delivered not through the melody, but through the lyric.

    I am drawn to songs that reveal truths I didn’t know. They make me see things anew. They open my mind while they entertain my ear. They are real.

    My own way of writing a song is pretty consistent. I noodle around with a chord progression and immediately start singing a melody over the chords. Most often, I have no idea where I get the first line. I just sing whatever pops into my head. Then I rhyme it. At this stage they are meaningless words, picked from the ether. But are they? Or is my subconscious becoming manifest, telling me it has something to say?

    Everyone probably knows the Paul McCartney story about writing “Yesterday.” He awoke with the melody fully formed in his head. He was sure he had heard it somewhere else and hummed it for his producer, George Martin, to see if he had unconsciously cribbed it. Having no lyrics, he first sang: “Scrambled eggs. Da, da, da, da, da, da. Scrambled eggs.”

    Singing nonsense words works. It helps you form structure and cadence. In doing that you’re choosing the number of syllables, the pauses, the flow of the melody. No matter at this point what the song is about. Don’t try and force the song one way or the other in its early iteration. Let the muses take you.

    For me, the melody does indeed come before the words. Once I have some melody in mind, but not fully realized, I begin writing the words. From that point on, they affect each other. The tone of the words begins changing the tenor of the music.

    The melody, as expected, will move the listener to feel different emotions, melancholy or joy, foreboding or jubilation, with minor or major progressions. Do they make you want to jump and shout, or sit and moan? But, it’s the words that tell the truthful story. Are the words in your song worth taking to heart? Do they live in the truth?

    I generally begin to know what my song is about around half-way through. I have an ‘ah-ha’ moment. “Oh, this song is about greed.” That’s when I take the creative steering wheel away from the muses and start driving the idea by myself. That’s when the words start to have meaning, purpose, power.

    “No, that line doesn’t fit the theme. That line isn’t clear. That’s pedestrian. What am I trying to say here?”

    I don’t want to criticize anyone’s art, but all songwriters, in my opinion, should be on constant alert against being trite, predictable, banal, obvious. Too many songs are way too obvious. As a listener, you know where they are going. You can predict the next rhyme, the next thought. They don’t tell you anything you don’t already know.

    So, this is my fundamental songwriting advice: Say something new, something different, something true. Say something honest.

    The most powerful songs, to me, have a moment of searing revelation, a single line that makes you stop in your tracks and say, “Wow!” A single honest declaration that can change your world view. Look for that moment in your song. Is it there? Try to make it there.

    I wrote a song about an illicit romantic affair. I told the story through the guilt of the adulterous lover. But, the true nature of the story didn’t reveal itself to me until the final line of the final verse.

    “Before this night is through
    I’ll wash away the scent of you
    To hide the stain of passion
    We’ll kiss goodbye
    While others wait at home alone and cry
    From love unfastened.”

    That line, out of nowhere, hit me like a lightning bolt. While all the previous words in the song set the literal atmosphere of the affair – the smell of cigarettes, intoxicating perfume, worn sheets, cold rooms, loosened morals – these last two words brought honest revelation about the reason for the affair. Love unfastened.

    The audience may not get that those two words are the heart of the song. But I know. They declare the breaking of a trust. They uncover the true feelings of the narrator. They reveal that believing that love is bonded forever is a lie. I didn’t literally say those things in my song. Those two words did it for me. The honesty is there, even if just implied. It is left to the listener to hear it.

    I didn’t start out to write that sentiment, that true love can be a lie. I started out writing a song about guilt. The real point of the song revealed itself to me because I am continually asking, what is this song about? And my mind answers. It’s not an earth-shattering revelation. Many others have had it. But it’s an honest lyric. And I may have said it in a slightly new way. Love unfastened. Those two words have layers of meaning to me.

    That moment of clarity is not always possible in your songwriting. But you know it when you write it. I know it when I can read my line and say, “That’s it. That’s the truth of this song. That’s what I was working to reveal. That’s what this is about. That’s what I want to say.”

    So, I posit that we should all try to say something real in our songs. And say it honestly.

    On the other hand, if your song gets people to move their feet, that’s pretty damned cool, too. As the teenagers in Philly used to say to Dick Clark on American Bandstand, “It’s got a good beat and you can dance to it. I give it a nine.”

  • All About Five (Or V For Victory)

    SUMMARY: This debut article takes a reasonably deep look at a basic topic. It describes the dominant chords, which are often referred to as V and V7. I’ll also illustrate how the chords function, how they’re used, and I’ll end with some examples. You’ll learn that a dominant chord can be used alone, or you can assemble a hierarchical sequence of them for a powerful and compelling journey back to the tonic. There’ll also be a brief glance at the overtone series and at the circle of fifths.

    The V-I move

    Let’s say that your song’s chorus, in the key of C, comes to a triumphant end with a G chord followed by a C chord. That’s an example of the key’s dominant chord followed by its tonic chord. The dominant chord’s root is the fifth degree of the scale (the G note in the key of C), and so it is notated analytically as V (because we use Roman numerals for chords). The tonic chord’s root is of course the first degree of the scale, so we use the Roman numeral I. Analytically, then, your G-C dominant-to-tonic move is written V-I, and pronounced “five-one”. G7-C is an example of a V7-I move. A V7-I is a V7-I no matter what key you play it in. So, with this notation, you can reason about how music works in a way that carries across the specifics of particular keys and chords.

    V-I and V7-I are arguably the most popular and most effective of all chord changes. But why is that? And what’s the magic contained in these moves that makes them so effective? Let’s begin to answer that with a look at what’s known as the dominant function.

    The dominant function

    In analysis, Arabic numerals (the numbers we all use) represent scale degrees. Let’s try something. Go ahead and play 1-2-3-4-5 of a major scale (in the key of C, that’d be C-D-E-F-G). Hold that 5 for a moment, then play 1 (the C note) again. You probably felt that the pause on 5 left you hanging somewhat, and then playing 1 felt like a return home to rest. You can get a comparable effect from 1-5-1, or even simply 5-1. Scale degree 5 is known technically as the dominant, and the triad formed with 5 as the root (5+7+2) is known as the dominant triad, or V. The dominant function is simply this: the 5 scale degree tends to sound unstable, and it creates a demand for the 1 scale degree. If you dress up 5 and 1 in triads, you can then similarly say that V is unstable and it creates a demand for I. You, as the songwriter, can choose to yield to that demand and to immediately resolve the tension you’ve generated. That’s the V-I move. Alternatively, you can choose to resist the demand, and to resist resolving the tension, by either remaining on V or by moving to some chord other than I.

    So, the dominant function is not the same thing as the V-I move; but it’s part of the engine that drives the move. Before we look at the other parts of that engine, and also at the V7-I move, let’s spend a moment on the topic of tonality, since it’s a concept closely linked to the dominant function.

    Tonality and overtones

    Tonality is the sense of a hierarchy of stabilities existing between the scale degrees, with the tonic being the most stable. A belief that the origins of tonality can be found in a phenomenon known as the overtone series is associated with such names as Helmholtz, Riemann, Hindemith, Leonard Bernstein, and George Martin. Certainly it’s demonstrable that the degrees of diatonic scales are generated by the overtone series. So what is it? Imagine a string, or a column of air, vibrating with a single fundamental pitch, which is the pitch you’re consciously aware of hearing. Subconsciously you’re also hearing a series of overtone pitches that Nature creates by the vibration of regular subdivisions of that same string or column of air. If the fundamental is the tonic scale degree, then the first overtone is a perfect octave above that, so it does not generate a new scale degree. But the second overtone is a compound perfect fifth above the fundamental, and that overtone creates the dominant scale degree (or 5). Additional overtones, even higher-pitched but much fainter, form additional scale degrees. So, you could say that the dominant scale degree is a pitch that is generated by an object vibrating at the tonic pitch. With the fundamental as the tonic, and the other scale degrees as pitches generated from this tonic by Nature itself, we get a glimpse into the origin of the hierarchy of scale degrees, and consequently their relative stabilities as we perceive them.

    A consequence of tonality’s hierarchy of stability (that hierarchy being generated by the overtone series) is that playing a less stable scale degree tends to lead the ear to a more stable one. In the case of the dominant function, 5 leads us to 1. But there are other tone-changes at play in V-I that lead the ear in comparable ways. You’ll remember that the V chord is formed from the scale degrees 5+7+2; and I is 1+3+5. 7 and 2 are the other parts of the engine that drives the V-I move. Both 7 and 2 have an instability that creates a demand for 1.

    V7 is 5+7+2+4, and the instability of 4 creates a demand for 3. But V7 also contains the very unstable interval of the tritone (or diminished fifth), which appears in the V7 in the interval from scale degree 7 up to 4. The tritone interval is so discordant that it was referred to centuries ago as “the Devil in music”! During the V7-I move, this discordant tritone between 7 and 4 collapses inward a semitone at both ends, and the result is the stable and restful concord of a major third from 1 up to 3. All of these effects account for the voice-leading that can be seen as the notes of V or V7 are replaced by the notes of I during a V7-I or V-I resolution.

    Once you understand that V and V7 serve to generate instability and tension and a demand for I, you can use those effects to whatever artistic ends you see fit. Painters paint with light. Musicians and storytellers paint with drama and suspense. So, let’s look at some examples in well-known songs of how this painting can be done.

    Spotting V-I in the wild

    Here are two Beatles examples. First, their cover of “Twist and Shout” (Berns/Medley), in the key of D, contains a thrilling example of a V7-I move. Beginning at 1:24, note-by-note the vocal harmonies construct an A7 chord, which ends up being sustained for a period of six full bars before finally resolving ecstatically to D.

    “When I Get Home” (Lennon/McCartney), in the key of G, ends with a satisfying D7-G move in the last two bars. But the bar before the D7 contains an A7. If D is “the V”, then A is “the V of V”, or “V/V” for short. V/V is an example of a secondary dominant. Analytically, it makes more sense to regard that A7 as a V7/V instead of as a II7. We can see that the A7 does exactly what we’ve seen V7s doing all along: it contains the dominant function, it sounds unstable, and it creates a demand for the tone or chord a fifth below it, which is D7 in this case. Incidentally, you can say “the tone or chord a fifth above” and “the tone or chord a fifth below”, or you can do what the 19th century music educator John Curwen did and opt for the shorthand terms “over-fifth” and “under-fifth”, respectively. For what it’s worth, I favor the shorthand, but I omit the hyphen.

    The circle of fifths

    Look at the circle of fifths, and you’ll see the A-D-G from “When I Get Home” forming three consecutive counter-clockwise stops. Analytically, that’s II-V-I (although as we’ve said, V/V-V-I sheds more light on the dominant functions that are at work). The Beatles could have extended this itinerary indefinitely by adding more and more stations to their journey. They might have prefixed that A-D-G with E (which in the key of G is VI, or V/V/V). They might then have further prefixed that with B (which is III, or V/V/V/V). And so on. Each additional leg contributes a new level of dominant-function hierarchy and cranks up the tension, and the eventual resolution, another notch.

    At its heart, the dominant function is a root movement (the root moves down a fifth). That makes the circle of fifths a useful reference tool, but it also means that minor-quality chords perform the function as well as major-quality ones. ii-V-I (or v/V-V-I), for example, is just as much a string of dominant-tonic resolutions as is II-V-I. The songs “Moon River” (Mancini) and “I Will Survive” (Fekaris/Perren) contain extremely lengthy excursions around the circle of fifths to great effect, and the chords involved are not necessarily all major.

    Give delayed gratification a try!

    How do you use the dominant function in your songs? Are there ways in which you can use it differently? Do you use secondary dominants, perhaps whole hierarchies of them to create a conclusive and dramatic, if delayed, sense of returning home? If you always give in to the urge to resolve immediately to the tonic, try holding on to that dominant for a while, or going somewhere other than the tonic. You might find that it adds some extra drama and spice that you like! Why not share your discoveries, if you feel so inclined, in a discussion on Meetup!


  • Songwriting Lesson: Matching Melodies and Lyrics

    I would like to start off our little coaching session with a tip that is crucial for good song development. It’s sad but true that many songwriters ignore this skill I am about to tell you resulting in underdeveloped songs. It’s also a skill that’s not easy…I suppose that’s why many overlook it. Here it goes!


    It use to be popular for two individuals – a lyricist and a music composer – to work separately for the same goal. Some famous examples are Oscar Hammerstein and Richard Rogers, or George and Ira Gershwin. Each had a skill that complemented the other. One was good with words and the other melody and music. These two skills required an assortment of tools  the writers would use to put together a polished song. The point I am making is today it is common for one person to do both jobs requiring an understanding of both processes – blending lyrics with melody.


    Tools of Songwriting: What this means is those things you know or techniques you learn that makes a song sound good. That is put as simply as I can. There are lots of tools to learn, but the good news is the more you learn the easier the job gets.


    Let me introduce to you the process of choosing the right music to match the words of a song. This skill is sometimes called “prosody” – a big word that simply means using the right music to enhance and give depth to specific words in a song. Its the strength and function of music to embellish words – to create the emotion and put some life into them – learn to choose the right tones and length of tones to enhance the words. This is when you put on your composer hat and be cognizant of choosing the right music or melody – catching the mood of the words of the song you are writing. In the simplest form let me describe the use of music to enhance the lyrics of a song. A good example is a song you are familiar with, I’m sure. That way I know you can hear the melody that I’m describing. “Somewhere over the Rainbow” – so do you have the melody in your mind?


    Somewhere over the Rainbow way up high


    I want you to notice the arc of the melody as you sing…Some…Where (Up high) over the rainbow…(this follows a musical arc…like a rainbow – you can picture it)…way… (is the other side of the arc down lower)  “up high” (….up has a little lift to it as well). What would it be like if you ended “up high” with it going down low? It would give a different meaning to what the lyric writer wanted. Now say the phrase in a monotone voice. In other words just speak it without up and down emphasis. That would be quite a dull song wouldn’t it? So what tool did the composer use? Pitch….the up and down dimension of music used to perfection following the arc of the rainbow placing emphasis or spotlighting very important parts of the lyrical phrase. Also, the length of tone given to each word or syllable in a word is carefully chosen. For example: the composer did not linger on the word “the.” Correctly, the emphasis is on “Somewhere….(it’s prolonged)…and….”rainbow” (it’s split with each part of the word extended giving it punctuation). Then of course “up high” lifts at the end of the phrase. Now for a very important part of the lesson: Highlight the important words in your lyrical phrase with these powerful tools. The success of this song is understandably credited to the detail given to blending melody with lyric in such a masterly fashion.


    Now to top this lesson off is to mention the hardest part of songwriting that I know. Let’s say you developed a melody with the first verse; emphasis is on the right words and the lifts all make sense. You have a dynamic first verse. Now the second verse you’re typically stuck with the same melody but you have to say something different. Here is where a skilled writer creates a well written song. The writer must choose the right words to follow the melody with all its dynamics in place, emphasizing or spotlighting the proper content of the new and different lyrics of the second verse. Warning! Do not end up spotlighting words or parts of phrases that have lesser value or you will end up with a weak second verse. Give careful thought to make sure emphasis is not on words like “the” or “is”….You don’t want to give listeners any reason to lose interest in your song at any point. This requires more skill but if you do it – carry it through and don’t be lazy – your songs will have an incredibly polished appeal to them.


    This could be a difficult lesson that may take years to master. Many say it’s not that important but the masters of the craft take all these tools painstakingly into account when writing their songs. This lesson is intended to introduce this tool – not to master it overnight. Be aware of it and use it when writing your next tune.


  • Set Your Voice Free

    Sound catchy? That’s the title of a book by “America’s #1 Vocal Coach” Roger Love that I bought some dozen years ago. At the time, I was living in cramped quarters, and when I would try to practice the funny sounds that he has his students pronounce, I would hear snickers from the people walking by in the hallway. That killed my desire to practice for awhile, but since joining Songwriters in Seattle and living where I might have better luck hiding in my apartment to practice, I decided to break out the book and instructional CD once again and go at it.

    OK, so you’re thinking, “Oh, this guy’s promoting a book that he hasn’t even gotten any proof of results from yet.” Very true. But since looking at all the profiles of songwriters who would really like to have someone else sing their stuff for them, I decided to let them at least have the opportunity now to make up their own minds regarding Roger Love, regardless of whether or not I’ve become an excellent singer because of him. This guy promises that with his instructional CD, you will, with regular practice, be able to sing three octaves in full voice, with a technique that he calls “Middle Voice.” I’ve only heard one guy sing three octaves in full voice, and that was Bob Seger doing the studio version of “Katmandu.” His technique was based on cocaine and whiskey. But Bob can barely get it today. Roger’s technique has eighty-year-olds singing like they were twenty!

    So check him out. His web site is He’s got some other books besides the one I bought some twelve years ago, so you’ve got a lot to choose from, and they all have instructional CDs with the books. And who knows; with regular practice, you too may be able to belt out three octaves of “Katmandu!”

  • DIY Blues, Pt. 3: Touched For The Very First Time

    There is plenty of information about guitar repair on the internet, not all of it great (the article you are currently reading comes to mind). However, there are at least a few useful resources that will help you troubleshoot and provide a good overview of basic repairs.

    The following “Instructable”, written by an enterprising 15-year-old, provides a fairly detailed, step-by-step approach to replacing pickups: Replacing the Pickups in Your Guitar

    For a good troubleshooting guide, visit

    (If you know of any other good sites and/or videos, please share in the comment section below.)


    I probably should have checked out some of this information before beginning my own repair efforts. However, I believe very strongly in learning from my mistakes. Hopefully I can help others avoid the same pitfalls. To recap: I’ve decided to replace my standard issue Epiphone Les Paul pickup with a used DiMarzio 159 and have totally wimped out on paying for a new set of tuners, opting to try my luck finding a replacement for the sole missing tuner (oriented to the bass side – Anyone? Anyone?)


    Taking my thriftiness to an absurd level, I decide to use an ancient solder belonging to my grandfather (and likely his grandfather before him, by the looks of it). The tip is huge; probably used to solder components in big mainframe, room consuming computers, as depicted in movies from the Seventies and earlier. (See The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes). This should make things interesting. (Mistake #1?)









    I decide to replace my neck pickup, since it’s already come loose due to a missing screw. This, even though I recall hearing the salesman say this particular DiMarzio is a bridge pickup. I guess there’s a difference? (Mistake #2?)


    Cracking open the back panel of my guitar with a crowbar (just kidding…but it’s probably a bit believable at this point). I find that things are not as complicated as I had feared. There are two potentiometers (“pot”, from here out) for each pickup and a mass of wires leading off to the bridge selector switch. (This separation of powers, as opposed to those outlined in the U.S. Constitution, appears to be a good thing, as the wiring looks really messy up behind the selector switch panel.)









    My old pickup has two wires: one soldered to the top of one pot, the other soldered to the base of the same. My new pickup, however, has four wires (see pic: black, red, green and white/black). At the risk of losing my momentum and motivation, I decide to throw caution to the wind and attach the black/white wires to the top pot and the green wire to the base and let the red and black hang loose. (Mistake #3?)









    Halfway through the process, I realize that soldering is not too difficult and actually pretty fun. It would have been even more so, were it not for the bulkiness of my iron. I find myself having to work extra hard not to burn through other wires and still manage to singe a couple in the process. (Mistake #4?)









    Moving on to my missing tuner, I channel my inner MacGyver, deciding to solder and glue together a few progressively smaller metal nuts. It certainly looks hardcore and kind-of, sort-of ends up working.
















    Before restringing the guitar, I decide to test out my new pickup as best I can. I plug the Epiphone into my dinky Crate practice amp and tap lightly on the DiMarzio with my screwdriver (one tip I did read in advance). Success! My tapping is answered by a satisfying thud from the amp. Unfortunately, the same can not be said for my old bridge pickup. Nothing.


    Taking off the bridge pickup, I see that it is literally falling apart, perhaps having corroded somehow. I hope to make an easy switch out with my old neck pickup (mistake #5?), but notice that the wiring is a bit different this time. Instead of both wires connecting to the same pot, one pickup wire is attached to the volume pot and the other to the tone pot. Okay. Whatever. I decide to roll with it and mimic the same configuration.









    Plugging the guitar back in, I still don’t get any response from the bridge, so I decide to just go ahead and put new strings on (mistake #6?).


    Ready to shred with my new pickup, I plug in and strum an open E chord. I am met with lots of feedback, mixed with buzzing strings. Switching to the bridge pickup I get a whole lot of nothing, except buzzing strings. If I were in front of a live audience, I would definitely smash this guitar.



    DIY Blues, Pt 2: Something Busted, Something Used
    Faced with a mess of wires, an over sized soldering iron and no experience to his name, the author must install a used pickup of dubious quality while avoiding a catastrophic meltdown. But first, he seeks some assistance from the good folks at The Trading Musician.