Songwriters in Seattle

Category: Featured Artists

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  • SiS Featured Artist: Laura Berman

    “Do one thing each day that scares you”Eleanor Roosevelt

    For Pacific Northwest songwriter Laura Berman, this quote embodies her approach to her music and her life. While she acknowledges that there are scary things that should be avoided, many of our scary things are self-created. “Your instincts are smart and generally on-point, so listen. But sending an email about booking, or writing a bridge, or reaching out to a friend who is hurting? When you drop into it, those are not the things that are doing the ‘scaring’ – there is something underneath. Once you get okay with that scary underneath part, you live your life in a deeper sense of freedom.”

    Her own journey into that freedom arose from the structure of piano and violin lessons in elementary school and orchestra, choir, music summer camps, county and state choirs, and voice lessons throughout junior and senior high school. Berman recalled, “Music always made me feel good. From an early age, I knew it must be a part of my life. Whether it was joining choir in junior high school, joining bands, or writing songs and playing out, I just put one foot in front of the other and did the next right thing that felt good to me.”

    Berman began to approach songwriting with greater intent after a move to the “Big Apple”. She remembered, “I had written songs here and there but didn’t start songwriting more seriously until I lived in NYC in my twenties; I was doing quite a bit of singing in cover bands and being introduced to lots of different songwriting styles, musically and lyrically.”

    Inspired by the exposure to a wide variety of styles, Berman began to follow her own muse. “One day, I sat down at my keyboard and started writing, and it just became part of who I was. I bought a cheapie acoustic guitar later on and started writing just by ear on guitar, too. I played lots of gigs in NYC and at the beginning was still very green, but I just threw myself in. It was scary, but exciting!” She faced her fears and found, “The best approach for me has been to think less, and do more.”

    Berman again followed the advice of Eleanor Roosevelt and dove into her creative “scary things” as she continued her career. Berman shared, “I’d been afraid to perform on acoustic guitar because I’m a pianist. But I started bringing my guitar with me to gigs and sharing a song or two. What was the worst thing that could happen? Why would I care what anyone thinks? Sure, I played wrong notes and, sure, I didn’t have the facility on guitar yet, and yes, it was scary to be that vulnerable, but I was compelled to not let my monkey-mind negative thinking prevent me from growing.”

    Opportunities to perform and grow abounded during her time living in New York City. “There were fewer Indie singer/songwriters and artists than there are out there today, so there was definitely less competition for those slots at the clubs. Gigs were pretty easy to book. Back then, there wasn’t social networking, Facebook, etc., so promotion was basically making phone calls and handing out postcards – old school! But it was always a thrill to see your name and gig listed in the Village Voice.”

    As she has continued on her songwriting journey, Berman’s process is as diverse as her life experiences. “I generally have a melodic hook singing itself over and over in my mind, and then I pick up the guitar, or sit at the keyboard, and find the best chords to fit with that melodic hook. Sometimes I’ll adjust the melody if there’s a better chord choice… I can sing the whole song with a hum, or a ‘la la’. It’s fun to sing! No one would have an idea what I’m talking about because it’s just gibberish instead of lyrics. The lyrical ideas take a while because lyrics don’t always come so easily to me that way.”

    However, her lyrical approach does have times when inspiration strikes and the process becomes more fluid. “Sometimes, if I have an interesting song title that pops into my head, I’ll go ahead and create a Word doc with that title and lyrics come out pretty easily. Something about being at the computer, in an ‘office’ type setting uses a different part of my brain. The writer in me loves that approach. I go ahead and print it out and it signifies to me a new songwriting start. I’ll edit the lyrics when I’m finding chords and melodies, but it feels so good to have a printout as a starting point.”

    For songwriters who are starting out, Berman offers up her advice for how to become a better writer. “Listen to really well written songs! And songs that are in different genres of music, even genres you don’t gravitate towards. Listen to the Top 20 Countdowns in Pop, Folk, Country, R&B. Read stories of how good songwriters came to become really good songwriters. And be open to having those who are better than you listen to your songs and critique them. Surround yourself with those at your level or higher – that’s how we grow!”

    Not just one to give advice, Berman shared how she made use of experts to help improve her writing. “The representatives at BMI were always really open to meeting with me when I’d travel to Nashville. I got some really great feedback on some of my songs when I was there and was grateful for the time they took to sit down with me. Also, whenever I find an artist I like, I listen to their music online (and buy it, important!).”

    But improving as a writer is only part of the equation. Berman additionally seeks to widen her community of musical inspirations. When she encounters a new favorite artist, “I always like to read their bio, and if they have a blog, I read that too. I also like to see who they write and perform with and how they all influence and inspire each other. All of this has helped me to not feel so alone – we are all in it together.” She adds her own advice hoping to inspire other writers, “Don’t stay too attached to your songs, or what others think: write it, listen to it, let it make you smile – then let it go. You’ve got more in you to write!”

    In reflecting on her own journey stepping through her fears, Berman offers additional advice for aspiring singer-songwriters. “Do that one thing you’ve waited on, one thing you’ve been delaying, something as seemingly small as writing just one line in Verse 2, or sending an email to thank someone, or sending a check to an organization that inspires you. As we practice doing this one scary thing, the fears of doing it wrong, or not seeing where it’s leading, etc. sort of lose the charge, the energy of fear.”

    Berman does not consider herself a ‘prolific writer’. She explained, “It takes me a long time to finish my songs, and when I’m in the thick of finishing my songs, I forget that it’s my process and that is okay. Each artist has his/her own process and timeline.”

    A part of life that impacts her process is stress. “The stress of having to make your living as a full-time musician can often have a negative effect on your mental wellness, and especially your creativity. Stress of any kind, at least for me, can stifle my creativity. It’s all about balance – creating a balanced life system that supports you. What works for another may or may not work for you. Life has to feel good!”

    Her own sense of balance as a working musician has developed over time. “I’ve gone through stages of my life where I’ve been doing music full-time, touring, etc., and it’s really hard on me, being away from home for so long, and it can be taxing on my body… so I’ve created a balance for myself where I pick up side projects here and there inbetween music-making, things that have nothing to do with music. This helps clear my mind, and I can make some consistent money for a while.”

    This approach allows for Berman to take the time to let the process of living life become an inspiration. “I’m inspired by people and good things happening in the world. As I’ve gotten older, it happens less and less where I think I’m supposed to be ‘doing’ music and songwriting – I’m more focused now on doing/being happy, healthy, and balanced, and not letting any one thing define me. It’s not the thing you do, it’s who you are being! Creating opportunities to stretch and grow is what brings me to life.”

    As she begins recording her new record in January of 2018, Berman reflected, “It often feels daunting to know what you want to do, what you want to pursue, how you want to live and be in the world, but not know which direction to take, where to plant your first step. And the energy underneath all of that is often fear of not succeeding, fear of making a mistake or a misstep, or turning down the wrong road.”

    Pushing aside all the worldly expectations and fears of writers, Berman shared about her new album, “I’m really excited about this one – writing these new songs for me, with no expectations for any further success or visibility – just for me. It feels so good.”

    In the final analysis, Berman shared that becoming self-aware is an important key to personal discovery as a writer. She challenges writers to, “Be aware of why you do or don’t do the things you do. Is it a scary thing that is covering up some old patterns? Does it feel scary because you’re stretching and growing? Does it feel scary because it’s frightening and not something you’ll ever do?” But she added as an encouraging note, “Whatever and however, enjoy the process. One day you wake up and you realize it’s you that’s standing in your way. And you will breathe in deeply and feel relieved because you are free.”

    Berman is standing in her own freedom now, arms open wide and, if there are scary things ahead, she is unafraid to face them head on and continue the journey.

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Steve Church

    What motivates songwriters varies widely from artist to artist. But whatever the motivation for starting a songwriting journey, time and experience often transform an initial vision to meet the needs of the writer and the culture. For songwriter Steven Church, the journey started with a desire to impress the world and ended with a desire to change it.

    “I wanted to impress,” Church recalled. “I think that was my earliest motivation – impress my mom, my teachers, impress my friends and mostly, impress girls. Learning songs that I heard on the radio was an early focus for me – singing them and eventually learning the chord changes for guitar. I had a good ear and I could recreate a song after just a couple listenings.”

    The ability to quickly learn cover songs was helpful in Church’s initial performance outings. “I played in high school at a couple talent shows, covering Billy Joel’s ‘You May Be Right’ among others, and then a song or two of my own.”

    Starting to writing his own music and adding it to his performances was inspired by one of his teachers. “My HS art teacher was a fan of the singer-songwriter genre, so (again) wanting to impress him with my prowess, I penned a few originals. Later in college I got shows in the student unions and cafeterias, trying out a mix of originals and covers for bored students on their lunch breaks.”

    Church continued, “In Austin, where I sometimes went to college, there was (and is) a vibrant live music scene, so I played out wherever there were willing sets of ears. Did a lot of living-room shows for stoned kids…”

    Now fully immersed in writing his own music, Church is an artist who is inspired first by the music and then by the lyric. “I almost always begin with a series of chord progressions and let the song determine whether it’ll be AABA, or AAA or something else. I get the skeleton of the song down – fit it all together like, ‘Okay, here’s the first verse and here’s the build-up to the chorus. The 2nd verse will have this variation on the 1st, and then here comes what might be a solo’, or something like that. Once I have all the parts, I’ll then choose a lyrical ‘feel’ for the piece, a theme or a story-line, etc.”

    Church’s lyrical inspiration comes from different sources. “As with most writer/musicians, I’ve been inspired by a variety of life events – forming an identity in adolescence, dealing with the (sometimes hilarious) complexities of personal relationships, witnessing social injustice, seeing other performers truly connect with audiences, and also when I became a father.”

    Connection is a theme that is woven throughout Church’s songwriting and performance, and helped him discover that songwriting was what he was supposed to be doing. “Writing and performing was (and is) an outlet and a way to connect with total strangers. And others telling me ‘Hey, that’s a fabulous song’ or ‘You really nailed it with that verse’ prompted me to tell myself ‘Well, let’s do this as more than just a hobby.’ That’s when I knew.”

    Church’s journey has not been without struggles, and he states, “For myself – and I’m fully aware that my ordeal isn’t unique – the most challenging aspect of creating a life around this artistry is money. How do I make a livable wage doing what I love full-time? I’ve been unwilling to make the sacrifices – giving up the luxuries and niceties that come with a full-time wage – in order to devote my energies entirely to this craft – and that makes me sad. I wish we lived in a society that rewarded our efforts as musical poets more.”

    For young songwriters beginning their own journey, Steve Church has some advice to help start them on the right path from his own experience. “Songwriting and performing is part soul-baring and part entertainment. Write and perform what is honestly you, but also what you would want to hear/see from the audience perspective.” Reflecting on how an audience might receive a song is important because, “If it’s boring and too self-reflective, they’ll probably tell their friends – and if it stirs their senses and truly entertains, they’ll tell their friends not to miss this performer next time he/she’s in town.”

    He added, “But if you just want to write songs ‘cause it’s what you need to do, then that’s totally alright too!”

    One might think a working songwriter would encourage young writers to explore their instrument or only study other songwriters, but Church offers different counsel. “A few things: read the classics and the Great Poets, mingling that with other writers. Then mimic some of your favorite songsters (YouTube) and have a good rhyming dictionary. There are an infinite number of resources online, of course, too.”

    In addition to continuing to write songs, Church has a full music business schedule looming as well. He notes that he will, “Get my website up and running again, gig more, plan another tour (Winter 2017) and finally get into a studio (it’s been 5 years!).”

    In the midst of all the writing and organizational tasks that musicians face, Church offers one other insight for our current political and social times. As writers experience the effects of events around them, he encourages them to, “Write songs about how you feel about the events, then get out and play the songs often. Connect with your audiences by observing their responses.”

    A further step Church promotes is to “Organize showcases that have themes (race relations, the problems of corporate hegemony, the environment and sustainability, education reform, immigration and basic human rights, etc.), and invite like-minded and passionate writers/performers.”

    Finally, Church adds that writers can use their creativity for specific causes that are near and dear to their hearts. “Performing songwriters make great activists – find an organization aligned with your position(s) and write material collaboratively (or on your own) for them.”

    Whether he is writing, performing, or working on the business side of his creative life, Steve Church has moved from being an artist who wanted to impress the world to being a writer who wants to use his art to change it. And no matter what he is doing, the words of David Lee Roth continue to inspire.

    There are two rules in the music industry.
    Rule Number One: If it sounds good, it is good.
    Rule Number Two: (see rule number one) – David Lee Roth

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Val D’Alessio

    Ask a songwriter when their writing journey began and you will usually find memories tied to a certain age or a certain musical experience. But for Pacific Northwest singer-songwriter Val D’Alessio, the writing muse is inextricably woven into a specific place – one whose unromantic nickname belies its effect on her songwriting career: a group of cabins affectionately known as ‘the Lumpy Dumps’.

    “I remember exactly how I started writing songs. I had been playing and performing music since the age of 10 but I had never been able to write my own songs until I reached the ripe old age of 33. I was living in a group of cabins affectionately known as ‘the Lumpy Dumps’ in Bellingham, where a lot of creative crazies lived. It was the perfect setting for me to discover the joys and success of songwriting for the first time. I sat down with my guitar and started noodling and didn’t stop until I came up with something! Low and behold, I was visited by the muse right there in Lumpy Dump #11, where I wrote all the songs on my first CD, in a relatively short period of time.”

    Val recalled that she, “felt like the Grandma Moses of songwriters at that time because I was around a lot of musicians who were quite a bit younger than me, and they were already boldly writing and performing their own songs. I was determined to write some songs, and I wasn’t going to let my inner critic prevent me from moving forward with that intention anymore.”

    Though she started writing later than some, Val’s passion for music began in childhood. After an early start where she “taught herself to play Beatle songs at age 10, sitting in her room in Winthrop, Maine,” Val moved on with her brother to form a classic-rock band and then to acoustic music when the band broke up. After this time, she explored the guitar stylings of James Taylor, Mississippi John Hurt, and other blues artists, as well as the tunings of Joni Mitchell.

    Val, according to her bio, “moved across the country, covering songs in various music configurations including solos, duos, and bluegrass bands, finally playing lead guitar and singing harmony vocals for Bellingham, Washington-based acoustic-pop band ‘Men Without Pants’. She loved the band’s name and their catchy songwriting. However, she still found herself playing the same support role as she had in most of the bands she had been in before. She passionately wanted to develop her own musical voice and songwriting. And it was at the Lumpy Dumps that her passions became a reality.

    Val admitted that her writing process now differs from her early process in Bellingham. “Probably like most writers, my process varies. Typically, I noodle around on the guitar waiting for a riff and chord progression to find me. This immediately gives me the feeling or mood of the song. I then start singing a melody over the chords and let dummy lyrics, or a stream-of-consciousness with words flow, until I find out what the song is about. Once I get a sense of what the song is about and get on a creative flow with lyrics, everything else seems to fall into place for me.”

    Though this is her “typical songwriting process”, she also explores other avenues for coming up with a song. “I enjoy having a song topic or title come to me in the form of a complete idea. For example, my song ‘I Hope I Screw This Up’ was a title I saw and lifted from a T-shirt someone was wearing. Less often a melody comes to me first in either a complete form or in pieces. I love it when that happens. I love a great melody! It brings me into a song and great lyrics keep me there.”

    Oftentimes, writers comment that their ‘zone moments’ come when they are least conscious of a process. Val herself commented that, “The best ever is when a song comes more through me than to me. It comes almost in complete form with melody and lyrics. This doesn’t happen very often but when it does I am always very pleased with the song.”

    A career as a performing singer-songwriter, while rewarding, is also fraught with challenges. For Val, “My greatest challenge as a writer is to relax and allow creative flow to happen without pushing or struggling. It is a challenge of focus and intention, in which I allow the muse in without letting the distraction of negativity prevent the creative process.

    “My challenges as a performing songwriter are similar: It is to relax and go with the organic flow of the evening. I want to allow myself to ‘screw up’ and recover without losing my focus or allowing negativity to distract me from my intention of connecting with an audience. My desire is to be fully present with the music and let it flow with the intention of connecting with those who are receptive to my music. I want to stay in an attitude of gratitude of appreciation for my audience and the opportunity to perform, without being distracted or derailed by negative thoughts. I like to imagine that I am in my living room, after I have just finished writing a song, as I am performing for an audience. I love that feeling of being on fire with a creation, when the self-doubt goes away and I am most present and connected to the music.”

    As a musician trying to make a living, the struggles are not tied to the externals of money but rather to internal dialogues. Val explained, “The greatest challenge… is to value and honor my dream of making an abundant living as a singer-songwriter without allowing the mind-clouds of negativity to distract me, mainly self-doubt. The challenge is to be happy with where I am as a performing songwriter and excited about where I am going at the same time. When I am able to hold that focus, everything about making a life as a musician seems to fall into place.”

    In the songwriting journey, writers often seek inspiration from the world around them, and for Val D’Alessio, that inspiration comes from community, which she says is, “an absolute source of inspiration for me as a creative person. I adore the SiS organization and all the people who contribute their time and talent in this community.”

    Another part of her community that inspires Val is children. “Children are such natural ‘allowers’ and generators of creativity. They naturally understand the value of their creations and can offer them freely to others. The ‘young songwriters’ in my life, children who have come to me through my music teaching practice, have been my greatest teachers. They often model how to allow creativity to flow in a much easier way than adults. They are my teachers by example, and they hold a wavelength of purity and love like animals do. In fact,” she added, “I think of my cat, ‘Little Cat Stevens’, as my spiritual advisor.”

    Because Val is inspired by the spontaneity of children, she advises adults who want to write to do what children instinctually know how to do: “Relax and allow yourself to feel the joy of the journey with songwriting. Know that your creative expression matters and you have something to express in a way that only you can. At the same time, let yourself be light with the process. If you set out to write songs because it’s fun, you can take the pressure off yourself and allow creativity to flow. You don’t need to worry about writing a ‘great’ song or even a ‘good’ song when you’re starting; just get it out. You just have to remember how you would do it when you were a kid.”

    For adults, she also cautioned, “Don’t engage with those nasty, negative, critical voices that say, ‘this song sucks’ as you’re writing it, or even after you’ve written it. Love yourself and get over yourself at the same time. You don’t need to carry the burden of profundity with your lyrics or try to be dazzlingly original with your melodies. If you allow yourself to be who you naturally are in your creative expression, you can’t help but be original.”

    She went on to explain, “I believe you learn to write songs by writing songs. You will discover how to edit and craft your songs as you go along. Trust that your songwriting process will develop over time but that the main thing is to get in there and mingle with the muse. Find out what you have to say and have fun with the creative process. That’s where the magic begins in songwriting.”

    Once the song is finished, then the ‘how-to’ of performing becomes a next-logical-step. In Val’s own journey, “When I first started writing music, I played at Victory Music open mics, sometimes three times a week, because I knew they were a very supportive, inclusive songwriting community. I also had the advantage of performing my songs for some very developed performing songwriters who were my friends when I first came out as a songwriter. I knew they would give me insightful feedback and would be encouraging as well.”

    For writers who are first testing the waters of performing, Val suggests what worked for her: “Play for people who you think will be supportive and encouraging of your growth as a songwriter… you have to get out there and play your songs for others in order to learn how to perform.” One question that looms for many is to puzzle out where the best places to play would be. Val advises, “First ask yourself WHY you would like to perform your music for others. I find that when I perform my music with the intention of connecting with others because it is fun and I believe I have something to offer and receive from them, I have much more fun, and I feel successful in the process. Feeling appreciation for my audience and the opportunity to perform frees me up to let my creativity flow in performance. It also allows me to be receptive to the gifts of my audiences, and there are so many! Performing is a very co-creative, organic process for me.”

    Val utilized the resources of place and community to help her develop, but she credits her best career and life resource as, ‘the Source’, or what some people refer to as God or a Divine Presence.” She continues to rely on this source as she begins the next step in her career – one that also involves place and community. “I am in the process of connecting with a musical partner(s) with the intention of traveling around the US and eventually other countries, as we perform our music to receptive audiences, while making an abundant living from it. Right now I make the bulk of my living from my music teaching practice. I am excited to have it be the other way around at some point. I want to be traveling and touring frequently with my music and continuing to assist others with their creative expression in some capacity.”

    Val D’Alessio is the living embodiment of one of her favorite Carlos Santana quotes: “If you stay in your heart you will always be inspired. If you are inspired, you will always be enthusiastic. There is nothing more contagious on this planet than enthusiasm. The songs become incidental. What the people receive is your joy!”

    Val’s joy, this following of her heart, led her to a place where she could truly say she was centered in her calling. “Later on in life, when I began playing my songs out, I was more certain about the rightness of my decision to become a performing songwriter. It is an amazing feeling to feel like you have connected with people in a meaningful way with the songs you write.”

    Though now fully immersed in songwriting, which she describes as both good and addictive, Val D’Alessio still gives a nod to that birthplace of her songwriting muse in Bellingham, Washington. “The belief that I was doing what I was ‘supposed’ to be doing by becoming a songwriter came gradually. I think I subconsciously knew it immediately in Lumpy Dump #11, where I first began to experience success at getting my music out of me.”

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Nate Manuel

    Playing to sold out stadiums, having #1 hits on the Billboard Charts, climbing the stairs at the Grammys to receive accolades… these are often daydreams that enter the thoughts of up-and-coming artists. But for Pacific Northwest singer-songwriter Nate Manuel, his dreams come true not with notoriety but in a kind of anonymity where the music makes the listener feel something deeply even if the writer is unknown. His vision of success is simply “to play smaller more intimate venues every now and then and have my music played in movies” because, as Nate explained, “ hearing music during movies always leaves a lasting impression… all the emotion can be captured and bottled in a short scene.”

    Nate’s early exposure to music created a varied soundscape that suits his aspirations to capture the wide range of human emotion through a backdrop of music. “My earliest experiences in music involved a lot of The Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel from my Dad, and Iron Butterfly and Black Sabbath from my Mom. Led Zeppelin was also a favorite of hers along with Aerosmith. My dad was a softie, while my mom was more into the heavier rock at the time.” He went on to say, “Mom tells me she got this from when she grew up in the Philippines. She and my brothers lived down the street from a bar where lot of sailors would be singing Karaoke.”

    Unlike writers who knew from an early age that writing or music was a passion, Nate reflected, “To be honest, I never once dreamed about writing music when I was little. The only singing I’d done was at church and during the Karaoke gatherings my parents would have from time to time.”

    Though Nate started writing music in high school while playing bass for a band, he offered, “I never really shared any of my music at the time because it was too personal, and I didn’t want to get shunned for my style of music when the popular music at the time was Punk and Indie rock. I kept all these pent-up songs in secret for over six years, never sharing anything publicly, until the girl I was with encouraged me to do an open mic show at the local Edmond’s Tunes. There I was given 20 minutes to showcase my songs and got a really good response from the listeners.”

    Now an active performer and honing his own songwriting craft, Nate says he, “writes songs as a vent for emotions and to cope with the daily struggles of life and love. My inspiration comes from my unsaid emotions. I tend to be passive-aggressive in a lot of situations and never express emotion in a healthy way other than through music. It’s a very obvious cliché, but music has helped me get through a lot in life.”

    One of his favorite examples, “Ode to My New Low” is one Nate says he, “can always relate to… it has to do with the songwriting process in general because I’m usually in a state of darkness when I’m writing, and instead of shunning it and treating it as taboo, I’ve learned that sometimes the writing is welcome to help cope with my emotions.”

    Nate went on to explain, though, that music has also, “taken a lot from me because I usually write during a low time of my life… revisiting a memory or still handling a current one. So it takes a lot out of me because it’s like putting all my problems on a kitchen table and forcing myself to eat them and enjoy it.”

    As Nate works through those complex emotions musically, his writing process is both instrumental and experiential. “I usually start my writing process from either just messing around on the guitar, or trying to figure out other songs for the most part. Sometimes I’ll hear or say something that I like out of the blue, or out of hearing a conversation, and try to sing it into any sort of melody.”

    Though Nate continues to grow as a performer and songwriter, like most artists, self-doubt looms in the background. “My greatest challenge as a writer is accepting my music without over criticizing it. I feel like I’m constantly looking for acceptance whether it’s from me or from the audience. As a performer, I never know what to say or how to say things given the pressure of performing and entertaining the public. Trying to make music my life will always be a challenge because there’s so many other great musicians I feel deserve a spotlight, and I never want to take it away from them.”

    Nate encourages other writers wishing to grow to follow a simple piece of advice that he applies to his own writing. “I would suggest to never be satisfied easily with your songs. Try to hone your best lyrics and melodies and don’t be afraid to return to them if they’re not exactly what you want them to be. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rewritten songs because of this, but I am happy with the end result.”

    Another resource he found helpful was Songwriters in Seattle. He explained, “I’m not trying to brown-nose, but this group has helped me hone my performance skills at the open mics and showcases. I’ve gotten to collaborate with other musicians and listen in on other musicians who have helped me with my own songs. It’s also been a comfortable group of people who are very supportive during your sets, building your confidence and giving you positive feedback when it comes to your own songs.”

    Looking to his future, Nate sees, “more recording and also hoping to help inspire other musicians to keep doing what they love even if they aren’t selling out shows or playing in front of millions of people. I haven’t done any of that but am very satisfied just playing in front of supportive people and also being supportive.”

    That desire to be in a supporting role will serve songwriter Nate Manuel well as he continues to seek ways to become the subtle musical soundscape for the complex emotions of characters and conflict in the cinematic genre. And as to how that will unfold, as Nate expresses through his own favorite Mill Davis quote, “If you understood everything I say, you’d be me.”

  • SIS Featured Songwriter: Tobias the Owl

    The owl, in ancient traditions, is symbolic of wisdom…a guide to see beyond the obscuring veil of deception and illusion. The spirit of the owl is associated with an ability to see beyond what is hidden to most. And thus, it comes as no surprise that the journey of Seattle songwriter Tobias the Owl is one filled with deep revelation and insight, both personally and musically.

    “I often wonder what makes music such an inherent part of the human experience,” he mused. “Songs become the soundtracks of our hearts and minds, and our brains feel sort of ‘hard-wired’ to resonate with music. Alongside the earliest cave paintings of humanity, there are patterns of attrition and attenuation on stalagmites, suggesting that tens of thousands of years ago, early humans may have been rhythmically beating on these structures in patterns creating early expressions of music.”

    Tobias the Owl’s own expressions of music began in early childhood. “I’ve always had melodies and songs in my head as long as I can remember. I remember being a toddler, watching other children play, and writing melodies in my head. Music has always felt like it’s in my nature, as a listener and as a musician,” he noted.

    That early love of music did not correlate with an early start as a performing musician however. “As a teenager,” he stated, “I was always working. I never had the time or resources to focus on making music. I paid my own way through school without taking any loans. As a student, I grew to love physics and the sciences. There really was never time to pursue music in any serious way. I was also very transient in my youth, and I never kept a musical instrument. It wasn’t until my twenties that I really had my own guitar.”

    A health crisis a few years later became a catalyst to bring that guitar to the forefront of his life. “I was diagnosed with cancer. I wanted to play some of my songs before I underwent chemotherapy. The show that I played was with Jonah Tolchin, who started covering one of my songs. After I convalesced, Jonah had become very successful, and my song was on his album. I’ve always felt tremendous gratitude to Jonah and other folks who have spread my music,” he reflected. “It was really because of Jonah’s success with my song that I had the motivation and momentum to pursue music in a more serious way.”

    That pursuit led to a writing process that is liquid. “Sometimes a melody is really compelling. Sometimes a phrase is really resonant. So my writing process is a little different for each song. Some of my songs are built around a lyrical idea or theme. Other songs are built around a skeleton of a melody. Some songs are finished within minutes. Others take months to evolve.”

    “The only consistent aspect of my writing process,” he commented, “is that I record songs as soon as the inspiration hits me. I write down any lyrical notes right away. I try to at least make some recording of each musical idea immediately as well. I think capturing inspiration in some recorded way as soon as it hits is immensely valuable.”

    Since his first shared show, Tobias the Owl has experienced the blessings of working in community. “Music is a very communal form of artistic expression,” he said. “My songs may start in my head, but each of us has a musical journey that I think is meant to be shared with others. I was also very motivated by hip hop artists. There’s a really strong sense of collaboration in the hip hop community on regional and national levels. I’ve felt like inviting others to participate in my musical expression has been a huge part of the process of finding a home for my music.”

    Though he is well accepted and appreciated by his fellow songwriters across many genres, Tobias the Owl shares the challenges many creatives face. He reflected, “I’m sure every artist has paroxysms of intense self-doubt. For me, those moments of insecurity and doubt have been really acute and very frequent. I think that I would have pursued music more seriously and sooner, if I weren’t so frequently petrified by such intense self-doubt.”

    Outside of the writing process, performing his music also comes at a steep cost. “As a performer, some of my insecurities manifest as really intense anxiety whenever I perform. In fact, I used to throw up before almost every performance. I would often avoid any meals on the day of a show so that I didn’t vomit. I now take beta blockers in order to dull the anxiety that I feel before performing,” he elaborated.

    With such a high personal price to pay for persevering as a singer-songwriter, Tobias the Owl identified the factors that keep him moving forward in his creative endeavors. “Although I’ve found that the pursuit of music is really rewarding, it’s also been really arduous. People have often asked me what my goals are in pursuing music, and for a long time, I didn’t really have an adequate answer. The answer finally came to me in an email that I received from a fan in Germany—someone that I’ve never met,” Tobias explained. “He told me that he was going through a difficult time and that my music really helped him in facing his challenges. Because there have been times that I’ve heard a song that seems to ‘fit’ in my mind like a key in a keyhole, knowing there is someone in the world who will have that feeling with my songs keeps me motivated when the journey gets difficult.” He further elaborated, “I’ve come to realize that there are a lot of measures of success that are really elusive, but I’ve found my purpose in knowing that my music fits in the soundtrack of someone’s life somewhere. For me, having a sense of purpose has sustained me through some of the moments of self-doubt that I’ve had.”

    In his own life, Tobias the Owl has a “soundtrack in my mind is a really dynamic landscape,” and “maybe the song ‘Murmurs’ is particularly poignant to the themes that I try to focus on. I write a lot of songs about what it means to be human in a universe that seems to overwhelmingly dwarf the scope of our existence, and ‘Murmurs’ is a nice encapsulation of that sentiment. It’s a song about feeling overwhelmed by the vastness of the universe, and feeling anchored by human connection.”

    Tobias the Owl is reluctant to offer any advice to other writers because of the uniqueness of each writer’s journey. But he did offer that, “One important thing is to capture every moment of inspiration. Find some way, as portably and as easily as possible, to record every idea that you have.” Additionally, he stated, “I think it’s really important to figure out what you want to express with your musical voice. What is the unique lesson that you want to teach the world? What is the unique aspect of your experience that you want to communicate? I think, for each of us, honing our unique perspective on our place in the world is an important part of developing our voice.”

    Using his own background as an example, Tobias stated, “I try to write a lot of songs that are born out of my passion for the sciences. We’re lucky to be living in a period of prolific discovery. We’re uncovering so many more dimensions and parameters of the universe that previous generations of humanity never could have imagined. I feel like my voice as a musician is in delving into the spiritual and philosophical ramifications of our expanding view of the universe.”

    Building on his own rich experience with collaboration, Tobias the Owl reiterated its importance. “I would encourage young artists to build relationships with other musicians and friends. Don’t let your bedroom or recording studio become a dungeon of solitary confinement. Figure out ways you can evolve and grow in a community, and figure out what you can do to help your community evolve into a fertile soil for other artists.”

    His advice is rooted again in his experience. “There are a ton of people that have connected to my music and have helped with the journey,” he said. “My co-artists, colleagues, listeners, and friends have been the most helpful, most rewarding part of my life as a musician. I often try to reflect on the fact that every note is a wave, and a wave has to be fixed at two points or nodes in order to oscillate. Music has to flow from a creator to a listener, and no song is finished until it’s been shared with someone else.”

    Tobias the Owl’s latest release, “Every Eye is a Universe” has now become part of that wave of creativity flowing to the listener. He considers this album, “the best composition that I’ve produced.” But the universe continues to flow, and so does his creativity. “I’m writing new songs, and we’d like to make one more album. But at the moment, I still feel like our new album is very fresh. We did an initial tour in support of the album, but since its release, we’ve made a lot of new fans around the world. In the coming months, I’m hoping to do some further touring to some of the communities that have really embraced our new album.”

    Steeped in his early love of the sciences and ever searching for wisdom and insight, Tobias the Owl finds himself musing on a quote from Georg Cantor: “The least particle ought to be considered as a world full of infinity of different creatures.” And now that ‘least particle’ is being examined with the eye, the mind, and the spirit of the one creature whose wisdom has been noted from ancient times to the present: Tobias the Owl.

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Paula Boggs

    “Seattle-Brewed Soulgrass”

    A long way from the rainy Pacific Northwest, a budding guitar player from Virginia sat in front of a TV set watching “Here Comes the Brides” which is set in old Seattle. In watching the interplay of two characters, Candy and Jeremy, young Paula Boggs, “found her first songwriting muse at a time when I had little sense Seattle was even a real place,” and ended up writing a song from the boyfriend’s perspective with “maybe 2 or 3 chords.”  Today, living in the city she once only imagined and touring with her band and a new album, singer-songwriter Paula Boggs credits the start of her musical journey to her parents.

    “My parents insisted their kids learn to play music, starting with piano.” she explained. “Those lessons began for me at 6, and I learned to loathe the piano though I now know it was much more teacher than instrument. I then begged my folks to let me drop it for clarinet — I can’t even tell you why clarinet. They bought one and that lasted 6 months.”

    Inspiration for the next musical path came with the arrival of the Folk Mass. “I was in Catholic school when the Folk Mass was coming of age and was so inspired, I wanted to take up guitar. When I then asked if I could take guitar lessons instead, they’d already bought a piano and clarinet, and so would only let me rent a guitar,” she recalled.

    With the help of her first muse from a TV show, Boggs began writing songs at the age of ten, and, “in time helped pay for a guitar my mom and I found in a pawn shop.”  She added, “The first time I remember performing was at my mom’s church, around age 12, though folks from elementary school say they remember me slugging around my guitar.”

    She continued to slug that guitar and write songs until her 20’s before moving on to other endeavors. A look at her curriculum vitae reveals a rich and varied job history from decorated paratrooper, to working with some of America’s top corporations as a lawyer, and appointments to high level government positions. Through it all, songwriting remained only a memory.

    However, a personal tragedy involving the death of her sister-in-law in a car crash led her back to songwriting 12 years ago, “… initially as a way to grieve. Once I was back at it, step-by-step, there was no turning back,” she said. Instrumental in her return to music were two things:  a year-long songwriting course through University of Washington, “caused me to be part of a songwriters’ community, and showing up regularly to open mics became a great way to hone my craft and get supportive but constructive feedback,” she reflected.

    Initially drawn to songwriting as part of her grieving process, Boggs is now inspired by, “Seattle sunrises and sunsets, my spouse and kid, the resilience of the human spirit… my list has no limits.”  She draws inspiration from those, “moments of ‘ah-hah’ …riding in a van with my mates from Chicago to Saint Louis listening to and singing all the words to songs of the 1960s, having folks dance to our closing song in Spokane, encores, having someone listen to one of our songs and write about how it touched her, having it hit me while on a walk.”

    Because all of life seems to provide inspiration, Boggs’s writing process is as varied as what inspires her. “I’m not that disciplined a songwriter in the sense of carving out a set amount of time daily or weekly to write,” she said, “Rather, themes come to me while walking, reading the newspaper, or ‘quiet time.’ I’ve written music both ways — starting with melody and with lyrics — though more of the songs I write begin with words.”

    One area in which she is disciplined, however, is in her commitment to being real in her writing. “As a writer, my biggest challenges are authenticity and accessibility. It’s easier for me to wear a mask. It’s one thing if I’m doing that deliberately, wearing the skin of a character. It’s quite another if I’m not being honest with myself,” she said.

     As a performer, Boggs, who fronts the Paula Boggs Band, has two additional challenges: “I’m a member of a band and so strive to do my part to make us ‘one.’ It’s also our job to ‘deliver’ to the audience no matter its size. It’s a great night when you see folks groove, laugh, and/or cry from the stage. We get energy from that too.”

    She and her band will get many opportunities to tackle both of these challenges as they continue to tour. “We didn’t start really touring until after 2015 album ‘Carnival of Miracles,’ though we’d played some cities beyond the Pacific Northwest, like Philadelphia, before that release. Those first trips were often connected with my speaking at a college or elsewhere in the same city,” she explained.

    Now with an album of “Seattle-Brewed Soulgrass” receiving critical acclaim, her band tours as part of their marketing plan. “By so doing,” she elaborated, “we’ve been better exposed to an international audience, grown the fan base, sometimes earned more money, and become a much tighter performing machine.”  There are drawbacks, though, to a life on the road marketing an album. “Touring costs money though: vans, lodging, rented instruments, and time away from home,” she added. “Sometimes, the local band doesn’t deliver its promised fan base and sometimes you’re competing against insurmountable odds, like when our Bend, Oregon show was booked the same night as Willie Nelson and Alison Krauss. I think we had five folks at our show.”

    In between tour dates, The Paula Boggs Band is putting the final touches on the album art for a third studio album, “Elixir, The Soulgrass Sessions,” and will offer it in vinyl when it is released later this year. And in between her own creative projects, she will continue to listen to and support her favorite millennial/GenX songwriters Conor Oberst, Kendrick Lamar, and Courtney Barnett. “Each artist is an amazingly brilliant lyricist with something to say — sometimes provocative, sometimes ironic, always worth my investment of time, ears, head, and heart. They are the Leonard Cohens, Paul Simons, Joni Mitchells and Curtis Mayfields of that generation,” she explained.

    That young girl in Virginia who once sat in front of the TV set for inspiration ended up serving her country as a soldier, as a corporate leader, and as an avid community supporter. With self-confidence as a resource, Paula Boggs tackled a life’s work in the “real world” that was all encompassing. Through it all her inspiration to live by was a Lewis Carroll quote from Alice in Wonderland: “I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” But in the midst of that work, she was called back, through life’s painful circumstances, to songwriting.

    In retrospect, Paula Boggs has gone back to yesterday … to “the passion and craft I knew as a child and young adult” … to the young woman singing in the church choir … to the soul of the young girl who first translated the world into song at age 10. Perhaps now, as writer George Moore declared, Paula Boggs is actually a woman who has travelled “the world over in search of what (s)he needs and returns home to find it.”

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Jean Mann

    “glass spilling over, pouring out the past, room fills up, a story’s cast”  –  Jean Mann

    The stories that spill from the past of singer-songwriter Jean Mann are as rich and varied as the images that fill the lyrics of her six albums. Growing up “in a drafty, idyllic home along the shores of Lake Whatcom in Bellingham, Washington,” she recalled early music experiences that became the foundation of her writing landscape. “I can remember my mom listening to opera on the radio every Saturday as she did kitchen tasks,” she reflected. When her mother was particularly “swept up in an aria”, Jean would steal apple slices that had been freshly cut. Those aria-infused kitchen experiences “had a profound effect that I didn’t realize till much later.”

    A brief stint in a church choir and violin lessons were followed by “noodling around on the family purple piano, singing and playing whatever songbooks were around,” Jean elaborated, “It was the 1970’s….let’s leave it at that!” High-school choir and a bit of music theory at a university followed before she struck out on her own.

    “When I moved out of the house, the piano was too big to move,” she said, “so guitar seemed like a good idea. I dabbled with this for just a couple months and left it behind until decades later, when I was loaned a guitar and remembered a couple of chords. Music finally grabbed my heart ‘strings’ in earnest and has yet to let go.” At 35, Mann had found an instrument she would never have to leave behind due to its size.

    But the movement from playing guitar to sharing her music was not an easy transition. “At the age of 36, I started getting up on stage at open mics to help get over my crippling stage fright and shyness.” She then started writing original songs a couple of years later, “sparked by my grief over the death of my mother.” A self-taught songwriter, her process evolved over the years, and now she “continually strives for texture, not to repeat the same song over and over.” Though she has overcome much of her shyness, stage jitters, which can happen with small or large crowds, “can still grab me when I least expect it. I’ve just learned to breathe through it.”

    To find a fresh perspective in each song, Mann explained that she is, “inspired by life senses all around me …smells, sounds, and sights on the road, walking the dog, books, and just being out in the community which bring out tucked away memories and experiences for songs. The other day I saw a billboard that had the words pedal pushers on it. (Capri’s or clam diggers for the younger reader!) It was an instant memory flood of childhood summers and skinned-knees, and found its way into a new song.”


    As her original songs were worked into performances, Jean received confirmation that she was doing what she was created to do. “The consistent feedback I got from my first audiences about how they could relate to my songs and stories was a pretty strong message,” she stated. One moment happened when she was playing the song ‘Your Voice,’ written four years after her mother’s death. “It was the first time I could directly address this loss. After the concert, an elderly woman came up and tearfully relayed that she’d recently lost her mother and really connected with my words. What struck me was that I lost my mother at a young age, yet this pain of daughters losing mothers was something we shared across the ages.”


    Once Jean had original songs, she began recording and performing at “every possible venue I could find locally, and then down the road a bit, after years of fan-base building and six albums later, touring has taken me further out to include two European tours so far.” The European tours have brought the benefits of “sharing music, meeting people in their communities, expanding the music to new ears, and great travel adventures.” As for drawbacks, Jean is still learning how to live and organize a balanced life with this passion of an artistic career.

    For young writers starting out, Jean suggested writers would do well to “OPEN your heart and mind. Try to look at the world with child-like curiosity. Observe….everything. Think about what is important to you…whether the topics are love, angst, activism, humor, etc. If you find yourself thinking and/or editing too much, or getting stuck trying to write the ‘perfect’ song, kick the ego out the window and just write… write… write.”

    Jean also suggested capturing song ideas using technology. “Set up a simple recording device (I use the voice memo on my phone) and get in a quiet place and just let it fly. Capture the good, the bad, and the WTH!? You never know what golden lyric might come out of a free-flow of word-play. I’ve had some of my best stuff slip out in these moments.”

    Once the ideas are flowing, she advised, “Go back and edit and refine. Also, it can be useful to do songwriting exercises (or co-writing) with others. Once you start writing, keep working on improving your craft and technique; keep getting out there in the community, whether it’s the local coffeehouse on the corner, or a backyard in Belgium. It is never too late to start. Take it from this late-bloomer!”

    Jean also touted the benefits of community for writers because it provides a place to ask lots of questions and work together. She credited one particular community, Songwriters in Seattle, because, “though it emerged years after I began, it was, and is, a great community builder and has some of the nicest local song-folks I’ve met.”

    Community is one aspect of her life, however, that will be sorely missed when Jean takes to the road on her April West Coast solo tour in support of her new CD, Road Girl Vol. 1. On these road trips, “I perform mostly solo,” she said. “Road life can be lonely, with all the driving, and the booking/promo etc. But there is also no one to have to split the coffers with!”

    Though Jean is a successful full-time singer-songwriter, there are still challenges. As a writer, she struggles with dry spells, “Trying not to edit myself when life is challenging and keeping my truth and integrity intact.” As a performer, she recognizes that for independent musicians, “there is the ever-changing landscape and masses of other players vying for the same rooms. Thinking outside the (venue) box helps!”

    When she returns from the road, she will continue work on Road Girl Vol. 2, containing her studio-enhanced live recordings. Thinking out of the venue ‘box,’ she will also “work on finding new outlets and applications for my music like yoga events and workshops.” Some new venues may also open up as she continues her thirteen year off-and-on collaboration with multi-instrumentalist and recording engineer Bill Corral as well as her participation in a local vocal-ukulele trio The Blue Janes. “I do all the booking,” Jean elaborated, “but this expands the types of events and venues I can share the music with, i.e. band-centric venues and festivals.”

    As a songwriter, performer, road warrior, booking agent, band mate, and recording artist, Jean reflected that “balancing many hats can be a challenge, but as multi-task-maven, I’m learning where to focus efforts, and how to work with and delegate duties with a mutually-focused team.”

    For songwriter Jean Mann, fellow writer John Hiatt has a lyric that for her says it all: “Whatever your hands find to do, you must do with all your heart.” Whether it’s a ukulele, a guitar, a writer’s pen, or a handheld recorder, Jean Mann is an artist whose hands and heart personify that lyric.


    Jean Mann on Bandcamp 

    The Blue Janes on Bandcamp 

    “Your Voice” – Jean Mann on YouTube

  • SiS Featured Songwriter: Andy “Roo” Forrest

    Songwriters discussing their craft often focus on structure and style, or perhaps a particular genre that inspires their stylistic choices. However, songwriter Andy “Roo” Forrest’s writing process begins at his feet… literally. “I walk. I have written everything while walking. I sing, tap out rhythms, talk to myself and make noises while I walk and I record it on my phone. Because I’m sometimes walking briskly or uphill, there is the constant grinding of my heavy breathing in the background on all the recordings.”

    Perhaps the roots of that kinesthetic approach to writing began in childhood, where Roo said he “grew up doing musical theater; being a ham on stage in that somewhat cheesy art-form of clever rhymes and over-acting.” This auspicious beginning would seem a perfect lead in to songwriting, but actually Roo, involved in a wide array of creative work, explored the landscape of songwriting almost accidentally. “One day, not too long ago, my son stopped taking guitar lessons, but his teacher kept coming over to the house. So I took my son’s place and learned a few chords”. Those chords were the catalyst for an explosion of creativity. Of this time, Roo reflected, “Suddenly the songs just started bursting out…kinda like that scene in the movie Alien, but without killing me.”

    These bursts spring from a constant source. While other writers might agonize over what to write, Roo again uses his feet to fuel the muse. “Oh my God, everything inspires me. I’m probably over-stimulated by things. Walking is the thing that calms me down and helps me put some of it into digestible order.”

    Some of the over-stimulation may be due to the full schedule of activities that fill up his life. “I’ve been blessed with a creative life, outside of songwriting, that supports me and my family. So I have not had to thread the art-and-commerce needle that can be stressful for so many artists.” As a result, he noted, “My challenges in the songwriting realm tend to be about my own orientation to the work, making enough time for it, finishing things I’ve started, that kind of thing.”

    Though not having to “thread the art and commerce needle,” Roo’s work has not gone unnoticed by his audiences or his songwriting tribe, and it was one of those members that encouraged him to audition for a coveted spot in New Voices at the 2014 Kerrville Folk Festival. “Val D’alessio told me to apply,” he explained, “Val is connected to forces which are not of this world, so I try to listen to her directives.”

    From 800 submissions from all over the world, Roo was one of 32 artists chosen to perform. Besides the musical experience, Kerrville had some surprises in store for Roo. “I was surprised at how little drugs, sex and general hedonism there was at Kerrville,” he reflected, “The people at Kerrville really care about the songs. I had been to other music festivals before but this one was more earnest…more sincere.”

    For those just embarking on a songwriting journey, Roo’s advice was simple: “Write it like you feel it, sing it like you mean it, have a good time.” In addition, for Roo, most important in his own journey as a writer were good teachers… “mentors who were willing to show me things I didn’t know,” which may partially explain why he serves as a host of open mics for Songwriters in Seattle and a source of constant encouragement for his fellow songwriters.

    To those who have experienced the songwriting of Roo Forrest, accolades are part and parcel of their descriptions of his work. But Roo is not one to easily tout his accomplishments. “Most of the time I feel grateful or fortunate. I wouldn’t describe it as feeling proud, because pride seems to imply that one’s actions led to a particular outcome. But in reflection, it doesn’t feel like I’m the one who’s responsible for positive results. It seems to be all a collaborative effort with different people: parents, my spouse, kids, business partners, employees, friends, strange and wonderful collaborators. Most of the time I just feel lucky to have smart, funny, talented people who are willing to tolerate me.”

    Though he is a self-described “snarky singer songwriter”, a recent reviewer commented that Roo also has “a pervasive humor and detectable kindness which will leave you smiling.” That effect may reap rewards in his next project which could send him back to his roots: musical theater. “I’m writing a musical revue on world population, over consumption, and the future of the planet. As you can imagine, it’s a laugh riot.”

    Unlike some, Roo did not have an epiphany when he realized becoming a songwriter was something he was “supposed to be doing” because “only my Mother knows that and I don’t find her a very credible authority, so I need to swim through the mystery one day at a time.”

    One thing we can be sure of: Out on a walk somewhere, one step at a time, phone recorder running, punctuated by the sounds of leg slaps and labored breathing, that mystery will be revealed, one song at a time.


    Find out more at

  • SiS Featured Artist of the Month:  Jaspar Lepak

    SiS Featured Artist of the Month: Jaspar Lepak

    Jaspar Lepak has become, according to Richard Haslop, Audio Video Magazine (South Africa) “… a compelling and sometimes even riveting singer, pure and pretty without being precious, emotionally raw without being raunchy, with a clean, clear voice that drifts between folk, country and that middle ground that has been identified, by those who decide these things, as Americana…” But her journey towards becoming a critically acclaimed Pacific Northwest singer-songwriter began not with a guitar but with ballet slippers.

    “During my last semester as an English major,” she explained. “I took a ballet class to fulfill an elective credit and magically discovered how to breathe from my diaphragm. I was listening to a lot Cat Stevens at the time, and one day while singing along, I realized that my voice had moved to a much stronger place, and I liked the sound of it.”

    Her voice as a songwriter began to develop with a crisis of faith in the conservative religion in which she had grown up. Songwriting, she said, “gave me an outlet to express what I was feeling in a way that felt truer than talking or writing. Since I was a kid, I had always wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t get a lot of nurturing in the creative arts and had very little belief in my own voice. Songwriting, singing, and the friends I shared my first compositions with gave me that belief in my own voice, and it just kept growing as I kept writing.”

    That writing process for Lepak, “usually starts with a strong emotion. Songwriting helps me work it out. I journal, then I strum chords on my guitar, and I hum a melody. Then I try out some of the phrases I have written down. I like working on big pieces of blank sketchbook paper. That way I can see the whole song at the same time. Melody and lyrics are always happening in tandem for me…” She went on to say, “It’s best if I can sit for a day or two and work on the song until it’s close to finished. It also works if I take regular time each day, like an hour or two, and work on the same song for a couple of weeks.”

    As a performer, Lepak, like many artists, struggled with shyness. “The drive to perform was stronger than the fear, but it took years of playing open mics with shaky hands and shallow breath to get more comfortable on stage. It wasn’t until I started taking voice lessons and learned about breath control and practiced it, that my breath became something I could rely on onstage. And still, every once in awhile, I get really nervous and start to shake and lose my sense of breath while performing. It’s not always something I can control, but it is something I have more tools to control.”

    Balancing life as a full time musician is a juggling act for Lepak. “As a writer, these days, it’s hard to find time to write. I started doing music full time three years ago, and booking, promoting, traveling, and performing have really taken up all my extra time and mental and emotional space. I’m trying to work now in seasons: a season for performing, a season for booking, a season for writing. It’s impossible to do them all at once. Also, as a woman in my mid thirties, I have more complex subjects that I’m writing about. Songs take more time, and the subject matter takes more courage. I’m learning to trust myself more than I ever have before.”

    Life as a full-time musician brings other frustrations as well. “As an independent musician, the hardest struggle is people not seeing what I do as work. I hate the question: ‘and what do you do for a real job? a day job? For money?’ It’s infuriating. Or, ‘You’re really great. Keep at it, and we’ll be seeing your name in big lights someday.’ That’s so not the point. We need to see the work of artists as work. We need to stop seeing artists as children who need to grow up and get a real job. And success is not being famous. Success is doing good work and supporting yourself as you do it.”

    Lepak’s idea of good work is steeped in writing about what matters. “I feel inspired when I’m writing a song that I care about. That moment when I share it with people who receive it is the best feeling in the world.” While performing in South Africa, Lepak experienced that connection in a powerful way. She had written “I Know a Woman” to reflect on her crisis of faith. “The first time I sang it for a live audience,” she explained, “I was outdoors in a beautiful garden at an art museum in Durban, South Africa. I was almost embarrassed to sing it, thinking everyone already knows this message: they will just think I’m another feminist whining about my vulnerability and place in the world. But people were crying as I was singing. Women gave me these huge, tearful hugs afterwards. And it just keeps happening every time I sing that song. The female voice needs so much honoring because it is so powerful, and I feel so proud to have written that song.”

    For those who would like to test the waters of becoming a songwriter, Jaspar Lepak advises writers to, “…tell the truth. Be your most vulnerable self. Write about what matters to you. And take voice lessons! They will help you in ways you cannot begin to imagine. Please, take voice lessons. You will grow exponentially.”

    Additionally she stresses the need for community. “Going to shows. Meeting other artists. Going to shows. Talking with artists. Going to shows. Building an artist network of support. In order to be a performer, you have to be a listener. Whenever I feel overwhelmed as a performer, all I have to do is go to a show to remind me why I’m doing this and how to do this.”

    Jaspar Lepak found her breath in a ballet class and her voice in a crisis of faith. Now she has become, according to Helge Janssen, at Artslink, a songwriter and performer to be reckoned with. “Her core shines without compromise or submission, her words reveal insight, lyricism, humor and compassion. The real deal. It gets no better than this.”

  • Michael Wansley (aka Wanz)

    Michael Wansley (aka Wanz)

    Michael Wansley, aka The Wanz, Tee Wanz, or simply just “Wanz” has had quite a year. After a seemingly routine and quick recording session with up and coming local hip hop stars Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Wanz has been catapulted into the spotlight with #1 hit Thrift Shop – including a video that has spawned nearly 150 million views, a Saturday Night Live appearance, and a sold out world tour. Despite this stratospheric rise, Wanz remains a humble and down to earth guy. And it goes to show that sometimes it takes 30 years of hard work to become an “overnight” success.

    Wanz was one of the early leaders of Songwriters in Seattle. Along with Jeff Hatch in the basement of The Alibi Room at Pike Place Market (across from the infamous “gum wall”), he would delight the group with stories of many years of Seattle music scene history. He was still playing bass regularly with a local band, and constantly working on his own beats and hooks. He would often be seen around town with his headphones on, focused deep in his laptop working his new songs. His own R&B flavored hip hop and smooth voice rounded out a depth and experience in his songwriting that only come from years of dedicated effort.


    Keep an eye out for a new EP from Wanz currently in the works and see him on tour with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. At this point you never know where he might turn up next! There are many places to find and connect with Wanz on the web – here are just a few links to get you started:

    – Wanz on Reverbnation
    – Follow Wanz on Twitter
    – Wanz on Facebook


    In his SiS podcast, from late 2011 – before he was poppin’ tags and lookin’ for come-ups – Wanz shares many Seattle music scene stories as well his sense of humor about his own musical evolution. You can find his podcast post by clicking here!