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Recommended Reading

An ever-expanding list of books recommended by our members to help you succeed in your music career!


– The ONLY book you will ever need for this: Tour Smart by Martin Atkins
Rand Mcnally Dist-o-map

Artist Development

Outliers by Malcolm Gladewell
Artist Development by Eugene Foley

Vocal Technique

Set Your Voice Free by Roger Love, SiS article about this book
Complete Vocal Technique by Cathrine Sadolin

For Marketing/PR

it! by Paula Froelich AWESOME BOOK!
Music Success in Nine Weeks by Arial Hyatt *everything from her is fantastic but this is her best and most recommended work from numerous industry professionals

Viral Marketing

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladewell

For General Productivity and Organization

Getting Things Done by David Allen
4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
Re-Work by Jason Fried and David Hansson

About the Author
SiS Administrator

Songwriters in Seattle is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with over 4,000 members supporting the community of Pacific Northwest songwriters through events that foster creative development, collaboration, music education, and performance.