Songwriters in Seattle

Mystery Matchup #1

This piece of music has been submitted as a chart with accompanying audio.

The deadline for this activity is Sunday, April 19th, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Chart: Mystery_Matchup_1
(If you right click, you can open in another window or tab so that you can see the chart while listening to the music on this page)

Audio: (Click three dots to the right to download, or play in this page)

Please submit possible lyrics that may work with it. They can be submitted as text and/or as a recording. Please make it clear which lyrics align with which section.

Sections can (and should) be repeated or modified as necessary. This is a collaboration and is merely meant to be a starting point.




Send your submission via email to



About the Author

Griffin is an experienced author, songwriter, performer, and recording engineer/producer. Hear his music at