Songwriters in Seattle

NightOut Radio – Part 1

Over three years ago I began meeting with a successful podcast producer in hopes to start an Internet radio station. The station was to feature Seattle bands with an emphasis on Songwriters in Seattle. The Internet had become a major player in the broadcasting of music and this trend was only going to increase. The project fell through, needless to say, and although born from this desire were the podcasts that Chris Klimecky has done for us, we were still missing out greatly on the opportunity of utilizing the Internet as a broadcasting platform for Songwriters in Seattle.


That’s where Linda and Mark Gordon of the nationwide NightOut Radio and website platforms come in. Focusing solely on local artists, Linda and Mark have put together a great bands section and a 24/7 radio station with 6 channels currently, featuring only local artists. Their eventual goal is 16 channels. With thousands of listeners and users this site is a MUST for all Songwriters in Seattle members with “Radio Ready” music.


Not only reaching the Seattle crowd, there are “NightOut” websites and radio stations located in hundreds of major cities throughout the US (and the list just keeps growing) which are basing their programming on what Mark and Linda have started. lists hundreds of hot-spots throughout the greater Seattle area from dining and drinking to entertainment and lodging but what really pushes our hot button at SiS is the BANDS section. The question SiS members should be asking is “How do I sign up?” and, “How much does this cost?” To answer the second question first it’s “FREE!” In answer to “How do I sign up?” here’s a step by step approach (hint: you can read it and sign up at the same time):
1. Go to the website
2. From the top right menu select “Register”
3. Where it says “Business Name” type in your “Band Name”, “Stage Name”, or your own name. (Whatever name you’re using to promote you or your band).
4. Username, email, and phone should be self explanatory.
5. Password is randomly generated or you can type in your own.
6. If you’re signing up due to this article,be sure to select “Other” for “How did you hear about us” and type in “Songwriters in Seattle.”
7. Then click “submit”
8. This brings you to a login screen – select “Login.”
9. Under Category select “Bands” and fill out all appropriate info.
10. E-mail mp3’s of your music (with proper meta tags) to Mark directly:


((Coming next week: An interview with Linda and Mark Gordon of MySeattleNightOut.))


About the Author
Jeff Hatch

In the early years, as a novice songwriter, Hatch strived to create songs that would change the world. George Bernard Shaw once wrote, “The man who writes about himself and his own time is the man who writes about all people and all time.” This is directly relevant for Hatch, as he became a more seasoned songwriter he turned inward and wrote of what he knew: his love for his wife and eight children, experiences of the past, and his faith. Throughout his CD “Rosa Mystica” listeners will find enchanting melodies drifting below lyrics that possess a refreshing sincerity. As a self-taught guitarist, and with influences stretching multiple genres, his sound lands somewhere in the realm of acoustic folk with a bit of country twang.