Songwriters in Seattle

Tag: community

  • NWME Announcement: “Transitions”

    NWME Announcement: “Transitions”


    The Northwest Music Experience (NWME) was developed as a celebration of talent and community in the Pacific Northwest. Its first incarnation was a successful awards show honoring 40 fantastic artists who represented the diverse music community that surrounds us. This spirit will live on with the Songwriters in Seattle Awards, which is in the planning stages now to return in 2015.

    Going forward, the Northwest Music Experience name and what it represents will be shifting from Songwriters in Seattle to a new non-profit organization based in Portland. Here is the description from leader Tom Melillo:

    “Our non-profit will be geared towards experiential projects that connect young (high-school age) musicians with local professional musicians in our area to collaborate on projects to produce, perform, and record music. Our ultimate goals are to generate interest in music and music education, and to generate funds to give back to local school music programs.”

    We hope you’ll agree that this is a worthy cause and a valuable addition to the NW music community. Please join us in supporting the new organization’s efforts whole-heartedly. Best wishes to Tom and to the new incarnation of Northwest Music Experience.

  • Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG Event

    Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG Event

    We’re excited that Songwriters in Seattle will be part of The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG event on May 6th. Donations made to Songwriters in Seattle through The Seattle Foundation’s website ON THIS DAY ONLY will be stretched/matched thanks to The Seattle Foundation and GiveBIG sponsors! Make a donation, share with your friends (#GiveBIG), and be a part of our community’s biggest day of giving of the year. Make your gift online at:

    Learn more by following @TheSeattleFdn or by going to

    If you donate through GiveBIG on May 6th, you could be randomly selected for a Golden Ticket that wins you a $100 Starbucks gift card and gives us an extra $1,000 from The Seattle Foundation & other sponsors!

    Because @TheSeattleFdn’s #GiveBIG will stretch any dollars donated to us that day, we want this to be our one and only pure fundraising event of the year. Help us make that happen so we can keep bringing more impactful events to the Songwriters in Seattle calendar. Please Give BIG – thank you!

  • Music Aid Northwest Music Education Charity to Partner with Northwest Music Experience Convention/Expo

    Music Aid Northwest Music Education Charity to Partner with Northwest Music Experience Convention/Expo

    Songwriters in Seattle, Seattle WAVE Radio, and Music Aid Northwest are happy to announce a partnership to boost the educational component of the 2013 Northwest Music Experience (NWME) convention and expo. The three day NWME event will bring together our multi-genre music community for educational programs, music industry networking, and creative inspiration. Musicians and those involved with the music industry at all levels stand to gain from the educational tracks available at NWME, from students to veteran professionals.


    “Music Aid Northwest’s involvement in music education throughout the region will strengthen the educational component of NWME and extend the benefits of the event beyond just our three days in August,” says Songwriters in Seattle Organizer and NWME Chairperson Chris Klimecky. Music Aid Northwest will be helping coordinate student programs on Friday, August 16th (the first day of NWME) and 10% of net proceeds from NWME will go directly to the charity.

    Music Aid Northwest has been involved in advancing music education since 2006, most recently starting the “Music Matters” program to help fund music education through the Washington State Dept. of Licensing. Music Aid Northwest’s president, Bob Tomberg, states: “We are proud to be named as a beneficiary of NWME, and look forward to providing student programs for the event.”


    Songwriters in Seattle and Seattle WAVE Radio have also supported the educational growth of musicians in the Pacific NW through a number of industry panels, seminars, and peer review groups over the last few years. NWME will provide a single, focused forum for learning and inspiration unlike any other in the area. The event will take place August 16-18, 2013 at Benaroya Hall in the heart of downtown Seattle.


    For more information about NWME and the current campaign to raise seed capital for the event, please visit:


    Learn more about Music Aid Northwest and the “Music Matters” program:


    Learn more about Songwriters in Seattle here:


    The Seattle WAVE Radio app for Android phones can be found online at:

  • SiS Podcast: Val D’Alessio

    August, 2011

    Val D’Alessio
    Val D’Alessio joins SiS Organizer Chris Klimecky in the studio to discuss her spiritual musical journey, how she has allowed her creativity to blossom, and how she continues to be inspired by the creative community. Also, a live performance of a new song “Late Night Song.”

    Click the play icon above to stream, or click here to download

    Click here to read more about this podcast from Chris’s blog archive.

  • Welcome to the New!

    Hello Everyone!

    This has been a long time in coming, but I am very proud to finally unveil my latest labor of love for Songwriters in Seattle: Welcome to our new home on the web at! Not only do we have a new look and tons of new content, but there is a whole new vision which accompanies this re-launch. We have shifted from a static “landing spot” for users to look at once and move on, to a dynamic community-building forum for all things related to our musical endeavors! This website will be an ever-growing resource for musicians as well as a place to contribute ideas, links, and discussion about our creative community and larger music industry.

    As you may be able to tell, I’m excited! I’ve put this together for you and will continue to contribute toward it’s growth, but I can’t (and don’t want to) do it alone. Anyone and everyone is invited to help generate “article” content. This could include commentary, reviews, links, stories…you name it – as long as it’s not just about you. If you want to advertise, we have a lovely sponsorship program. 🙂 Otherwise, offer something meaningful to the community and the community will give back appropriately. Often your best promotional tool is to be a trusted, consistent, and useful resource to others. This is part of the power of this new website.

    Maybe you already have a blog or you like to post articles on Facebook? Copy them here for additional visibility. Maybe you think of an “article” as a major writing endeavor – not necessary. Often the shorter the better. A link to a great article elsewhere with a few lines of your commentary is a good primer if you’re uncomfortable with longer form writing. At the same time, I don’t want to discourage in-depth articles. I know members of SiS who are great at detailed music reviews, helpful tips, and have deeper thoughts on the state of the music biz. These types of articles would be fantastic for and you’ll get the additional visibility for your work that you deserve! If an article really is exceptionally long, we’ll break it into parts for multiple releases, getting it even more attention.

    So, imagine the possibilities, then write to and request to get started. I’m really excited to see what we can do out here and watch our continued momentum skyrocket.

    Thank you, enjoy the new website and again, welcome!