Songwriters in Seattle

Tag: music

  • Aug/Sept Songwriting Contest

    Acccompanying the re-launch of, we are pleased to announce our songwriting contest for August through September. The grand prize is 8 hours of studio time at Elliot Bay Recording Co. courtesy of Brian Nelson at Paintshaker Music ($550 value)! Many thanks to Brian for supporting SiS and we look forward to hearing the results of our winner’s time with him in the studio.



    Contests are a great way for us to feature some of the top talent of our SiS members as well as a great opportunity for our members to gain extra exposure and maybe a quote or two for their press kit. Not to mention the prizes from our awesome sponsors! Please see the contests page for official rules and submission requirements.

  • Welcome to the New!

    Hello Everyone!

    This has been a long time in coming, but I am very proud to finally unveil my latest labor of love for Songwriters in Seattle: Welcome to our new home on the web at! Not only do we have a new look and tons of new content, but there is a whole new vision which accompanies this re-launch. We have shifted from a static “landing spot” for users to look at once and move on, to a dynamic community-building forum for all things related to our musical endeavors! This website will be an ever-growing resource for musicians as well as a place to contribute ideas, links, and discussion about our creative community and larger music industry.

    As you may be able to tell, I’m excited! I’ve put this together for you and will continue to contribute toward it’s growth, but I can’t (and don’t want to) do it alone. Anyone and everyone is invited to help generate “article” content. This could include commentary, reviews, links, stories…you name it – as long as it’s not just about you. If you want to advertise, we have a lovely sponsorship program. 🙂 Otherwise, offer something meaningful to the community and the community will give back appropriately. Often your best promotional tool is to be a trusted, consistent, and useful resource to others. This is part of the power of this new website.

    Maybe you already have a blog or you like to post articles on Facebook? Copy them here for additional visibility. Maybe you think of an “article” as a major writing endeavor – not necessary. Often the shorter the better. A link to a great article elsewhere with a few lines of your commentary is a good primer if you’re uncomfortable with longer form writing. At the same time, I don’t want to discourage in-depth articles. I know members of SiS who are great at detailed music reviews, helpful tips, and have deeper thoughts on the state of the music biz. These types of articles would be fantastic for and you’ll get the additional visibility for your work that you deserve! If an article really is exceptionally long, we’ll break it into parts for multiple releases, getting it even more attention.

    So, imagine the possibilities, then write to and request to get started. I’m really excited to see what we can do out here and watch our continued momentum skyrocket.

    Thank you, enjoy the new website and again, welcome!