Songwriters in Seattle

Tag: Songwriters in Seattle

  • SiS Compilation Released!

    SiS Compilation Released!

    It has taken Songwriters in Seattle a number of years to put together a collection of music that represents the group in any significant way. We are now very proud to present this new compilation CD we’ve entitled “2012: Contest Winners and Highlights” – This album is compiled from Songwriters in Seattle member contest winners and other highlights from top 2012 members. The songs were all graciously donated by the artists to Songwriters in Seattle for inclusion. All proceeds from the purchase of the album go to SiS to fund ongoing events and projects. Please check it out on CDBaby!

    Thank you for listening and supporting Songwriters in Seattle!

    Titles included in this compilation:
    1. “L.A. (Is Totally Awesome)” by Charlie Heinemann
    2. “I Am the Water” by Zoe Wick
    3. “Sleeveless Season” by Jean Mann
    4. “Take Me Away” by Scott Burkhalter
    5. “That’s When Life Began” by Bruce Hunt
    6. “Desert Highway” by Derek Medina
    7. “Heroes” by Randy Edwards
    8. “Ride the Wind” by Chris Klimecky
    9. “Tale of a Missouri Girl” by Erin Jordan
    10. “A Buddha State of Mind (Live)” by Paula Boggs
    11. “The Wedding Song” by Andy “Roo” Forrest
    12. “It’s Time” by Cat Henderson
    13. “Morning Aire” by Leo Brodie
    14. “Fallen Angels Don’t Fly” by Jessica Lynne
    15. “(My Meeting With) Mr. Vegas” by Jim Marcotte
    16. “Feeling’s Gone” by Lou Gopal
    17. “The World Don’t Belong to a Dreamer (Live)” by Todd Christoffel
    18. “A Black Market for Mooncakes” by Songwriters in Seattle

  • Music Aid Northwest Music Education Charity to Partner with Northwest Music Experience Convention/Expo

    Music Aid Northwest Music Education Charity to Partner with Northwest Music Experience Convention/Expo

    Songwriters in Seattle, Seattle WAVE Radio, and Music Aid Northwest are happy to announce a partnership to boost the educational component of the 2013 Northwest Music Experience (NWME) convention and expo. The three day NWME event will bring together our multi-genre music community for educational programs, music industry networking, and creative inspiration. Musicians and those involved with the music industry at all levels stand to gain from the educational tracks available at NWME, from students to veteran professionals.


    “Music Aid Northwest’s involvement in music education throughout the region will strengthen the educational component of NWME and extend the benefits of the event beyond just our three days in August,” says Songwriters in Seattle Organizer and NWME Chairperson Chris Klimecky. Music Aid Northwest will be helping coordinate student programs on Friday, August 16th (the first day of NWME) and 10% of net proceeds from NWME will go directly to the charity.

    Music Aid Northwest has been involved in advancing music education since 2006, most recently starting the “Music Matters” program to help fund music education through the Washington State Dept. of Licensing. Music Aid Northwest’s president, Bob Tomberg, states: “We are proud to be named as a beneficiary of NWME, and look forward to providing student programs for the event.”


    Songwriters in Seattle and Seattle WAVE Radio have also supported the educational growth of musicians in the Pacific NW through a number of industry panels, seminars, and peer review groups over the last few years. NWME will provide a single, focused forum for learning and inspiration unlike any other in the area. The event will take place August 16-18, 2013 at Benaroya Hall in the heart of downtown Seattle.


    For more information about NWME and the current campaign to raise seed capital for the event, please visit:


    Learn more about Music Aid Northwest and the “Music Matters” program:


    Learn more about Songwriters in Seattle here:


    The Seattle WAVE Radio app for Android phones can be found online at:

  • Northwest Music Experience Partners With Benaroya Hall

    Northwest Music Experience Partners With Benaroya Hall

    Songwriters in Seattle is proud to announce an exciting partnership with Benaroya Hall that will bring the inaugural Northwest Music Experience (NWME) conference and expo into their beautiful downtown venue.


    Benaroya Hall is the place to be August 16-18, 2013 for this multi-genre music education, expo, and performance event. There is currently nothing like it in the Pacific Northwest; an event that brings musicians, fans, and industry luminaries together for one unforgettable summer weekend.


    Highlights include: a keynote address, expo floor, VIP party in the Grand Lobby, closing ceremonies, and featured performances in the S. Mark Taper Foundation Auditorium. There are plans for up to 5 parallel educational sessions and performances at Benaroya Hall’s Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall and intimate reception and lecture spaces.


    NWME 2013 promises to be a music community event you won’t want to miss!


    “Benaroya Hall is a stunning and versatile venue that fits the Northwest Music Experience vision perfectly,” says Songwriters in Seattle Organizer and NWME Chairperson Chris Klimecky, “It will bring everything we need under one roof, and of course everything will sound amazing. This is an ideal place to hear and be heard in the Pacific Northwest.”


    Troy Skubitz, Director of Benaroya Hall, adds, “Events like these are critical to the growth of the Northwest music community. We recognize the value of music conferences and are thrilled to host and partner with Songwriters in Seattle.”


    For more information about NWME and the current campaign to raise seed capital for the event, please visit:


    Benaroya Hall:

  • Review of Jabi Shriki’s CD and Release Party “Puzzle Pieces”

    Review of Jabi Shriki’s CD and Release Party “Puzzle Pieces”


    CD Release Party at The Gypsy Cafe in Fremont featuring Jabi Shriki, with special guests Eric Haber and Roo Forrest

    Eric Habér, who also helped on the CD Puzzle Pieces opened the show with a mellow acoustic set warming us up for the rest of the evening. Eric’s sound seems reminiscent of late 60’s “ballad-like” Brit pop. Soft, sweet, sardonic, this guy totally reminds me of the mellower yet still powerful Rolling Stones. Check out his Digital Album at:


    Roo Forrest played a rather creative set with a cello and bongo accompaniment ranging from his serious and masterfully written “Istanbul” to a well performed, albeit unusual, cover of “Fulsom Prison blues” which was accompanied by inserts during instrumental breaks of poems by Anne Frank (Roo’s sublimely unusual). And finally ending his set with an amusing political assessment of our current presidential candidate situation, complete with costumes, props, and subtle but witty gimmicks, fitting into his song an introduction to our highlight and star of the evening Jabi Shriki. On a side note “Istanbul” was requested from the audience, it was the first time I’d heard it and it blew me away. I don’t know if this song is available for listen but you can check out Roo’s debut CD at:

    Roo Forrest and Friends


    Kicking off his west coast tour Jabi seemed not only relaxed but at home on stage playing selections from his current CD ‘Puzzle Pieces’ and songs from past releases as well. The show itself felt more “at home” than concert-like, partly owing to the fact of the living room-like setting that the Gypsy seems to be famous for, but also the ease with which the performers played. Puzzle Pieces takes on this relaxed, familiar, yet original and inspirational sound; Meditation rock with a Mid-Eastern influence. Look for upcoming dates on Jabi’s tour at:

    Jabi Shriki


    The Puzzle Pieces CD

    Jabi’s previous releases had a more esoteric feel to them, this one is a bit more pop – not losing that esoteric eastern sound but actually adding to it. Mellow 80’s comes to mind but definitely not so much softer, as “smoother.” David Bowie meets Sheila Chandra is the feel I get from Puzzle Pieces. Some songs working better than others, as in most albums, but the overall feel is both meditative and mesmerizing. The track “Undertones” is almost anthem-like in sound and lyric. “Intro” – track 9 – is a simple yet enchanting guitar piece. But as “Inverse Seconds” begins I bring the top down and crank up the heat, on this winter’s evening. While drifting down the highway I’m traveling, I release the song into the night, feeling really “cool” that I’m from Seattle…’cause so is Jabi Shriki.



  • Official 501(c)(3) Recognition

    After almost a year of paperwork and back and forth with the IRS, Songwriters in Seattle has received official approval for recognition of tax exempt 501(c)(3) and public charity status beginning Feb. 23, 2011. While we have been working under the assumption that this would be achieved for tax years 2011 forward, we are happy to publicly announce that it is now officially and legally the case.


    So, what does this mean? In simple terms, it means that any donations made to Songwriters in Seattle (including those made last year) are tax deductible. It means a lot more in reality, as it opens us up to many more avenues of funding, including corporate matches (and in some cases like Microsoft, matching of volunteer hours with dollars) and grants, both public and private. Also, the likelihood of corporate sponsorships and others jumping onboard to help us increases. These are areas we can now pursue that had been on the backburner. If you have knowledge or ideas for funding opportunities, please contact us at and we will help set it up.


    More funding means more opportunities for the musicians of our region to learn, grow, and enrich the culture of the Pacific Northwest. We are proud to serve our membership and the region in this endeavor and thank you for your support.