Songwriters in Seattle

Tag: songwriting

  • SiS Podcast: Charlie Heinemann

    SiS Podcast: Charlie Heinemann

    January, 2012

    Charlie Heinemann
    Americana singer/songwriter Charlie Heinemann is interviewed by SiS Organizer Chris Klimecky. Charlie shares songwriting tips, songs from the album “Disheartened” with his band The Repeat Offenders, and plays a new song live.

    Click the play icon above to stream, or click here to download

    Click here to read more about this podcast from Chris’s blog archive.

    Subscribe to the SiS Podcast on iTunes

  • Songwriting Lesson: Matching Melodies and Lyrics

    I would like to start off our little coaching session with a tip that is crucial for good song development. It’s sad but true that many songwriters ignore this skill I am about to tell you resulting in underdeveloped songs. It’s also a skill that’s not easy…I suppose that’s why many overlook it. Here it goes!


    It use to be popular for two individuals – a lyricist and a music composer – to work separately for the same goal. Some famous examples are Oscar Hammerstein and Richard Rogers, or George and Ira Gershwin. Each had a skill that complemented the other. One was good with words and the other melody and music. These two skills required an assortment of tools  the writers would use to put together a polished song. The point I am making is today it is common for one person to do both jobs requiring an understanding of both processes – blending lyrics with melody.


    Tools of Songwriting: What this means is those things you know or techniques you learn that makes a song sound good. That is put as simply as I can. There are lots of tools to learn, but the good news is the more you learn the easier the job gets.


    Let me introduce to you the process of choosing the right music to match the words of a song. This skill is sometimes called “prosody” – a big word that simply means using the right music to enhance and give depth to specific words in a song. Its the strength and function of music to embellish words – to create the emotion and put some life into them – learn to choose the right tones and length of tones to enhance the words. This is when you put on your composer hat and be cognizant of choosing the right music or melody – catching the mood of the words of the song you are writing. In the simplest form let me describe the use of music to enhance the lyrics of a song. A good example is a song you are familiar with, I’m sure. That way I know you can hear the melody that I’m describing. “Somewhere over the Rainbow” – so do you have the melody in your mind?


    Somewhere over the Rainbow way up high


    I want you to notice the arc of the melody as you sing…Some…Where (Up high) over the rainbow…(this follows a musical arc…like a rainbow – you can picture it)…way… (is the other side of the arc down lower)  “up high” (….up has a little lift to it as well). What would it be like if you ended “up high” with it going down low? It would give a different meaning to what the lyric writer wanted. Now say the phrase in a monotone voice. In other words just speak it without up and down emphasis. That would be quite a dull song wouldn’t it? So what tool did the composer use? Pitch….the up and down dimension of music used to perfection following the arc of the rainbow placing emphasis or spotlighting very important parts of the lyrical phrase. Also, the length of tone given to each word or syllable in a word is carefully chosen. For example: the composer did not linger on the word “the.” Correctly, the emphasis is on “Somewhere….(it’s prolonged)…and….”rainbow” (it’s split with each part of the word extended giving it punctuation). Then of course “up high” lifts at the end of the phrase. Now for a very important part of the lesson: Highlight the important words in your lyrical phrase with these powerful tools. The success of this song is understandably credited to the detail given to blending melody with lyric in such a masterly fashion.


    Now to top this lesson off is to mention the hardest part of songwriting that I know. Let’s say you developed a melody with the first verse; emphasis is on the right words and the lifts all make sense. You have a dynamic first verse. Now the second verse you’re typically stuck with the same melody but you have to say something different. Here is where a skilled writer creates a well written song. The writer must choose the right words to follow the melody with all its dynamics in place, emphasizing or spotlighting the proper content of the new and different lyrics of the second verse. Warning! Do not end up spotlighting words or parts of phrases that have lesser value or you will end up with a weak second verse. Give careful thought to make sure emphasis is not on words like “the” or “is”….You don’t want to give listeners any reason to lose interest in your song at any point. This requires more skill but if you do it – carry it through and don’t be lazy – your songs will have an incredibly polished appeal to them.


    This could be a difficult lesson that may take years to master. Many say it’s not that important but the masters of the craft take all these tools painstakingly into account when writing their songs. This lesson is intended to introduce this tool – not to master it overnight. Be aware of it and use it when writing your next tune.


  • Aug/Sept 2011 Songwriting Contest Results!

    Thanks to everyone who sent in entries to the Songwriters in Seattle contest and thanks to Brian Nelson of Paintshaker Music for providing the grand prize: 8 hours of studio time at Elliot Bay Recording Company.

    Congratulations to the winner of our August/September 2011 Songwriting Contest…


    For his song “LA Is Totally Awesome”click this link to have a listen For yourself.

    Charlie Heinemann












    Judges’ Comment (by SiS Organizer Chris Klimecky): “This song has a great combination of a singable melody, a chorus I can’t get out of my head, brilliant phrasing, and a tight structure. Lyrically, the storytelling rides the fine line of cleverness, humor, and a touch of sarcastic attitude which always makes me smile while also making a subtle point about what is really important in life. Nothing outrageous or innovative, per se, just all the right parts executed extremely well.”

    There were many fantastic entries in the 33 we received – here are links to more songs our judges feel deserve recognition:

    “I Am The Water” by Zoe Wick
    “Take Me Away” by Scott Burkhalter
    “Desert Highway” by Derek Medina
    “Sleeveless Season” by Jean Mann
    “Life is Alright” by Steve Church

    Other Top Picks:
    “Mr. Universe” by Jennifer Cadence
    “Just Fine” by KC Brakes
    “That’s When Life Began” by Bruce Hunt
    “Tale of a Missouri Girl” by Erin Jordan
    “It’s Time” by Cat Henderson
    “Morning Aire” by Leo Brodie
    “Heroes” by Randy Edwards
    “(My Meeting With) Mr. Vegas” by Jim Marcotte
    “Feeling’s Gone” by Lou Gopal
    “Chelsie Don’t Cry” by Segrid Coleman
    “The Wedding Song” by Andy “Roo” Forrest


    Archive of contest info and rules:

    Grand prize is 8 hours of studio time at Elliot Bay Recording Co. courtesy of Brian Nelson at Paintshaker Music ($550 value)!

    Elliot Bay Recording Company


    This contest ends Sept. 30 – See rules and submission procedures below…

    Aug./Sept. 2011 SiS Songwriting Contest Rules


    1. You must be a Pacific NW Songwriters in Seattle member in order to be eligible.
    2. SiS Board of Directors and Employees/Associates of Elliot Bay Recording Company and Paintshaker Music are not eligible.
    3. Entries must be submitted by Friday, September 30.
    4. Submitted songs must be publicly and freely available on the internet via weblink. This is for your benefit! We will showcase and publicize you and your song to everyone if you win! MP3s submitted directly to SiS will not be eligible. Songs with any listening gate/restriction (for example, must sign up for a mailing list) will not be eligible.
    5. Multiple songs from a single writer are not eligible. Only the first song submitted will be considered.


    1. Send a link to your song to If there are multiple songs accessible from that link, be sure to state specifically which song you are submitting.
    2. Only one song per songwriter will be accepted. It is okay if one artist performs the songs of multiple songwriters. We are recognizing and awarding the songwriters, not the performing artists.
    3. In your e-mail submission, please be clear about stating who the songwriters are (i.e. credits).


    1. The winner will be determined by the SiS Board of Directors. All decisions are final.
    2. The winner will be announced Monday, October 17th at the SiS Monthly Networking Meeting at Cafe Allegro in the U District and posted here on the day after.
    3. Coordination and scheduling of the grand prize awarded max. 8 hours of recording time at Elliot Bay Recording Co. will need to be arranged between the winning artist and Brian Nelson of Paintshaker Music.

  • “Mooncakes” on NPR’s Marketplace

    Songwriters in Seattle had a really cool and unexpected bit of national media attention Monday with our song, “A Black Market For Mooncakes” being part of a segment on NPR’s Marketplace. I’ve been asked a lot about how it happened, all the way back to the origin story of the song, so I thought I’d give you the lowdown on how it went down. First, here are the links to the NPR piece itself, as they have the text of what was read on air along with the whole song posted here:

    NPR Marketplace segment on Mooncakes song

    You can hear the entire audio of the Marketplace segment on their posted podcast here (our “Final Word” bit starts around 25:15):

    9/12/11 Marketplace segment audio

    So what’s the connection to Marketplace in the first place? Back in Sept. of 2010 my friend Skye Hansen posted a link to a Marketplace article by NPR Marketplace China correspondent Rob Schmitz called “A Black Market For Mooncakes” on her Facebook wall. I had only seen the headline come across my screen and it struck me as unique and poetic – so off the cuff I immediately commented on the post, “Sounds like a song title…” (completely in jest, of course). What Skye commented back was magical:

    “There’s a black market for mooncakes
    That appears in the dead of night
    It’s right next to that store with the fallingstar jam
    And other unearthly delights!”
















    As I was at once surprised and blown away, I definitely wanted to make this into a real song. So I did try in vain for a few weeks to see if I could do anything with it, to no avail. Thus the Songwriters in Seattle “mashup” event where I brought what I thought could be a decent seed for a group collaboration. After some discussion about Rob’s article and the potential themes of China’s repression, underground rebellion, people coming together despite restriction to celebrate their passions, and the poetic symbol of the cosmic eatery, it was agreed that we’d give it a shot. (Note: Rob’s article wasn’t really about any of those things – it was more what we were inspired to think about based on the seed idea). With the throwing out of my portion of the attempted lyrics and some tweeking of Skye’s original chorus, we went to work.

    As you can imagine, 10 songwriters in a room trying to write the same song was…challenging. Lyrics and associated chords were written (and crossed out) with big black markers on large sheets of paper and stuck to the walls. There was much chaotic guitar playing and random singing. Some were frustrated, some thought it was going nowhere – or at least nowhere worthwhile. But after 3 hours or so, we had something – it wasn’t much, but we had something and it was actually pretty good. With me standing up at the sheets on the wall and trying to direct everyone to verses and choruses that would make a reasonable finished structure with what we had (only one verse of lyrics in addition to what we started with plus the chords to the two sections), we hit record on Jessica Lynne’s iPhone and ran through it best we could:

    (Warning – this is super rough, with beer bottles clanking as they fall over, yelling directions, and other such fumbling to get through)

    Now fast forward a few months…based on that recording I obviously had some work to do to make the song into a listenable finished piece, but it finally came together. Recording was fun as this is not anywhere near a typical style for me. Breaking out the nylon string guitar for a flamenco solo and faking castanets with spoons from the kid’s toy percussion set were especially unusual. And then singing along with Jessica Lynne and David Rix to make us sound like a much larger group was a real kick. Overall, I am very happy with how the song and recording turned out. I feel it represents the collaborative talents and aspirations of Songwriters in Seattle very well.

    Many thanks again to David whose great idea and, more importantly, his action it was to send the recording to the original author of the Marketplace article which inspired the song, Rob Schmitz, and got the next part of the story started. Rob’s response:

    “All I can say is: Wow. I knew I had hit upon something when I reported the
    mooncakes story, but I never in my wildest dreams thought it was worthy of
    moving a group of musicians to song. Well done. I¹m honored my bizarre
    little story inspired your group to write and perform this piece.”

    Rob forwarded it to his producers in LA and next thing you know, David and I are working out the details with Marketplace Producer Fiona Ng to get the song on the air and linked on their website. Some vague details about what we should expect and when…then a few days later…boom! “I thought it was kinda catchy…” – Marketplace host, Kai Ryssdal. How cool is that? Thanks to Rob and Fiona for making it all happen.

    There you have it! This is yet another great example of the amazing things that can happen when we work together!

  • SiS Podcast: Andy Glover

    February, 2011

    Andy Glover
    SiS Organizer Chris Klimecky interviews prolific songwriter and YouTube musician Andy Glover. They discuss how YouTube has driven, influenced and connected him with people and opportunities. All unique live performances!

    Click the play icon above to stream, or click here to download

    Click here to read more about this podcast from Chris’s blog archive.

  • Aug/Sept Songwriting Contest

    Acccompanying the re-launch of, we are pleased to announce our songwriting contest for August through September. The grand prize is 8 hours of studio time at Elliot Bay Recording Co. courtesy of Brian Nelson at Paintshaker Music ($550 value)! Many thanks to Brian for supporting SiS and we look forward to hearing the results of our winner’s time with him in the studio.



    Contests are a great way for us to feature some of the top talent of our SiS members as well as a great opportunity for our members to gain extra exposure and maybe a quote or two for their press kit. Not to mention the prizes from our awesome sponsors! Please see the contests page for official rules and submission requirements.